Full-time Summoner

Chapter 203 The Strangeness of the Psychic System

There are also classifications of natural talents, like Mai Jiaxi and Mu Ningxue of the Imperial Academy, natural talents that only affect a certain magic department are called exclusive talents, which only strengthen a certain magic department, and other magic departments do not enjoy it. addition.

There is also a kind called universal talent, like Dongfang Ming and Dongfang Lie, the Dongfang twins of the magic family Dongfang family in Shanghai. Dongfang Ming's release speed is accelerated, that is, he regards the star path as a stone to be moved. Other people's stone is 10 catties, and this talent is to make the "stone" a little lighter. This talent can affect all stars.

The same is true for Dongfang Lie's mutated Xingzi. The mutated Huozi can release magic level +1. For example, when he uses the third-level Huozi, he can use it to level four, which can be regarded as a natural power bonus. When everyone can release magic together, you are at the first level, and the time it takes for others to be at the second level is still the same, but the level is one level higher than yours.

This kind of general talent is generally stronger, so in the talent ranking, Dongfang Ming is eighth and Dongfang Lie is fourth, higher than Mu Ningxue.

However, the benefit of exclusive talents is not only to strengthen a certain department, but for the strengthened department, the speed of cultivation will be faster, even doubled.

Zhaohua remembers that the first-level magic of the middle-level chaos system is offensive magic, called chaos-magic blade, which is a bit like the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion's wind slash. If it touches the body, the whole piece of flesh will be gone.

The scene was turned all of a sudden, four against five, and Sun Yat-sen University had a huge lead.

However, the people in the Central Academy are not fools. They also know the weakness of the Chaos System, that is, the Chaos Vortex can only open around themselves and cannot block bullets for teammates. As long as they don't hit him, the Chaos System will be useless.

However, Mai Jiaxi doesn't only have the Chaos system, his Thunder system has also reached the middle level. Although there is no Spirit Seed, the middle-level Thunder system comes as soon as it is said, and it is even more powerful.

However, he was restrained by the opponent's Psychic system. After knowing the strength of Mai Jiaxi, he became one-on-one guarded by the opponent's Psychic system, and did not give Mai Jiaxi the opportunity to use the mid-level magic of the Thunder system and Chaos system.

On the side of Sun Yat-Sen University, there is also a healing department. If there is no injury, the healing department is useless, and Ta Siqi's second department has not even reached the intermediate level. It is really the attribute of the Virgin. Magic explains everything.

This led to a stalemate in the game even if the numbers of the two sides were widened.

"Professor, I have no magic power."

"Me too, I don't have magic power anymore."

Guo Xiang was the first to end. He was a water elementalist who was always in charge of attacking, and he used Spirit Seeds very frequently, which caused his mana to decrease very quickly. But it wasn't just Guo Xiang, the Thunder mages of the Central Academy also ran out of mana. Both sides exited.

The healing system can only heal wounds and cannot restore magic.

After Zhaohua saw the downsizing of the two sides, he immediately realized something and said, "It seems that we are going to lose."

Ji Shaoxuan and the others were excited to see this. It was obvious that they were about to prepare for a decisive battle. Why did Zhaohua suddenly say that he was going to lose? Prophet?

Ji Shaoan wrote in the small drawing book: [Who will lose? 】

Zhaohua took a look at Ji Shaohan, who was a little confused, and became playful, picked up the small drawing book, and wrote on it: 【Of course it's us. 】

Jiang Heping smiled and nodded, also expressing his approval. On the stage, the students from the Central University are more experienced than his own students, and they know how to endure. They don't show any murderous intent until the end. .

As for my students, because they had accumulated an individual advantage at the beginning, they were already a little too lax. Several times, they had let the other party use intermediate magic, and instead exchanged intermediate magic for intermediate magic. It should appear on the side with the numerical advantage.

White light shone in the audience, a dazzling white star map appeared in front of everyone, Zhaohua noticed that Jiang Yu showed a confident smile, and pushed his glasses, this plan should be planned by him. Unexpectedly, he is still a strategist.

A white chain shot out from the star chart, and hit the blue-skinned Cyclops steadily, attaching a chain like a dog chain to it.

Ripple of the Mind——restlessness, although it cannot achieve the effect of controlling the summoned beast, it can make the summoned beast become very manic, and can't hear the master's order, cut off the connection with the summoning mage, and let the blue-skinned cyclops return to its original state. Primitive monster state.

howl! ! ! The blue-skinned cyclops looked at the silver-fanged wolf in front of him, and the silver-fanged wolf suddenly turned and walked to the other side, without continuing to fight with the blue-skinned cyclops, and disappeared.

Seeing that his opponent had disappeared, the blue-skinned Cyclops suddenly went berserk, and slapped the nearest Gao Cen with a backhand. Gao Cen was sent flying, drawing a bright red bridge rainbow in the air.

Fortunately, Gao Cen only had a lot of broken bones, and he was not dead. He was saved by Jiang Heping.

"What is your summoned beast doing!!!" Mai Jiaxi roared angrily. He was about to win. He was already preparing to use the mid-level poison-mixing magic magic blade, but who knew that he would do it suddenly.

Mai Jiaxi was ready to instantly kill a few people on the opposite side, but unexpectedly, the summoned beast turned against him!

If there is a distance, the monster is not very scary, but it is very scary if it is very close and suddenly attacks. The mage may die if he can't even cast magic.

"I... I don't know why. One-eyed! What are you doing! Stop quickly!!" But the blue-skinned Cyclops still didn't care, and even strode towards Liang Ri.

Sometimes reading is really important. Whether it is Liang Ri or Mai Jiaxi, they don't even know that the second-level middle-level magic of the mind system can make monsters go berserk and cut off the connection between summoned beasts and summoners.

If it is Zhaohua, when encountering a psychic mage using the ripple of the mind, he must use the first-level second-level magic to summon the beast to return, let the summoned beast return to the summoning space first, avoid this attack, and then summon let the beast out.

But obviously Liang Ri didn't know, and he was still shouting foolishly.

"Use elementary-level and second-level magic." Zhaohua couldn't help reminding, although the audience shouldn't make any noise, but now the defeat is obvious. It cannot be released for a short time.

Without the contracted summoned beast, Liang Ri is just a useless person, and he is still a beginner in the second line, without any combat power. And the other one is a healing mage, plus there is the presence of the mind system on the opposite side, one-on-one to check and balance the chaos magic, the defeat is already set.

As long as they don't avoid the ripple of the soul, then they will undoubtedly lose.

The ending is exactly as Zhaohua thought. A team with a Psychic system is hard to lose if you fight more. The Psychic system is almost invincible one-on-one, unless it is a violent mage of the Summoning system. Like Jiang Yu, the second system is the Thunder system. . Summoned a summoned beast, used the first-level and second-level summoned beasts to return to avoid the psychic mania of the mind system, and then took the opportunity to use the elementary magic of the thunder system to beat the mind system mage.

If the second element of the summoning system mage is not the fire element, thunder element, etc., which have attack power at the beginning level, they will not be able to defeat the soul element, and even think about using mid-level magic.

And the opponent in the second battle seemed to be a bright card, Jiang Yu and Yao Buyi both appeared on the stage.

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