Full-time Summoner

Chapter 211 The Origin of the Black Vatican

"Hmph, you can become a god by killing people. I already have. I just want to see the devil come to the world." Lu Nian said disdainfully.

The narrow-eyed man took the suitcase, but he ignored Lu Nian's words.

"Don't worry, Commander Lu Nian, as long as you have these new types of blood, I believe you will receive what you want in a short time." The squint-eyed man said.

"Hmph, it's best." Lu Nian turned around and left after speaking.

But Lu Nian hadn't left yet, and a squinting voice came from behind: "Lu Nian is in command, you should understand the rules of the Black Vatican."

After hearing this, Lu Nian didn't care at all, opened the door and left, but his two subordinates couldn't leave. A black shadow appeared from nowhere, and Si Ye ruled the two of them, unable to move.

The fewer people who know, the better. Lu Nian didn't care about the life and death of his subordinates. It is an honor to die for the world.

The black shadow hid in the shadows, and never showed his face. A voice came from the shadows: "Master Elder, how do you deal with these people."

He narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Of course, don't waste it."

The people bound by the Nyx rule slowly fell into the darkness, and then the shadows disappeared.

Elders, squinting-eyed men are called elders. There are no elders in the Black Vatican, but such a position that does not exist actually exists.

The narrow-eyed man opened his eyes a little after the shadow disappeared, and smiled strangely at the position where the shadow was just now.

After a while, he returned to his original clown face and squinted eyes. He looked at the suitcase on the table. The deal between Lu Nian and their Black Vatican was very simple. They wanted the Black Vatican to create disasters to attract the attention of the military and the Tribunal. Let him go to Jinlin City to do what he wants to do within two to three months.

Although Lu Nian is still in charge of the army, because of the experiment and Mo Fan's reasons, he has been watched by the military and the court, and he is not given a chance to get close to Jinlin City.

However, if there is a large-scale attack by the Black Vatican in the country, it will be a different matter, so when Sa Lang contacted him and said he wanted to buy new Blood Leafs, he would give the Blood Leafs to the Black Holy See. He does not want money, he wants He wants a catastrophe that can divert attention. As long as the goal is achieved, he doesn't care how many people are killed. If he wants to blame it, he can blame those stubborn and pedantic old men. They killed thousands of innocent people. If Mo Fan is handed over, nothing will happen.

Squinting his eyes, he just glanced at the suitcase and then retracted his gaze. He walked to a wall, and the enchantment was activated after the magic energy was injected. There was a rattling sound, and the wall moved to reveal a stone room. There was no treasure, no gold and silver inside. For treasure, there is no natural treasure, only a mural.

On the mural is a man wearing a hood. In front of him, all people bow down and all beasts bow down. Whether it is a giant dragon in the sky, a fierce beast in the sea, or thousands of demons on the ground, all human mages bow down before him.

"Become a god? Create an ideal kingdom of God? Hahahahaha, what a big joke."

"Our Black Vatican itself was created by the god of death. We are born citizens of the kingdom of God, but our god is sleeping!! But! It won't be long before the god of death will wake up! The true pope of our black church will lead his people back The glory of the past!!"

There is a reason in the Black Vatican about becoming a god and the kingdom of God, because they believe that the founder of the Black Vatican is the God of Death from hell, and the king of Hades from the underworld is the God of Death!

Therefore, half of the members of the Black Vatican believe in becoming a god, and this part believes in Cardinal Sarang. The other half do not believe in God, but lurk around the world, playing the role of ordinary people, and climb to high positions with the power of the Black Vatican. Mafia forces behind the scenes.

Whether it is the Sarang faction or the Pope faction, there is a type of people among them, the old faction. Those who have been members of the Black Vatican since ancient times have been members of the organization from the beginning to the present, and even when they were not called the Black Vatican at the beginning, they were already members of this type of organization. They called themselves the old faction, They have always belonged to this evil force. Many people think that the Black Vatican is a modern organization, but in fact, the Black Vatican existed long ago, even when there was no magic. Maybe it was not called the Black Vatican at that time. It is only because the current Pope invented the sorcery of the Black Beast that the name of the Black Vatican resounded throughout the world, and more people joined the Black Vatican.

