Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1645 I am invincible, you can do whatever you want


Sharjah didn't know that Shenmujing seedling had become one of Zhaohua's summoned beasts.

Shenmujing and Tianguanxin flower demon are not fused together, they are both plant-type monsters, and plant-type monsters have a relationship called symbiosis, they are connected and symbiotic.

What Mo Fan saw from the Shenmu well was not the current Shenmu well, but the scene inside the mature Shenmu well deep in the Amazon rainforest through the seedlings.

At that time, Mo Fan saw the densely packed corpses and the scene of his own death. This was a prophecy made by Shenmujing who collected Mo Fan's soul fragments.

The corpses that Mo Fan saw at that time were not real corpses, but the souls collected by Shenmujing.

Shenmujing is a restricted area. It is impossible for so many monsters to enter the depths of the Amazon to seek death. Most of them are soul fragments collected by Shenmujing from all over the world and finally reassembled.

Zhaohua does not have the ability to distinguish the elements in the air like the soul of the Parthenon, who can distinguish the fire elements in the air from the little flame fairies and the soul fragments from the little flame fairies like the Parthenon soul, and then put these Fire elements and souls gather to resurrect the little Flame Fairy.

The Parthenon soul can even recombine and revive the body, soul, human spiritual world, and demon core of demons.

It's as if the Jin Yao Titan was resurrected after tens of thousands of years of death.

Naturally, it is impossible for a mage to have this level of control. At most, a mage can perceive the existence of elements and then control them. The only one who can see, really see the elements is Mu Ningxue when he opened the domain of God, but Mu Ningxue can only Seeing the ice element, there is no difference between them.

After all, the soul is ruled by the plane, and all forbidden curses, divine gifts, divine arts, and emperors are rubbish.

Naturally, human beings cannot reach this level, but they can only distinguish between different elements and see souls. Some special monsters are born with such abilities.

The racial talent gap.

Some races are undeniably favored by the world.

Buzzing and buzzing sounds sounded, and suddenly, the holy light around the holy city began to fluctuate, and a chair of a certain building broke through and a fingernail light cluster floated out. Among the rubble on the ground of the holy city, a certain A mage's hair, a magic-killing tool of a heretic judge, and even some flowers and plants have small light clusters flying out, with different sizes.

More and more, in a short period of time, countless small light clusters gathered together. These small light clusters were like fireflies at night. Gather in the well.

After a while, a human figure began to appear, not only in the holy city, but even in the air and in the pool, gathering from all directions, the whole process was majestic and magnificent.

Sharjah gritted her teeth suddenly, she didn't expect her fusion magic to be broken in an instant!

Sharjah wanted to attack the Shenmu Well, but a dark chain drilled out of the ground and tied Sharjah's wrists, giving her no chance to destroy it.

Ji Shaohan showed a smug smile, and Xiao Ji was controlling Xuanming, and he didn't even need to control it. Now the only threat is Uriel with eighteen wings, and the others are mediocre, so there is no need for Xuanming .

Sharjah shouted loudly: "Uriel! What are you waiting for, once he gets Gabriel's angelic soul again, this world will be completely over!!"

For a moment, both Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan looked at Uriel. Eighteen wings, the eighteen-winged archangel only appeared in ancient times. In the era of mass extinction, God died, and all the seven angels died, leaving only the holy soul of the angel. Eight-winged angel.

No one knows how strong the eighteen-winged archangel is. Although it is only two wings more than the sixteen wings, and less than twenty wings, Uriel, like Sharjah, also relies on the angelic soul to build the Angel Bridge, which has four series Forbidden curse, but Eighteen Wings may have a qualitative change.

But the strange thing is, no matter how anxious Sharjah was, Uriel remained indifferent as if deliberately pretending not to hear.

But it is also understandable, Zhaohua can stare at it.

"Why, won't you stop it?" Zhaohua asked curiously instead.

Uriel is the one who hides the deepest. For Zhaohua, even if Michael has the strength of the Eighteen Wings, he is not as scary as Uriel. This person is very deep, and he returned to the Holy City first.

Thirty years ago, he was the one who made Wentai's Dark Sacred Judgment, and he was the one who revealed the secret of Wentai's relationship with the dark plane. In the end, relying on this feat, he was the first angel to return to the holy city after Zhaohao's incident.

Even Zhaohua didn't know whether Uriel was good or bad. He did reveal that Wentai was related to darkness, but he also helped Wentai enter the dark plane.

Zhaohua also didn't know whether Ulie was helping Wentai, or whether he was simply inferior to Wentai and lost to Wentai in terms of strategy.

After all, there is no shame in losing to Wentai.

Uriel raised his head to look at Zhaohua, and there was a kind smile on his old face.

Uriel was, of course, the oldest of all the angels.

"No, and I can't stop it."

Tell the truth.

Sharjah was still struggling, and the power of the forbidden curse blasted out, but it had no effect at all in front of Ji Shaohan. If Ji Shaohan had no reason to kill Sharjah and didn't want to kill this little junior sister, she would have died long ago.

There were more and more light clusters, and finally there were light clusters floating from Ji Shaoan and Uriel, and a part of Gabriel's holy soul was hidden on the leaves of the Tianguan Zilin sacred tree.

Except Zhaohua.

Sharjah really didn't dare to hide the holy soul on Zhaohua, because she was afraid that Zhaohua would have some perception ability, but it never occurred to her that she didn't need to perceive at all.

"It's a good thing that little brother Shenmujing didn't go out to wander, otherwise the holy city mage would escape, and he would have to search all over the world."

Even the holy city mage has it. If this is really let go, I am afraid that only the power of the plane level like the soul can be gathered.

The Shenmu Well is no longer the young seedling that Zhao Jing was back then. Now the power of the Shenmu Well is miraculous and terrifying, and even the Angel Holy Soul cannot escape its Shenmu Well pool.

A few minutes later, the sixteen-winged Holy Spirit of Gabriel, who looked somewhat similar to Sharjah, appeared in the sacred wood well. The Holy Soul of Gabriel was very beautiful, with exquisite facial features, really as beautiful as an angel.

It's just that the holy soul of Gabriel was trapped in the water at this time, and it was difficult to even struggle.

From a human point of view, the holy soul of Gabriel is indeed very beautiful, but to Shengyin, it is similar to looking at a white monkey, and it will not be sympathetic.

The white-feathered holy willow stretched out its wickers, and each wicker pierced into the holy soul of Gabriel like a thorn, and turned into a shackle to bind the holy soul of Gabriel, and then dragged it away from the sacred wood well pool, and the other angelic souls Same, tied to the white-feathered willow.

Zhaohua looked at Uriel, his eyes slightly rolled away, and he was the last one left, and he could gather all the angelic souls.

There is still one chapter left, and it will be updated tomorrow night.

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