Full-time Summoner

Chapter 22 Making money and raising pets

"Your dimensional summoned beast? A green silkworm?" Both Zhang Ning and Zhaolang couldn't believe it. How could their son make a dimensional contract with a green silkworm? This is impossible.

Green silkworms are known to everyone in the city. Zerg cannon fodder, sentries, and vanguards exist. Every time the Zerg invades, it is an army of green silkworms who fight in the front line. It was bound by silk, and was dealt with in a few strokes by the fire mage.

Moreover, a single green silkworm can beat even an adult man, so what's the use of this thing! !

Zhaohua rubbed the back of his head. Before he left, Fengling told him not to reveal that his dimensional summoned beast was a matter of the elves, otherwise he would be in great trouble. Zhaohua naturally understood that the early stage of this kind of beast level was still a bit too weak. It will be very troublesome if you are targeted by someone with a heart, at least you have to wait until your own strength is improved.

"Well, how should I put it, the two elders also know that summoning the plane is very complicated, and for various reasons, it is impossible to write a thousand chapters, so I will make a long story short, this green silkworm, it is not an ordinary green silkworm, it is a mutant Yes, very strong, very powerful, very sharp."

The husband and wife Zhaolang and Zhang Ning looked at each other, Zhang Ning first said: "It's okay, what's the matter with the green silkworm, the green silkworm can also evolve into a super insect king, and the son's dimensional summoned beast is the strongest, um."

Zhaolang also comforted: "It's okay, the big deal is that when you are in the middle level, the father of the contracted summoned beast will buy you a baby Yabai dragon, sweeping the world, and I am the only one."

"Didn't the British Victoria family create a pseudo-dragon that tames animals? Buy one for you. It's just as awesome."

Zhang Ning shook his head and said, "Victoria has a problem with how to train the dragon, otherwise they would have blown it to the sky. It is estimated that there are still defects that have not been resolved. Change it, or catch one yourself."

Zhaohua knew that this was because his parents were worried that he would be hit because the dimensional summoned beast was a green silkworm to comfort him. He naturally wouldn't take it seriously, and he wouldn't want to buy any baby dragons. If so, he would catch it himself.

Zhaohua said: "Don't worry, I will take care of myself, this little thing is nothing, and it is very strong, you see.".

Zhaohua wakes up the sleeping Feng Lingcan. Zhaohua can't control Feng Lingcan, he needs Feng Lingcan's help.

I saw a piece of silk appearing from the fingertips, then tied the cup, and took it little by little. From a distance, it looked a bit like a space system's telekinetic control!

Zhang Ning and Zhaolang's eyes were fixed, and they immediately realized that there was something about this monster skill, which was not simple. Their focus was not on the power displayed, but on a deeper level. Although Zhaohua was a genius, his age was such that Seeing and seeing are all through books, and some things that are not recorded in the books are certainly not as good as his father.

Zhaohua didn't know that monsters in childhood, especially newborns, couldn't control power smoothly, but Fengcan not only understood human speech, but also controlled it so perfectly. The two looked at each other, could it be that his son had a great opportunity?

Zhaolang and Zhaolang didn't bother to ask about these things either. They had been given great opportunities before and knew what to ask and what to keep in their stomachs.

To put it bluntly, Jingpo and Remnant Soul are the materials dropped by killing monsters. After the monster is killed, its soul will be scattered.

Normally, only undead utensils made by necromancers can collect remnants and spirits, but the cheapest ones cost tens of millions, and they are simply unaffordable.

However, necromancers can see souls and collect remnants and spirits. Coincidentally, Zhaohua knows a necromancer. Hey, it's such a coincidence.

After lunch, Zhaohua meditated for three hours. At three o'clock, Zhaohua came to a nearby cafe called 'Cookies\u0026Coffee'.

"What's going on in your store? Is this employee a mute? Ask her everything and she can only laugh, laughing at Nima's smile."

Just as Zhaohua was about to push open the glass door, he heard shouting and cursing from inside.

Zhaohua could only shake his head to express his helplessness. This is not the first time he has encountered such a thing. Zhaohua has encountered it several times while drinking coffee here, reading some books on the encyclopedia of monsters, or surfing the Internet to read international monster events. Pass.

It's not that Zhaohua didn't help her, he once threw the troublemaker out of the house, after all, a mage's physical strength is stronger than ordinary people, but this is not a cure for the symptoms, and Zhaohua's actions will only make Ji Shaohan's situation worse Awkward.

Sometimes Zhaohua really admires Ji Shaohan, because she is born with a handicap and needs to endure a lot of insults and verbal abuse in her daily life, especially at work. Not everyone knows that you can’t speak, and not everyone will sympathize with you. Since you are dumb, go do some work that does not require talking and communicating. Why should I spend money to understand you? There are not a small number of people who have such thoughts.

But even so, Ji Shaohan’s personality is still very cheerful, she never blames others, blames God, she will try her best to be herself, and she has never seen her use magic to protect herself after awakening a mage, even if she hadn’t asked for it at the school gate some time ago To be fair, the owner of this store doesn't even know if she is a mage, or the undead mage that the whole city is talking about.

Zhaohua randomly found an empty corner, and Ji Shaohan naturally saw Zhaohua, and after dealing with the mess just now, he walked straight over.

"You are already a mage who can release magic, so you don't need to be so angry. It's still a glass of espresso and a cheese cookie." Zhaohua said.

Ji Shaohan is wearing a black denim apron, which is the work clothes here. Because of work, she can't walk around with her drawing book. She wrote on the small writing board used to place orders: [I like working here, lady boss very good. 】

The espresso and cheese cookies are popular afternoon tea items here, and everything is served quickly.

"Based on your undead system, can you collect remnants and spirits?" Zhaohua said straight to the point.

After sitting down silently, Ji Shao thought for a while and wrote on the order cardboard: [It can be temporarily stored in about three days. 】

Three days later, Zhaohua stared at Ji Shaohan with wide eyes, this guy probably wants level 2 undead magic! ! !

The undead department is the same as other departments. Magic is divided into three levels. When a magician can use the magic of the third level of the elementary level, he is considered to have graduated from the elementary level. When the stardust expands to the point where it cannot be expanded, the stardust can be turned into a nebula. , to enter the ranks of middle-level mages.

Undead first-level magic: undead generation, the effect is to turn corpses and bones within a certain range into undead with the magic energy of the undead system. The stronger the undead system is, the larger the range will be.

Level 2 magic: physical structure, this is very difficult, no matter how mysterious the undead system is, it is just a magic system, it cannot be created out of nothing, the physical material of the physical structure needs to be provided by the necromancer, and it can be within the range of undead generation Substances can also be provided by necromancers, and the body can be generated with residual souls and spirits, which is why necromancers can collect residual souls and spirits and like to collect corpses.

The third level of undead magic: the undead space, as the name suggests, is used to store the undead space, and it can also store spirits and remnants. You can also create a temporary container to store spirits without reaching the third level of magic, but the time is limited. , unlike the undead space, which can guarantee that the residual spirit will not dissipate.

Ji Shaoyin said that she can temporarily store it in a few days, which means that her cultivation base will soon be able to use the second-level undead magic. Level 2, is undead magic so easy to practice?

Zhaohua began to doubt his life, after all, he had just been able to release the first level of dimensional summoning.

"It's like this. For some reason, I need to collect the remnants of demons, so I plan to join the urban demon hunting team and hunt some demons in the city to collect their remnants. I want to ask you for help." Zhaohua's first time in life , asked the girl for help, which made him feel a little strange.

It's just that Ji Shao showed a strange expression after listening silently.

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