Full-time Summoner

Chapter 242 Betting All 120 Seconds (Part 1)

"you will die."

Tianyan's voice entered Zhaohua's mind.

This was the first time Zhaohua heard Tianyan's voice. As expected, it was a male voice. The voice sounded a little green, warm as summer, full of pride, full of youthful spirit.

Young people have always been ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. They are arrogant and talented everywhere they look. Although they are pretentious, they are open-minded and carefree.

As Tianyan said, Zhaohua is a middle-level mage, the nebula of the summoning system and the spiritual world are not enough to summon Tianyan, and even Tianyan's power cannot be borrowed. Even if his spiritual power increases, it can only increase the flame Just resistance.

However, one summoning nebula is not enough, so add another one.

Zhaohua is an unprecedented dual-element summoning mage, everything about him should be beyond common sense.

In Zhaohua's spiritual world, Xiao Fengcan has already passed all her mana to Zhaohua, filling up the exhausted Nebula of the first summoning system.

The two moonlight summoning nebulae are parallel to each other and attract each other, like two layers. At this moment, the first summoning nebula and the second summoning nebula had some kind of wonderful relationship, and the magic energy of the two blended with each other to produce a strange change.

The two nebulas actually echoed.

Zhaohua naturally knew that even the strength of two Xingyun was far from enough. Zhaohua didn't answer Tianyan's words, didn't justify himself, and said to Ji Shaohan: "If it goes well, I should be able to undo Jiang Yu's and the others' spiritual magic faster than you."

Ji Shao saw Zhaohua's eyes and felt the terrifying aura in the dimensional rift, so he nodded. Made a few gestures in sign language. Zhaohua smiled when he saw it.

Instead of complaining about the darkness of the world, it is better to move forward with a lamp.

Zhaohua asked in his heart, "How much time do you have?"

Tianyan's power is too powerful, and it is still a flame elf that burns everything. With Zhaohua's current cultivation base and body, it is impossible to withstand the power of Tianyan's domineering elf magic.

After a few seconds of silence, Tian Yan said: "Two minutes. Even if there is wind and my fifth magic, your spiritual world, body, and soul will be burned by flames. Even if you defeat your opponent, you will be useless if you wait too long one."

Zhaohua took a step forward, and endless flames erupted from the crack in the dimension. These flames were like an enchantment, surrounding ten high-level mages controlled by the Black Vatican.

"Bet all of me...in these one hundred and twenty seconds!!!"

After Tian Yan heard it, he seemed to have rubbed his point, and a laugh that seemed to be mocking and crazy came from the crack in the dimension: "Hahahahahahahaha!! Then I will play with you!"

There is no way for Tianyan to emerge from the dimensional crack, because Zhaohua's power is not enough to support it, but Tianyan can use the bridge established by the life-and-death contract between the two parties, and use elven magic to turn the nebula of the summoning system into a fire system, and let his own The elf magic is lent to Zhaohua.

Similar to Little Wind Silkworm, it can transform magic energy, even elf magic and spirit weapons.

There was a flash of fire in Zhaohua's eyes, and the scorched earth under his feet collapsed inch by inch. The flame possessed by Tianyan is comparable to the different fires of heaven and earth, surpassing the power of the soul-seed to reach the power of the sky-seed. This is a flame from another plane.

The color is as red as the sun, and the flame color of Tianyan is the most common red, and also the most primitive fire color.

I saw the surrounding flames beating like bytes, the flames were brighter than the scorching sun, and the flames were intense, but the strange thing was that the temperature of the flames did not radiate at all. Give the target to destroy.

It sounds long, but it only happened in a split second, the flames surrounded everyone, and Sanwei used three tails to wrap Ji Shaoan and Lan Xinghu, and they disappeared after using mimicry to hide.

The dancing flames seemed to turn into notes of music, and now they were spinning like an unknown enchantment.

120 seconds, the countdown begins.

"Tian Yan - Fierce Fist - Bang Tian!"

No need for a star map! Zhaohua didn't expect this, he knew that Tianyan's power must be very mysterious and powerful, but Zhaohua still underestimated the horror of mature innate elves.

There is an essential difference between the flame enchantment of the domain and the domain. Zhaohua didn't have time to understand what it was, but Zhaohua knew that it was probably the product of the evolution of the domain again.

Zhaohua clenched his fists and stretched, everything in the world inside the circle of fire seemed to turn into flames, and the power of the flames gathered in his hands. The speed of formation was so fast that even high-level mages had no time to react.

Boom! ! ! ! A long fire fist rushed towards the military mage in the middle. Zhaohua knew that this person was the biggest threat. The fire fist held a long flame tail. When Tianyan's flame turned into an attack, they realized what it was call fire.

This flame seems to be the most common ordinary fire, seemingly gentle, but when it approaches, the body will burn, feeling like it will be decomposed and scorched, and the target will be burned into dust in the air.

This is the fire of origin. Zhaohua's original origin fire jade was not a mustache. The skills and flames of the fire elf originally originated from that fire jade, which contained the ultimate secret of the fire elf. Tian Yan has only learned a little bit of superficiality, this is only the initial stage, but he already has such terrifying power.

"Water Control! Cycle!!"

"Water Imperial!!"

The speed is too fast, and the fire fist is only one meter wide, but the actual range is much larger than what you see.

Three levels of water defense, even if they all have the power of the spirit seed, there is nothing they can do, they can't resist the weird Tianyan fist at all.

But Zhaohua's punch returned in vain, because the opponent had a shield and a magic armor, but it was normal, and it was not normal for a high-level mage to have no magic tools.

Three constellations lit up, ice, fire, and thunder, three high-level magic departments. These three were obviously mages majoring in attack magic, and the constellations were completed very quickly.

Tianyan's voice came: "Everything in the Tianyan enchantment will be transformed into the power of the fire elves. You human mages need to use magic energy to resist all the time, but you don't have enough time to wait until their magic energy runs out."

"However, the flames in the enchantment are like arms and fingers."

Zhaohua felt it when he punched the first time, he could control all the flames in the barrier, this kind of control is really terrifying.

Hurrah! ! The flames condensed into three fire dragons. Zhaohua knew that his advantage in the Tianyan Barrier was speed, and he couldn't let them use high-level magic no matter what.


"Ice lock!"

"Strong fist!"

For high-level mages, the casting speed of middle-level magic is already very fast, and there are ten people on the other side. Even if the power of the elements is suppressed by the Heavenly Flame Barrier, they still have good attack power.

Zizizi! ! ! ! ! boom! ! The three fire dragons collided and offset each other, and the violent waves and ice locks produced a large amount of white air.

With a bang, there was a loud noise in the space covered by the white air. Zhaohua rushed towards the three mages using high-level magic, and the explosion under his feet provided a huge amount of acceleration.

"Blessed Holy Shield!"

A light shield blocked Zhaohua's path, but Zhaohua did not retreat but advanced. He held the void with his right hand, and a flame spear appeared in his hand. Together with the holy shield of light, it pierced the abdomen of the mage who was using high-level magic .

Spirit weapon, and it has been fully formed.

Time remaining: 101 seconds

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