Full-time Summoner

Chapter 236 A Voice Tells You to Contract It

Knowing that you have such a nirvana, how could Zhaohua not guard against it. Blue Star Fox and Wraith Valley Suoyu double attack, soul attack is the best way to interrupt demon skills and magic.

Ji Shaohan's undead system star map appeared, and some gray-white substances in the air penetrated into Gu Suoyu's body. Gu Suoyu also enjoyed this power, and his mental strength began to rise.

Spiritualism. The power of the soul is more difficult to touch than elemental and spiritual power. The middle-level magic of the undead system is specifically for the soul type, so it is for this reason that the weakest spirit is also the middle-level.

Ji Shaohan controls the soul power that is being lost in the entire folding space and gathers it on Gu Suoyu's body, making it stronger and enhancing its spiritual attack.

One red and one blue, Gu Suoyu showed a ferocious expression. After being supplemented by the soul, it is now more like a ghost. The original white skirt is now stained with blood, turning into a red ghost. The teeth became sharp, grinning, showing their teeth and claws.

The eyes were bloodshot, and the red light was fleeting.

Lan Xinghu exerted strength at the same time, but unlike Gu Suoyu, this was a cute pet, which was the opposite of Gu Suoyu. Blue Star Fox's eyes are blue light.

Two different mental attacks.

Dong dong dong, the evil dragon of destruction was repelled a few steps, the attack just now made it severely injured, its head was dizzy, and the dense wind silk further restrained the evil dragon's body. If it was at its peak, such a mental attack would not even be able to break through its dragon sense.

Even the killing heat rays were interrupted.

The evil dragon of destruction immediately began to struggle frantically, waving its claws and wings behind it desperately, but the more it struggled, the more serious its injuries became. Black rot, internal organs, and flesh fell all over the ground, emitting a stench.

It knew that if it couldn't break free, it would really die here.

The remaining bone shield undead and bone sword undead also surrounded them. Compared with the huge body of the Destroying Evil Dragon, which was more than ten meters long, the bone undead seemed so small. But I can't stand the large number. Too many ants can kill an elephant.

Dozens of undead grabbed the tail of the destructive evil dragon, and even suppressed the dragon's tail so that it could not move.

Just when the evil dragon was suppressed, a green light finally appeared, killing not only the evil dragon, but also Zhaohua.

[Why is it so weak. 】Ji Shaohan saw that the overall situation has been settled now, and felt that it was a bit laborious.

Zhaohua held a strange green weapon in his hand, which was the unformed spiritual weapon of Xiaofengcan.

"It's a little weaker, it feels like it doesn't even have a peak leader." Zhao Hua also nodded.

The Destruction Evil Dragon is too weak now, its flying wings are gone, its powerful body has rotted away, there are only a few heat ray orbs left, and there is not much magic energy in its body.

It's just a toothless tiger. If it wasn't for its huge size and the heat rays, Zhaohua thinks that the little windworm should be able to defeat the current evil dragon of destruction without injury.

But this is also thanks to the double spiritual attack suppression of Lan Xinghu and Wraith Valley Suoyu. If it weren't for the suppressive power of mental attack, Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan would definitely have to take the heat ray.

Weng! Dazzling green light illuminates the space, and Zhaohua directly throws the spiritual weapon out as a spear. Like the green lightning, without the powerful dragon scales and tough body, the branch-like spiritual weapon is directly inserted into the body of the destructive evil dragon.

It's like eating roast chicken with a fork inserted into the breast.

Immediately, the green wind catkins bound the evil dragon tightly like a chain, and the spirit power of the wind elves penetrated the evil dragon's body, and rushed straight into the dragon's brain, suppressing and decomposing all the magic energy in its body. Make it no longer able to use demon skills.

In addition, it was already in this state, and the current Destruction Evil Dragon was like a chicken, with a loud bang, the Destruction Evil Dragon lost all its strength and fell to the ground.

