Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1677 Zerg

"To be honest, today I understand what it was like when you competed."

Zhao Manyan looked up at the huge white nest in the sky, his little white face was as pale as a ghost with fright.

The current Grand Duke of the United Kingdom, Grand Duke Irene, the orthodox patriarch of the Victoria family, is standing next to Zhao Manyan.

It was once rumored that the Grand Duke Irene and the Zhao family had plans to get married, and the two had also been rumored to have an affair, but they hadn't announced it to the public.

Hearing Zhao Manyan's complaints, Irene's expression was solemn, and she said in a low voice: "He didn't intend to kill me back then."

The melee of the Three Kingdoms in the semi-finals of the National Competition ended with Mo Fan defeating Zeruo, Mu Ningxue drawing against Asharuya, and Zhaohua defeating Irene.

If it was a life-and-death battle back then, she might have lost even worse and died faster.

Jerome on the side sighed, and said speechlessly: "I don't think he wants to kill us now, if we don't shoot and just watch the battle..."

Needless to say, the relationship between the Parthenon Temple and the many magic families in the UK. When I ran against the former goddess Yizhisha, almost all the magic families in the UK, led by the Victoria family, were on Ye Xinxia's side. Support Ye Xinxia and fight against Yizhisha.

In the end, Ye Xinxia officially inherited the position of Goddess, and after she fully awakened her soul, the British magic family naturally reaped huge benefits.

The magical power of Britain skyrocketed. Not only did it not decline after leaving the European Magic Union, but it also showed the trend of the European magic boss in ancient times.

Now not only Irene's Victoria family and Ye Xinxia have launched a dragon training plan, making the Victoria family an internationally renowned "Dragon Training Magic Family", many other British magic families have also begun to tame some powerful dragons because of the power of Goddess Ye Xinxia. of demons.

For example, Harry Jerro's Harry family, like Mu Bai, researched and cultivated poisonous insects.

"A few months ago, the goddess notified our family and asked us to protect the Parthenon, saying that someone was going to attack the Parthenon. I still don't believe that anyone would dare to attack the Parthenon."

"Hehe, I thought it was like the election when the Black Vatican attacked the Parthenon."

"I thought it was the siren coming again."

"Why do I feel that this is scarier than the sea monster?"

Shad, Hibbert, Eberron, and Siston, who used to be the main members of the British national team, have now become family leaders and come to guard the temple.

Now the Parthenon almost gathers the most powerful magic families in the entire UK, even military mages.

Victoria is the royal family, and the British national team also has mages like Ai Jiangtu who come from a family of military mages. Ye Xinxia even has the ability to let European military mages protect them.

Originally, the holy city also had such power. They were not countries, but the eight major magic organizations. When Mo Fan summoned the green dragon, the European Magic Alliance agreement brought out by Uriel was equivalent to this power.

The Holy City and the Parthenon are obliged to train more powerful mages, enhance the magic power of the world to protect the world, and when the Holy City and the Parthenon are attacked by monsters, the magic country is also obliged to send military mages to rescue .

Qinglong is just called a totem in our own country, it is a monster in other countries, and it is still very strong.

That's why when Zhaohua attacked the Holy City, he had to go to the Magic United Nations to hold a meeting. The purpose was to abolish this power of the Holy City, so that military mages from other countries would not take action.

In addition, the reputation of the Holy City was bankrupt at the beginning, so no other countries came to support it.

But the Parthenon is different from the Holy City. The Parthenon is even the opposite of the Holy City. The Holy City's reputation went bankrupt because of Mo Fan's affairs, but the Parthenon not only did not lose its reputation, but also because of its support. Mo Fan protected the justice side and received more support.

Other countries may be afraid of Zhaohua and the ancient country behind him, and are unwilling to take advantage of this troubled water, but Britain is different. They were not even afraid of the previous goddess Yi Zhisha, and they all supported Ye Xinxia, ​​and finally won Huge benefit.

Now it is even more impossible to abandon the goddess Ye Xinxia who has long been in the sky in the world.

Therefore, except for a few military leaders who need to guard the border in the country, almost all the magical powers that can come in the UK have come.

Even other countries in Europe, such as Germany and France, have mages who come to protect the goddess.

There are also some mages who were even members of the national competition. After all, the selection of the national competition is based on the background. As long as there is no deviation, the members of the national government will definitely be the top of the country in the future, and they will be the power to protect the country.

When Zhao Manyan heard Siston, who was once known as the absolute defense, say, "I feel that this is more terrifying than the sea monster", Zhao Manyan compared it with the sea monster natural disaster that attacked the magic capital.

"It's not a feeling, he's really scarier now than the Kraken Calamity."

In the past few years, Zhaohua has been crazily absorbing resources to cultivate summoned beasts. His victory over the Kraken natural disaster has made his strength explosively stronger. In addition, he later attacked the holy city and snatched the holy souls of the seven angels. He snatched almost all the resources in the world. .

The summoning system is different from other magic systems. This magic system has no upper limit in a sense, and it can eat no matter how many resources it has.

Doesn't the huge white insect nest in front of him explain all of this?

This is also the reason why the summoning system has been suppressed to the forbidden spell. The summoning system is very dangerous, and the world will be destroyed if one is not careful.

As for Zhaohua, there is no doubt that he is fighting with his back.

Facing the ruler, facing God, facing Satan, facing the fallen sage Wang Wentai, facing such an opponent, Zhaohua must gather the power of the whole world to have a little hope of resisting it.

Zhaohua now has almost gathered most of the power and resources of human mages.

Since the siren disaster, the Zerg has not appeared. It is not that it has rebelled or fallen asleep, but that it launched a war against Zerg all over the world according to Zhaohua's order.

The two most powerful Zerg races in our country, Helan Mountain Bug Valley and Yunnan Bug Valley are both dominated by alien Zerg ruled by Zerg people, and there are also Zerg empires such as Congo, Indonesia, China, Mexico, India, Australia, Peru, Egypt, etc., almost None of them are opponents of the xenomorph Zerg.

At the beginning, Dimous, the mother of insects, was close to the roof, and she wanted to make the Zerg a race on the roof of the land.

Although there are Zergs in the sea, land and air, there are still the most Zergs on land. Originally, Wentai planned to wait until the Kraken Scourge defeated humans and humans were unable to stop the Zerg Mother Dimous, so that the Zerg Mother could recover the Zergs all over the world. The Zerg became the roof race of the land.

It's just that I didn't expect that Zhaohua would defeat her in the end. Not only did the worm mother not become the roof emperor, she was also swallowed by the worms and became the worm emperor, sweeping away all the zerg with the worm nest.

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