Full-time Summoner

Chapter 228 Missing

Sometimes you have to bow to reality.

Zhaohua opened a gap from the abdomen of the dragon corpse. The sticky flesh and the corpse odor caused by extreme decay made Zhaohua think for a while that he should forget about this space magic stone.

But such a high-quality space magic stone has formed a storage space by itself. This kind of space magic stone is a rare resource, and it cannot be bought with money outside. Generally, it can only be bought by some hunter teams. Family transactions, or some families organize hunter groups to explore.

If you give up now, it will be really hard to get in the future. In addition, Zhaohua actually thought about buying another animal tamer. With high-ranking elves like Xiaofengcan and Tianyan, the suppression of bloodlines made it much easier for Zhaohua to tame animals. Moreover, he had two summoning nebulas. The amount of milk is sufficient, enough to domesticate another tame animal.

"Ouch. Oh my god, even the Vatican coat and the water protection film can't stop the smell of corpses."

Zhaohua has been covered with two layers of protection to isolate him, but he can still smell a little disgusting smell of corpses, even when Lan Xinghu came out to shield Zhaohua, he fled back to the summoning space immediately after giving it, it's too stinky ah! ! !

Zhaohua suppressed his nausea and pushed the dragon corpse away. If he couldn't find the space magic stone, then the most likely thing was that he was eaten or suppressed by the dragon corpse.

Zhaohua pawed and pulled inside the corpse of the dragon. His intestines and lungs were all black and smelly. One can imagine what kind of torture this was.

"It's strange, why can't I find it?"

Zhaohua searched all over the location of the dragon corpse, but found no space magic stone, which is very strange, there is no reason. Even if you are a master of the space department, you need the support of space energy to create such a large space, otherwise it will be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Mages of the space system can build a small space storage around themselves, that is because they have space magic energy and act as the magic stone themselves, but the space in the wild must have the space magic stone as the energy medium. .

"If you can't find it in the space, it means that the space magic stone is much larger, and there is another main space nearby. Is this a derivative space?"

Zhaohua pawed for a long time but didn't find out that he came out of the dragon's body. Glancing at the black viscous liquid in his hand, he felt that he wanted to ask Ji Shaoan if he had any deodorant botanical essence shower gel.

Zhaohua didn't stay for too long after he couldn't find him, he had been out for quite a long time, it is estimated that Ji Shaohan had already started to worry about himself.

After leaving the folding space for a while, Zhaohua came back to look at the dragon corpse again, shook his head and said, "It seems that I was worrying too much."

The whole space returned to dead silence again, a dead silence without a single sound. I don't know how long it took, in this dim space, a pair of yellow animal eyes slowly opened, and the Destroyer Dragon, which was supposed to be dead, opened its eyes, looking at the exit and wondering what to think.

This evil dragon is not dead yet! ! It has been pretending to be dead, even if Zhaohua is weaker than it, even if its orb is swallowed by those black rice worms, even if its hand is bitten off, even if Zhaohua just walked into its abdomen, it doesn't respond at all.

This evil dragon is also thinking about something.


Karma. . . Boom.

"Huh? Why are there only a few of you left? Where are the others?" Zhaohua returned to the underground shelter.

The first camping point is here, and I will not set up a tent in the wild until I explore other places away from the underground shelter. It was almost dark now, and Zhaohua came back after calculating the time.

But when he came back, he found that the only ones left in the refuge were Ji Shaoan, the healing mage Ta Siqi, and the male student from the Central Academy, the one from the Summoning Department, the one from the Silver Fang Wolf. As for his name, he didn't introduce himself.

Ji Shao turned his head away silently, deliberately did not look at Zhaohua, and did not answer his question. Sanwei was still sitting there eating with a naive look. After the scales on his body were rotted and fell off, they have grown back now, and his recovery ability is really strong . It is also possible that Taschi used healing magic.

Ta Siqi said: "The others have gone out to investigate. I'm from the healing department, so I stay here."

Zhaohua probably guessed it. Seeing Zhaohua go out alone, some people immediately felt that they could do it, so they formed a team to collect data together. The summoning system mage at Sun Yat-Sen University probably didn’t do well in the second department. Summoning beasts He also stayed in the restrained environment.

Zhaohua came to sit next to Ji Shaohan and said in a low voice, "I found an interesting place, let's go and have a look tomorrow."

When Ji Shao heard it silently, he put everything behind him, picked up a small drawing book and wrote: [Where is it. 】

Zhaohua took the drawing book and wrote: [A folded space with a dragon corpse inside. 】

Ji Shao opened his mouth wide open, oh my god, dragon corpse! ! ! The undead of the undead department are not only humanoid. Ji Shao listened silently to his professor of the Undead Department, saying that in Egypt, there was a high-level necromancer who used high-level undead magic to create a powerful centipede undead, whose combat power was close to that of the peak leader.

So when Ji Shaoan heard about the corpse of a dragon, his eyes lit up. For a necromancer, the corpse of a powerful demon is worth studying. It is even said that elemental mages need spiritual seeds, natural materials and earth treasures that match the attributes to increase their strength, but what their necromancers need are the corpses of powerful creatures.

[Where is it! ! 】

Zhaohua wrote: [Not far away, but I suspect that the dragon is not dead. 】

If Zhaohua hadn't doubted it, he wouldn't have looked back twice. He felt a little strange at the time. The strange thing is not the dragon corpse, but the black rice worms. If the destructive evil dragon died, it would be strange for them to be transported out little by little. Moreover, according to Zhaohua's observation, the demons possessed by the black rice worms were all alive. He was not killed by them, but lived in another strange form.

But this is just a conjecture based on the situation Zhaohua encountered. In fact, Zhaohua got into the dragon's corpse and looked at it carefully. The organs, internal organs, and flesh of the evil dragon were all rotten, and all the blood flowed out. No matter how you think about it, you are dead. So Zhaohua is just skeptical, and he has no evidence.

Ji Shao wrote domineeringly: [Kill it. 】

Zhaohua couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it. If the evil dragon was really alive, he would be a guaranteed commander, and most likely he would be a grand commander or even a peak commander, and he would kill others. If they didn't kill us two, they would burn incense and worship Buddha.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan are very similar to those youthful years when they were studying, before they awakened, they only passed small notes and chatted at the same table, chatting happily.

I don't know how long it took, and the troops who went out came back one after another. The most important thing was that it was dark, and the danger in the wild at night increased by more than ten times.

"Huh? Where are the others?" Pu Yuanliang of the fire department said strangely.

"Guo Xiang and Gao Cen didn't come back even after Liang Ri." Wu Feibai of the Ice Department added.

"They are in a group, maybe a little late."

"Well, let's eat first, they are starving to death, and they should be back soon."

An hour passed after eating, but the four of them still did not come back. Everyone began to feel that something was wrong.

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