Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1668 Saint Winged Master

"You smell like an angel."

Zhaohua looked at the guiding angel, who was Ten Wings anyway, so he still had some perception ability.

Zhaohua didn't hide it either. He glanced at her and said with a polite smile, "Well, the holy souls of the seven angels are all on my summoned beast."

"The holy souls of the seven great angels? Could it be the souls of the seven original angels!?"

Hearing Zhaohua's unhidden words shocked the leading angel, because as far as she knew, among the seven strongest angels bestowed by God back then, the weakest one was the Great Emperor, and there were two other angels Possesses the strength of the supreme emperor.

So it is conceivable how terrifying the strength of the holy totem was at the beginning. With the complete Xuanwu totem of the great emperor's strength, Xuanwu could even compete with the seven angels.

Although the power of theocracy and soul cannot be used in the magic world, the master is still the master. The green dragon with a complete totem can compete against the demon god Chi You, one of the masters of darkness in the magic world.

The summoning plane does not send masters to the magic world because there are no master creatures, but the power of masters cannot be exerted in the magic world, so the four holy totems who have the ability to become masters come to fight with the totem tribe.

Naturally, all planes know the final result, and the guiding angel knows even more, so it was so surprised when it heard that Zhaohua possessed the holy souls of all the archangels.

How could a human being steal the holy soul! Even if God has fallen, the holy soul is a soul blessed and protected by God's divine soul. It can almost never be destroyed and cannot be snatched away.

If it can be snatched away, doesn't it mean that the human being in front of him has the power to disobey God!

The guiding angel couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment, and murmured, "How is this possible... Are human beings already so powerful..."

Shrinking its body, the old dragon standing by and watching didn't interrupt the ten-winged angel's question, because it also wanted to inquire about more things.

The old dragon can probably understand that Shengyin's ability to obtain the holy souls of the seven angels should be related to the Baiyu Shengliu.

The White Feather Sacred Willow possesses the power to absorb and condense the world, and then give birth to a holy soul. Even if it is a young seedling of the White Feather Sacred Willow, it is not a problem to capture the holy souls of the seven angels.

For a while, the passage became quiet. After ascending for an unknown time, Zhaohua could no longer see other types of pterosaurs from outside the passage, and the rest of the pterosaurs were all in the shape of dragons.

It is not difficult to speculate that the ruler of the holy winged species should be the dragon-shaped holy winged species, so the dragon-shaped holy winged species are known as nobles, living in the world of the uppermost layer of the white-feathered holy willow.

There was a loud bang, and Zhaohua was observing the environment and creatures in the tree-level world of the White Feather Sacred Willow all the way, without paying attention to the time. I don't know how long it took, and finally the Holy Light Passage rushed out, rushing out of the White Feather Sacred Willow like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate. At this moment, the scenery in front of Zhaohua changed drastically.

Empty and boundless, at this moment, Zhaohua actually has a feeling that the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide and the fish are leaping, and there is a feeling that life has been sublimated.

"Is this the treetop world of the White Feather Sacred Willow..."

Not to mention Zhaohua, even Shengyin came to the top of the White Feather Sacred Willow for the first time, and even ordinary dragon-shaped Sacred Wings were not allowed to enter here.

This is equivalent to the Holy Court of the Holy City, where the ruler lives.

In fact, the inner space of the holy court is also huge, like a small world, and the tree top world of the white feather holy willow is as vast as a small world.

When standing on the top of the white-feathered willow, you can feel how small the magic world is.

Looking at the sky from a distance, there is an endless expanse of whiteness. When you look up, you can see countless twinkling stars. When you lower your head, you are stepping on the catkins of the holy willow with white feathers. The silvery white catkins make up the ground.

The gigantic size of the White Feather Sacred Willow is unimaginable, and what is even more unimaginable is the huge white mountain in front of Zhaohua.

That is the master, the only master of the entire holy world, the owner of the soul.

This is not the first time for Zhaohua to meet the Juggernaut face to face. He has seen too many Juggernauts. It can be said that the entire wizarding world has seen the most Juggernaut mages.

Even if Ji Shaoan is not counted, Zhaohua, the Lord of Darkness, has only seen three of them, the Fallen Saint King Wentai, the Ancient King, and the Dark King. There are the most summoning planes, the three masters of the Thousand Clans Elf Tower, and the final Emperor Dragon of the Ten Thousand Dragon Valley.

And the white long dragon in front of him, which looks a bit like Shengyin, is Zhaohua's first master of the holy plane who really saw the real body.

Neither the guiding angel nor the old dragon dared to stay for too long, and left along the passage of holy light.

They are only responsible for bringing Zhaohua to the ruler. What Zhaohua owns is too important. If something goes wrong, Zhaohua takes the white-feathered willow back to the magic world. The tribe will be implicated.

The air became quiet for a while, and Zhaohua could feel the unstoppable trembling of Shengyin's body, and the dragon claw pierced into Zhaohua's mental body without noticing it.

It's no wonder that Holy Silver is different from Rainbow Fish. Holy Silver escaped from a crime. Facing the ruler of the world, can it not tremble.

Zhaohua stroked Shengyin's hair and approached slowly.

When he faced the Final Yan Emperor Dragon, Zhaohua was still a mage who had just surpassed the rank, but now that he was a forbidden curse, he felt more clearly what kind of creature the Juggernaut was.

This is an existence that human beings are absolutely invincible to. The masters of their own world are the real masters with divine souls. Their strength cannot be guessed by other creatures.

The stronger the strength, the more clearly you can see, and the more hopeless you feel.

The Fallen Saint King is this kind of creature, and it may be even stronger.

Shengjing Juggernaut is actually very similar to Final Yan Emperor Dragon, and their powers are the same. Whether it is finality or purification, they are powers that are only used when there are major problems in the plane. It is equivalent to the function of system reset, allowing all creatures, power, and order in the entire plane to return to their original state.

Ji Shaoan's theocratic power of death should also have the same effect on the dark plane. In addition to its own power, these three plane powers are also given the power to restart, but they need to be activated at the cost of their own lives.

A voice sounded from the depths of this endless white world: "The human mage...hasn't seen a creature like a human for a long time."

Zhaohua stopped, stared at the huge white mountain, and said slowly and calmly: "This is the first time I have met the ruler of the Holy Winged Species. I am the contractor of Holy Silver. My name is Zhaohua, and I am a human mage."

"Interesting, you're actually comparing me with the Final Emperor Dragon in Wanlong Valley."

Mind reading, it feels Zhaohua's inner thoughts.

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