Even before the Black Vatican, there were capable people, and they were destroyed later, but now there are capable people again, and the name is the Black Vatican. They are like the ship of Theseus, changing and changing, changing and changing.

They can believe in Sarang, they can believe in the Pope, and they can even exist without the Black Vatican. The only thing is, they have always wanted to resurrect their ancestors, let the person in the painting lead them again, and let the kingdom of God reappear.

They are called elders in the Black Vatican. The elders are not a single person, but a group, a group of people who have a common goal and are usually invisible.

I don't know how long it took, the narrow-eyed man worshiped the god enough, walked out of the stone room, closed the wall, he saw the suitcase on the table again, smiled and threw it into the black water next to him.

The highly corrosive black water quickly destroyed the suitcase and the blood inside.

What Sa Lang, what needs Xuelizi, and what finds the berserk factor from Xuelizi are all fake. He never thought about the use of this crap from the beginning to the end, but it was just a broken experiment that failed.

The only truth is that the Tribunal and the military will indeed have no time to take care of Lu Nian. At the same time, he had no time to take care of him.


Didi, Zhaohua was meditating, when he heard the WeChat on his phone ring, he opened it and saw that it was from Ji Shaoan, informing him to gather in the teaching building, the school has already discussed the training location and research topics.

In one of the classrooms in the teaching building, there are freshmen from the current year of the two schools sitting in it. It is different from the teams from the Imperial Capital School and the Pearl School. The atmosphere here can be said to be very harmonious.

Even Jiang Yu, who was defeated, greeted Zhaohua with a smile when he saw Zhaohua come in, but on the side of Sun Yat-Sen University, the defeated people felt a little unhappy, such as Gao Cen, Liang Ri and Mai Jiaxi.

Especially Mai Jiaxi, he didn't even have a topic about him in the past few days. He was still a T2 level before, and he had a certain degree of topicality, but now the hair is gone.

During the few days of rest, everyone who can improve their strength should improve their strength. For example, Jiang Yu, his lightning system has broken through and reached the middle level. Book of pictures.

Jiang Yu and Zhaohua have discussed the experience and experience of cultivating summoned beasts in the past few days, and the two have become acquainted.

Jiang Heping and Qing Xing'an were on the stage. Seeing that everyone was present, they opened the courseware, which was an introduction to the topics and places to be studied this time.

"Forest Park?"

Our country has a vast land and abundant resources, and there are many mountains and forests, many of which are listed as national forest parks by the country. These forest parks have been cleaned and there are no monsters. Although they are also in the wild, they are guarded by mages.

The purpose of these forest parks is to grow medicinal materials. Most of the low-level medicinal material resources, such as fire bamboo shoots that can increase the training speed of elementary fire mages, are mostly artificially planted.

Many of these medicinal materials can only be planted on the mountains, so these planting places are also called forest parks, and they are also open to the people as parks.

This time, the location given by the school was in Yaodu, and it happened to be Congcheng Forest Park in Congcheng, one of the eleven cities.

Both Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan, who are out-and-out natives from the city, know that the forest park is history, and it is no longer a forest park.

It was not occupied by monsters, but that land had lost its life and turned into a dead place, not to mention humans, even monsters could hardly survive there, and there were corpses and miasma everywhere.

Jiang Heping said: "That's right, the location is Congcheng Forest Park in Eleven City of the Demon City. The research topic is to find out a way to restore that piece of land."

Even Zhaohua felt that the research topic this time was too difficult. To bring back a piece of dead land, the difficulty was to rejuvenate it.

The Ship of Theseus, one of the oldest thought experiments. The earliest record comes from Plutarch. It describes a ship that can survive at sea for hundreds of years, thanks to constant repairs and replacement parts. As soon as a board rots, it is replaced, and so on, until all the functional parts are no longer the original ones. The question is, is the resulting ship the same original Ship of Theseus, or a completely different ship? If not the original ship, at what point is it no longer the original ship?

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