Full-time Summoner

Chapter 179: Thirteen Games

A man covered in blood and emitting a stench looked at the man in black in front of him and said in horror, "You...you are from the Black Vatican!?"

When the man in black heard it, he seemed to have heard some big joke. He was amused, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you really laughed me to death, do you really think you can get 100 million by playing 13 games?" ? If it’s so easy to succeed, there’s no need for this game to exist.”

The man in black opened his arms and said loudly, "Come on! Choose! Join the Black Vatican or watch your family members die because of lack of money for medical treatment. Choose one! If you refuse, then before Everything will come to naught.”

The picture and sound of the screen have all been played so far, and from the perspective of the video, it should be a candid shot.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan came to a venue at Sun Yat-Sen University at night, and it was full of people, about 3,000 people in total. The venue was the same as when the freshmen entered the school. The only difference is that this time all the seats were mid-level mages.

This time, only one principal, Heng Shengjie, was left to explain the assessment of the main campus to everyone. After everyone entered the venue, Principal Heng Shengjie played the clip just now.

After the clip was played, Heng Shengjie said before the students present began to discuss: "This is a memory card received by the trial meeting yesterday, and it contains this video. The person who recorded the video was a ghost lover. I heard that ghosts like ghosts appeared in that abandoned building, so I set up a camera to secretly take pictures, but I didn’t expect to capture such things for him.”

"So the court arrested the man covered in blood in the picture. After the interrogation, it was learned that there was a game called '13 games' circulating among some young people in the demon city. This game will be 'pass if you are a man', "You can get 100 million by clearing thirteen levels" and other methods, using aggressive methods to induce young people to try."

Heng Shengjie pressed the remote control, and three lines of text appeared in the face-changing screen, which were the rules of the game.

1: If you give up in the middle of the game, all previous accumulation will be cleared.

2: No disclosure of game information is allowed, and all previous accumulations of offenders will be reset to zero.

3: You can't be noticed that you are playing this game. If you violate it, all previous accumulation will be cleared.

Zhaohua looked at these three conditions, and combined the information on the screen, even he couldn't help but feel cold. This is an extremely insidious game, and if he is not careful, he will become possessed and cannot extricate himself.

"Oh, what kind of broken game is this? Isn't it just playing games? If I play it for me, I will play until I see that person at the end, and I will arrest that person on the spot and send him to the trial meeting."

"That's right, this time it seems to be to see who can catch the black-clothed priest of the Black Vatican faster."

Many people have already guessed what the main campus assessment is this time, which is to arrest people.

Seeing that many people around were full of confidence, Zhaohua shook his head secretly with proud expressions on their faces as if they were determined. The most insidious part of this game lies in human greed. These arrogant people are afraid that they will be tricked.

Many of the people present were from the previous year. In fact, they could enter the main campus in the previous year, but the purpose of staying there on purpose is to reward the main campus for the assessment. Ninety-nine percent of the people here are staring at that reward, including Zhao Hua, who also really wants the 10,000 points.

Just now the video has already said, clearing the game will give you 100 million points, which is equivalent to 10,000 points. Everyone wants money to go to the assessment. Would you like 100 million points? Zhaohua does not believe that the students here can be calm and composed in the face of the temptation of 100 million.

The hardest part of this game is to give up. After working so hard to pass the first twelve levels, you are only one step away from getting what you dream of. You only need to agree to enter the Black Vatican to get it, so how can you give up willingly.

Zhaohua estimates that most people will choose to pretend to agree in their hearts, first join the Black Vatican for a period of time, and then come out.

Once you enter the Holy See, it is as deep as the sea, and from then on, the right way is a passerby.

Zhaohua did not forget Li Shijie, he joined the Black Vatican with such a mentality, and it turned out. The mud feet are deep, and it is difficult to extricate themselves.

Moreover, Zhaohua guessed that as long as he joined the Black Vatican, the Black Vatican must have means to restrict him. As long as he used spiritual magic to enlarge the dark side of a person, he would be swallowed by the desire in his heart without any manipulation at all.

The black beast represents power. If you are given a black beast, you can immediately obtain the power of the elementary summoning system. You don't need to practice tediously, and you don't need to waste resources.

The result was indeed as everyone expected. This year's main campus assessment was to arrest the priest in black, and not only Sun Yat-Sen University, but also South China Leihuo University's main campus assessment was the same. They are also searching for the black-clothed priests of the Black Vatican.

In a three-party melee, whoever catches it first counts, and the other two forces will lose. South China Leihuo Academy was in high spirits, as a signal and an opportunity to defeat the No. 1 Sun Yat-Sen Academy in Yaodu.

Whoever can catch him, 10,000 points will be given to him, and it’s okay to form a team. Anyway, it’s 10,000 points. You arrange the points yourself, and the school doesn’t care. Moreover, Principal Heng Shengjie finally said meaningfully, “Deal with the Black Vatican.” It doesn't matter what the means are, as long as you can prove it. '

A sentence full of killing intent.

As soon as they finished speaking, everyone ran out in a hurry, scrambling to be the first, as if they could get 10,000 points by leaving this door early.

But Zhaohua still sat in his seat and didn't move. Ji Shaohan also sat beside him, neither did Zhaohua leave.

【What's wrong? Any questions? ] Ji Shao has a puzzled look on his face, not knowing what Zhaohua is thinking.

Zhaohua turned to look at Principal Heng Shengjie, who was also looking at him on the stage, and said, "Principal, it should be fine if you don't participate in this assessment."

! ? Heng Shengjie was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Of course, as long as it is an intermediate mage, it is a student of the main campus."

"That's good, let the students go back to the dormitory and think about it before making a decision." Zhaohua thanked with a smile and walked slowly behind the door.

Ji Shaohan still followed out with a dazed expression and didn't know what was wrong.

Instead, Heng Shengjie looked deeply at Zhaohua's leaving back and nodded in satisfaction. Among all the students, only Zhaohua really understood the danger of this assessment.

In the past, the assessment of the main campus was like a joke, either it was to pick up something and let the students find it according to the clues, or it was to throw out a monster and let the students find it according to its characteristics. Plant a flag on the top of the back mountain, and take it back to be the first, assessing combat power, cooperation, defense, and trust.

However, in reality, that's all it is, and it's not very useful at all.

In recent years, the actions of the Black Vatican have become more and more frequent, and monsters around the world have frequently launched attacks. Therefore, Sun Yat-sen Academy and South China Leihuo Academy felt that they could no longer train students in such a gentle manner, and felt that they would make a big one. Just happened to happen this time.

The Black Holy See, the test of human nature, and the unknown crisis, this time the assessment is an innovation, making those rookies realize how much they are.

What is the Black Vatican, except for Zhaohua, everyone is not aware of it, and even except for Zhaohua, no one else has encountered the Black Vatican, so naturally they will not know this, so that all mages in the world want to get rid of it and hurry up , But how terrible is the helpless organization.

If you don't know how to fear the enemy, it will be difficult to reach the top.

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