Zhaohua couldn't help shaking his head, he was too weak.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan walked up to the dying evil dragon of destruction. Although they were subdued, the eyes of the evil dragon still revealed a strong and unyielding look.

Ji Shaoan wrote in the small drawing book: 【How to deal with it? 】

Zhaohua glanced at the evil dragon and said, "Wait, I'll ask it something."

"You should be able to hear people's words, tell me where the source of the corpse energy outside and the space magic stone in this folded space are, and I can let you go." Zhaohua said to the evil dragon.

But the evil dragon of destruction closed its eyes directly, as if waiting to die.

But think about it, if it is willing to tell you, it will be a ghost. Zhaohua just asked with an attitude of giving it a try.

Zhaohua threatened: "There is no other way, then you can only be made into a ghost by this great necromancer, Master Ji. Of course, your consciousness will definitely be wiped out."

However, the destructive evil dragon remained indifferent, it could be seen that it was indeed proud, it was not afraid of death, and knew that it could not escape.

"Forget it, leave it to..."

Zhaohua hadn't finished speaking when suddenly, he sensed that someone told him to make a contract with the evil dragon of destruction. What did you say, ‘Why are you surrounded by summoned beasts like small animals? ’ Such inexplicable words.

Zhaohua looked at the destructive evil dragon and asked, "Why don't you be my summoned beast?"

The evil dragon of destruction opened its eyes, revealing a mocking look, as if looking at an idiot, this is more difficult than killing it, as a dragon, how could he surrender to a human being weaker than himself.

Zhaohua spread out his hands, really toasting and not eating fine wine, a proud body can only be made into a proud undead.

"It seems that there is no other way. I'll leave it to you. Let's make it into an undead. It is estimated that the space magic stone was either eaten by it, or it is somewhere else. I will look for it again. If we don't find it, we will go back."

Zhaohua began to look around, and this time, together with the bones and undead, he was about to dig the ground three feet!

Ji Shao rolled his eyes silently, as if thinking of something, he wrote something in the drawing book.

Zhaohua picked up a bone sword to dig the soil, and said while digging: "Whoever finds the space magic stone will be rewarded a lot, and the undead don't have to return to the earth, they can directly advance to the rank of general undead."

When Sanwei heard it, he dug it up even more desperately. Zhaohua promised it that as long as it had accumulated enough, he would find a way to make it advance to the Commander level. Xiaofeng silkworm had no idea about Lanxinghu, and the two beasts were playing around.

Suddenly, Zhaohua felt someone pull him, turned around and saw Ji Shaohan giggling, pointed to the evil dragon of destruction beside him and wrote: 【It has agreed to be a summoned beast. 】


The evil dragon of destruction on the side actually agreed!

Zhaohua narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "That's it, but suddenly I don't really want it anymore. You see, this guy is weak. I don't know if it will die at any time, and its combat power is weak. Or It's a sick dragon, and it looks half dead. Even the three tails are more useful than it."

Zhaohua waved his hand and said, "Forget it, kill it, it's better to be an undead."

Ji Shao was dumbfounded, how could this be different from what he thought! ? Quickly wrote: [Don't you have some orbs, as long as we can get rid of the rot caused by those strange bugs, it has a chance to recover. 】

When Zhaohua saw it, he was even more surprised. It was really Ji Shao's trick. Because of the matter of absorbing the resentful spirit, Zhaohua just secretly noticed it. He saw Ji Shao silently touched the claw of the evil dragon, as if he had absorbed something. Then the Destroying Evil Dragon showed a surprised look, which led to this scene.

It is impossible to reverse a creature that has become an undead, because reversing is equivalent to resurrection, even if it is a half-undead that has not died, it is not something that an intermediate necromancer can do.

Zhaohua can be sure that there must be something hidden in Ji Shao'an's body. Could it be that like himself, he has an artifact to protect his body?

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