Full-time Summoner

Chapter 186 Windscale Armor

Kakaka, silvery white scales suddenly appeared on Zhaohua's skin like nanotechnology in a movie, and covered the whole body little by little in rows. tidy.

If Mo Fan was at the scene, he must be stunned, because isn't this scales skin the same as the scales demon mother! Except for the different colors, it is basically the demon skin of the demon mother.

The scales formed very quickly, except for the eyes of the face that were not covered, even the nose had a layer of silvery white scales, but the scales on the face were smaller and the scales on the body were larger a little.

The magic equipment produced by the old technology in the past is like the airbag of a car. When you inject magic energy, it is like injecting air, so that the compressed, folded, and shrinking magic equipment quickly expands. In addition to the fact that the outer magic equipment is hard, the inside is actually supported and filled by magic energy. As long as the magic energy disappears, it will return to a shrunken shape, and the more attacks it receives, the inner magic energy will collapse, resulting in lower defense.

However, the magic tools that Zhaohua is currently using are the latest magic technology developed by the country, and Zheng Ming is one of the theorists of this new technology, but there are still some problems with this technology that have not been resolved, so it has not been widely used.

The principle of the new magic equipment is more like the replication principle and asexual reproduction of viruses. It is to give you a minimum unit, and then provide the energy you need, so that you can change one into two, two into four, four into eight, and quickly become a magic tool.

That's why Zheng Ming's eyes lit up when he saw the Scale Skin Demon Mother, because when the Scale Skin Demon Mother changed from a human to a demon, it was in this form, growing bigger from childhood.

After Zheng Ming's processing and refinement, it was finally manufactured into the current new type of magic armor with the addition of fusion magic function on the basis of new technology - wind scale armor.

Zhaohua took a look at the armor that looked like his own skin, with his arm covering his face, allowing the fire to burst and thunder to bombard him.

Boom! ! Zizizi! ! !

Don't look at it as a thin layer attached to the body, but the hardness of the scales is extremely high, and after processing, it is insulated from heat and electricity, and all the impact will be guided and distributed to each scale on the body, no longer It is a single area to absorb the impact, unless your strength can be strong to a certain extent.

The biggest difference between this armor and those inflatable armors is that Zhaohua can feel the attack with his body, and he can actually feel the strength of each attack. For example, according to the two thunder marks, he can judge the first thunder Yin is more powerful than the second one. It is very likely that the person in the first Thunder Seal has awakened at the elementary level and is majoring in the Thunder Department. relatively short.

On the other side, seeing Zhaohua using the magic armor to block the elementary magic didn't feel any magic, but Zhaohua was so surprised that he couldn't describe it. This magic armor has no time limit! ! !

Zhaohua didn't expect this. Originally, he just wanted a magical armor that could be integrated with the Brahma windbreaker, so that he would not lose his flexibility while improving his defense. But when Zhaohua put it on, he found that it really grew on his body like scales. Unless all the scales were pulled off, this magical armor would not disappear, or he used magic energy from the inside to remove it. It shakes off.

The reason why the magic equipment in the past has a time limit is because the magic energy cannot exist forever. The magic energy exists as a filler and it will dissipate, especially after being hit by an attack, it will dissipate faster.

But the wind scale armor is different, this scale is the scale skin, just like the scale skin demon mother, it will not disappear inexplicably when it grows, it is a stable structure, fixed.

Zhaohua looked at his body, besides its physical attack power is not as good as the scale skin demon mother, its defense power is even higher than the scale skin demon mother because of the processing technology of the scale skin. In terms of defense and speed, it can already surpass the Scale Skin Demon Mother.

Zhaohua not only has the wind element, but he has not forgotten that he also has an innate elf, which is also a fire elf that represents high temperature and explosion. If the magic attached to the wind scale armor is of the fire attribute, in a sense he is a fire elf. The scale-skinned demon man! !

"Wave—Thunderbolt—Boom to the top!"

Zhaohua's thoughts were interrupted by the strong middle-level lightning magic energy, and he fell into deep thought because of the tickling elementary magic. The middle-level lightning system can't just use magic armor to top it, not to mention that it is still the lightning magic of the spirit species, and heavy armor magic equipment may not be able to withstand it.

"Vatican windbreaker."

Elven magic is fused into magic armor. The essence of the Vatican windbreaker is strips of wind silk. The wind silk, which is so small as microbes, starts to color like paint, and is covered with the color of the wind. The scale armor is the real completion.

The emerald green light is hidden under the scales, and you can only see the flickering green light, which flickers on and off. When you look closely, you can see that the scales are blowing with a trace of wind, double protection.

boom! ! ! The thunder and lightning are like a mad dragon, and the momentum of ten thousand catties directly presses Zhaohua. Before the thunder and lightning arrive, the pressure comes first. I am afraid that this is the power of the spirit seed fluctuations.

Zhaohua crossed his hands to cover his head, and with a bang of huge pressure, a pothole was directly pressed out of the ground. Fortunately, the wind scale armor fused with the windbreaker has the power of wind, which provided Zhaohua with a little support, otherwise He is no longer half squatting.

Zizizi! ! ! ! The terrifying and brilliant white light illuminated the entire night sky like a flashlight, and the ground was even more astonishing. Thunder and lightning poured down like a waterfall. Seeing that Zhaohua had armor-piercing magic equipment, A Niu was completely dead. The protection of the magic armor, even if it hits, it is only a serious injury, it will not die, but it will lie in the hospital for a month or two.

"Hahaha, after seeing it, I know that Brother A Niu is amazing."

"It's what you deserve, let you pretend. After returning to the palace, you can call an ambulance yourself later."

"Brother Aniu, awesome!!"

Otherwise, why do hunters look down on mages in ivory towers like colleges? If it is a hunter mage, how can they talk nonsense to you at this time, draw a star map early, and hold the magic in your hands.

These students were actually watching a play and had no sense of crisis at all.

Ka, suddenly, the Thunder Waterfall was pushed up, everyone including A Niu was terrified, Zhaohua placed his right hand on top of his head in the white light of the thunder, as if he was supporting the collapsed sky, Stand up a little bit.

"How can it be!!!"

They couldn't figure it out at all, the magic armor on Zhaohua's body was clearly light armor, how could magic armor like leather armor be able to withstand the strongest single-unit thunder system! !

The lightning soon disappeared. Zhaohua probably knew that it would be no problem to block the spirit-seed's first-level middle-level lightning magic with the wind scale armor of the Fanfengyi. Let Thunder guide you away.

However, Zhaohua guessed that the third-level magic of the middle-level lightning system should not be able to withstand it. He can feel a little heat now, and the power of the third-level Thunder Dance has increased by more than a star and a half. The resulting high temperature scalds or even melts.

Zhaohua was speechless when he saw that the other five people were watching the show, and they didn't even use magic. He intentionally kept Xiao Fengcan and Lan Xinghu behind to prevent the other five people from using intermediate magic. .

Now it seems that this group of six is ​​a real team of pigs, it's not that a family does not enter a house.

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