Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1706 The Victor of the Era

Hearing Ye Xinxia's questioning, the worm stopped attacking, touched his face with his right hand, and instantly changed from Mo Fan's appearance to Sa Lang's.

The real cardinal Sarang is the worm mother, or the worm mother is the real cardinal.

Sarang's unique Wang Chong, the Black Beast is created by using the parasites parasitic on the Jinyao Titan giant, the Black Holy See parasitic poisonous insect that has killed countless people, and one of the nine disciples who specialize in poisonous insects and poisonous mothers. Yifang Shaoli.

In fact, it can be seen from the side that the Black Vatican or Sarang is inextricably linked with the Zerg.

Using Sa Lang's appearance and voice, the worm said with a smile on his face, "Don't you understand, I quit."

Bug net.

At the time when Congcheng was attacked by several insect kings, Zhaohua knew from Fengzhou Longkou that the most terrifying thing about the heterogeneous insect race was the insect net, which was like an electronic network, which could spread the instructions and thoughts of the insect mother all over the world. The entire Zerg, the Zerg Mother can even control any Xeno Zerg.

And the order of the insect mother is absolute, so Zhaohua let the insect man feign death to avoid the insect net of the insect mother, and successfully contracted the insect man in another world in the dream tree, and it was at that time that the plan to cover the sky began .

However, all this is just a trap.

If the Fallen Saint King is Wentai and God, and God has never died, and created a non-magic world body creature like the alien Zerg a long time ago, a creature similar to an artificial object.

The battle in Forest Park gave the whole result a different meaning.

In the beginning, the Zerg was only seeking the path of evolution in the form of black bugs, hunting everywhere in the forest park. At that time, the Zerg was just one of the many different species of Zerg.

However, at that time, the Insect Man was not only losing to Zhaohua. Although the Fallen Saint Wang Wentai used the sky green pine to compete for the theocracy of death, although he won, he also lost to Zhaohua's son-in-law and was robbed a little.

Just imagine, a master who has been planning for a long time, created the Black Vatican in ancient times, left behind the so-called relic plan and Mayan civilization prophecy, the purpose is to win the theocracy of death at this time in the future, such an existence.

But in the end, Zhaohua took away part of the theocracy, and finally created container creatures like ghosts through the contract of the summoning system.

For Wen Tai himself, this is undoubtedly an unimaginable miracle.

Not to mention Zhaohua, a mid-level mage, even if Zhaolang recovers his strength, under Wen Tai's arrangement, he can't take away the slightest bit of death theocracy.

So for Wen Tai, the variable Zhaohua is like a nightmare. Compared with all mages and creatures in the magical world, it makes him sleepless and sleepless, and makes him understand that this person is the unknown in his plan.

From the moment he was in Forest Park, Wen Tai had already set his sights on Zhaohua.

Behind the worm mother is Wentai, who is controlled by Wentai, which is equivalent to Wentai's emissary in the magical world.

The soul is the messenger of light, and the worm mother is the messenger of darkness.

From that moment on, the bugman is actually the bug mother.

Since the bug net can allow the bug mother to control all the different species of Zerg, of course it can make the bug mother become any of the different species of Zerg.

This is where the Bugnet is most powerful. The worm mother is immortal. As long as there is even one of the heterogeneous zerg living in the world, the worm mother's consciousness will not die. Anyone can be a worm mother and can continue to evolve.

Sa Long is a title, anyone can be Sa Long, because Sa Long is a thought, the thought of a certain creature, as long as there is Wang Chong, anyone can be Sa Long.

Fang Shaoli is actually the next Sa Lang. It has been cultivated into a Zerg body, which is closer to the heterogeneous Zerg, as long as she can beat Mo Fan at that time.

The reason is simple, because Ye Chang's body is already old.

Ye Xinxia was one year younger than Mo Fan at the same age as Zhaohua, now Zhaohua is thirty-one years old and Ye Chang is almost sixty, but Ye Chang is also fifty years old, which is very old for human beings. old.

The insect net of the insect mother is simply unsolvable, and it is simply unmatched. When Zhaohua knew the existence of the insect net, he understood that this was the most powerful and incomprehensible place of the insect mother.

It is not strength.

The bugman's attack on the monster is all fake, no matter whether the attack on the monster wins or loses, it proves that human beings are indeed very powerful.

Zongren has always been an undercover agent, the one sent by Wentai to Zhaohua's side.

The worm net of the worm mother can be blocked. Although this is extremely difficult, even a magician cannot do it, but Wen Tai believes that Zhaohua can do it.

From defeating the fake insect mother to now ruling the entire magical world of the insect race, becoming the roof emperor was planned by Wen Tai from the beginning. He knew that human beings would definitely hinder it, so he came here to do his best, with the help of human power, Let the bug mother be the roof.

But Wen Tai made one of the most fatal mistakes.


Soul Ye Xinxia entered the Holy Court. The Holy Court is a garden in the sky. There is a splendid palace in the middle, and there are gardens on both sides.

The moment the soul Ye Xinxia entered the holy court, mages in white robes walked out from the central palace.

Temple Mother Parmis!

white robe!

The temple mother, Pamis, was wearing a white robe and stood in the holy court with a group of great sages from the Parthenon Temple.

The temple mother, Pamis, stood in the center, and all the great sages arranged a ritual formation. All the great sages began to chant, and suddenly, the entire Parthenon poured out endless bright vows.

The holy court has always been in the holy city, and the holy city has absorbed all the vows collected and accumulated by the seven archangels from all over the world for countless years, and now, even all the vows accumulated in the Parthenon are pouring into the holy court.

hum! The holy court shot out a holy light, and the holy light soared into the sky and shone on the sky. A circle of light appeared in the sky illuminated by the holy light, and there was a world in the light circle.

"The holy court is going to pull the entire Fallen Holy Realm from the dark plane!" Zhao Hua's eyes turned cold, knowing exactly what method Wen Tai used to come down.

The wish power that has been collected for countless years is equivalent to the wish of the whole world, and it is equivalent to the wish of creatures all over the world to let the fallen world come!

Even Zhaohua can't be sure how huge the power of countless years is, but even if the whole world can't be brought down, a small part is definitely not a problem.

"Stop it, the spirit has not been destroyed, we can't let Wentai descend at this time!" Zhaohua gave an order.

The appearance of the insect man changed again, and became Zhao Hua's appearance, but that expression was crazy.

Boom boom boom! The bugman stepped on the void and turned into a dark meteor and crashed into the Holy Court.

The terrifying dark flame collided with the Jinyao barrier, overflowing with energy. With a rattling sound, the bugman's right hand ruthlessly inserted into the Jinyao barrier. The high-density energy of the Jinyao barrier burned the bugman's right hand, but the black bugs that were only nanometers in size quickly repaired them.

Quack quack, the worm-man Zhaohua stared at Ye Xinxia with a crazy smile, more precisely at Shenhun, and violently broke the Jinyao barrier with both hands.

The soul emerged from Ye Xinxia's body, and said angrily: "Mother Chong! Father is your creator!! You are now the roof, and you don't need to pay attention to the summoning contract!"

Insect-man Zhaohua narrowed his eyes slightly, and laughed loudly: "Ahahaha! Contract? This thing has long been invalid."

"Do you know why human beings can have the last laugh in the era of mass extinction and become the winner of the era."

The bugman rolled his eyes and roared, "It's because of betrayal!!!"

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