Full-time Summoner

Chapter 208 Victory [Add more rewards]

The insect clothing of the little windworm was eaten away by the corrosive force of darkness.

Little Fengcan flapped its wings and looked fiercely at Ye Luocha on the ground in the air. The platform was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, and with Xiaofengcan as the center, a typhoon-like whirlwind appeared. Douguan, some light and small garbage such as plastic bags and papers are slowly attracted.

"Concubine!" Jiang Yu blocked his eyes with his hands, the wind made him a little bit hard to open his eyes, the wind speed was still increasing, and the dust rolled up made Jiang Yu's eyes more difficult to open, even Jiang Yu was too close , feeling a little untenable.

Meow! Ye Luosha's name is Concubine, Jiang Yu understood, Ye Luosha told him not to worry about himself, but to take care of what he was talking about first.

Ye Luosha is also full of power. It itself is the embodiment of darkness. Darkness, only the power of darkness can be used.

The shadow of Ye Raksha slowly flowed, possessing it like a piece of clothing. Ye Luosha spotted the little windworm in mid-air, meow! With a sound, he kicked his legs, and drew out four dark slashes with the dark cat claws in his hands. The four pitch-black half-moon flying slashes flew towards the little windworm at an incomparable speed. Even the elements in the air are no exception, this is an extreme dark power.

Xiaofengcan saw the dark slash without the slightest fear, the beautiful green pupils had a green light that flickered, Xiaofengcan pointed forward a little, and a green halo appeared in front of him, this halo was the same as Fengling made Zhaohua The aura used when learning domains is the same.

The difference is that this time Xiao Fengcan did not suppress his strength, but unfolded it with all his strength. After the emerald green halo appeared, Xiao Fengcan lightly pushed the halo with his palm, and the halo flew lightly towards the four dark lights.

brush! The four dark slashes passed through the halo, and the moment it passed through the halo, the darkness was disintegrated immediately. The power of darkness was finally no match for Xiaofengcan's elf magic.

This is the power of Xiaofengcan's elf magic. It can turn any power into wind, decompose the dark power of Ye Luosha, and turn Zhaohua's summoning magic energy into wind magic energy. The essence is to change (change).

Before Ye Luosha had time to be surprised, the slow green aura suddenly disappeared, crossed the space, and appeared around Ye Luosha, like a hula hoop, le! The emerald green halo shrank instantly, binding Ye Luosha like the first wind silk.

But this time the bondage is different from the wind silk. The spirit ring itself has the power to disintegrate, and any magic that touches the spirit ring will be disintegrated. The dark power of Ye Luosha was broken down before it could be corroded.

Meow! ! Ye Luosha had to struggle desperately, but unless the bound creature had external help, it was impossible to break free.

"Concubine!" Jiang Yu didn't expect Ye Luosha to be subdued by one move.

The same goes for the others, they thought that Rakshasa would lose overnight, because the level of the little wind silkworm as a wind-attributed elemental demon was no weaker than that of the night rakshasa, but they didn't expect that the little wind silkworm would have such a powerful move, which could take down all the power of darkness. It was broken down, and Ye Luosha was subdued.

"Thunder Seal Furious Strike!" Jiang Yu used lightning magic to attack Xiaofengcan.

But not to mention the elementary level three thunder system, the middle level magic is useless, unless the power can exceed the speed of decomposition. Little Wind Silkworm just blew lightly, and the electric shock from Lei Yin, which was as thick as an arm, was blown away directly. The hopeless gap in strength was like a moat.

"Let me do it, Ripple of the Soul——Restlessness!" Yao Buyi finally used the middle-level soul system magic. A white star map appears.

But this time is different from last time, and the opponent is different.

Ji Shaohan, who stood silently beside Zhaohua on the other side, showed a smug smile.

The trap of the evil spider, the trap of the evil spider, the focus is not only on the evil spider, but also on the trap. The middle-level magic of the curse system is a trap magic. The Evil Spider Trap can be used as a trap. It is pre-set and kept calm. After the conditions are met, it harvests life like a silent death.

Ji Shaohan said before the game that if the opponent can release a psychic spell to affect the spellcasting, she will lose.

The moment the white star map appeared, a scarlet light shot out from the back of the three-tailed Jade Scorpion. The scarlet light far surpassed the white light, covering the white light of the Psychic System, and red threads like blood spread all over the competition. In the field, a cobweb cage envelops everyone.

With a sound of "Bo", a red and black spider with a somewhat fat and round head jumped out from the red star map on the back of Three Tails, spit out spider silk in an instant, and entangled the soul system star map drawn by Yao Buyi. collapse! The soul system star map that has not shot out the chain is directly smashed.

The curse system is the same as the mind system, all of them are manifestations of spiritual power. Spiders and chains are not real. The star charts, stars, and star trails that belong to the spirit are of course also the targets of attack.

Yao Buyi suffered mental backlash because the star map was forcibly shattered, and he stepped back a few steps. If Ji Shaohan hadn't controlled his strength, he would not have taken the opportunity to attack the spiritual world along the star map. Yao Buyi couldn't just take a few steps back.

Curse damage is irreversible.

Hiss! ! ! The spider's web was closed, and the remaining few people in the Central Academy were all sealed in the spider's web like prey caught by a spider. Their spiritual world was blocked, and half of their magic could not be released.

This is the horror of the evil spider's trap. The moment you fall into the trap, you have no hope of escaping.

Sanwei also took the opportunity to curl up the rock beast's foot with its tail, tripped it to the ground, and pressed it hard on the ground, unable to resist.

When Xiaofengcan lifted the domain, the whirlwind disappeared, and everything returned to calm, the battle on the field was also settled. All-round strength crushing, no match for summoned beasts, no match for mental attack, no match for strategic operations. As long as there is a point of collapse, what will be greeted is a devastating end offensive.

Jiang Heping stood on stage and said, "The game is over."

This time, no one was injured in the battle. After the little wind silkworm released the shackles of the spirit ring, Ye Luosha yelled at the little wind silkworm's fur, and the little wind silkworm flew away proudly. After Ji Shaoan took back the soul spider, the others naturally also lifted the blockade.

They didn't even resist when they were restrained by the soul spider, and some students didn't intend to use the magic weapon of concentration. Because they know that they can't win at all. The curse mage with stronger spiritual power than Yao Buyi, the elemental demon stronger than Jiang Yu's Ye Luosha, and the other three teammates who are not weaker than others, the defeat is convincing.

Jiang Yu hugged Ye Luosha. Jiang Yu remembered correctly that this was Ye Luosha's first defeat. It could be seen that the pride of the proud cat owner was a little hurt.

"Your elemental demon is so strong." Jiang Yu walked up to Zhaohua and shook hands.

Zhaohua just smiled, and said politely: "Your Ye Luosha is also very strong, it's just that my elemental demon advances earlier, and the more mature it is, the stronger it will be."

It is indeed the same as what Zhaohua said, the current Xiaofengcan is at least at the level of a general, and may even be a monster at the peak of a general. Ye Luosha only advanced to the rank of a general not long ago, and now he can only be regarded as a small general , there is still room for improvement.

But Jiang Yu himself understands that there is no way to crack that ring at all, unless the advanced commander-level Ye Luosha has new skills, otherwise he will be killed.

Thanks to [Jianhan] and [It's Yumi Oh] for their huge rewards, as well as the starting point [cm_Moxie] [Junjunzi] [The wind and the sun are beautiful] [Luojialuoxinchen] for their rewards.

Special thanks to [Daily Reading], the starting point + reading accumulated the highest reward. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

Five more today! ! !

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