Full-time Summoner

Chapter 245: A World Full of Despair

To put it bluntly, the control of the psychic system is the control of the mind. To get rid of it naturally requires a mental attack. Just like Zhaohua, Tianyan entered the spiritual world to break the soul path-the mind-mixed prison array.

The spiritual power of the elders of the Black Vatican is indeed powerful, but there is a disadvantage of controlling others, that is, the spiritual world of the controlled person will not become stronger because you are a super-level or forbidden-spell spiritual system mage. How strong is that person's mental strength?

So Ji Shaoan cooperated with the spiritual attacks of the curse-type Soul Spider, Wraith Valley Suoyu, and Blue Star Fox to directly explode the spiritual world of the military mage, making it impossible for the Black Vatican's spiritual mage to continue to control it.

When Ji Shaoan saw the military mage fell down, he rushed over in a hurry. When she saw Zhaohua's miserable state, she was at a loss for what to do, for fear that she would die if she touched Zhaohua accidentally.

Tears couldn't stop falling down, she now wished she was a mage of the healing department, but she wasn't, and she didn't have the ability to heal either.

"Ahem, don't cry, you're not dead."

Zhaohua faced down, although his eyesight had deteriorated severely and he could only see very close things, but his ears were fine. He heard the sound of water drops falling on the ground, and he judged that Ji Shaoan was crying.

Ji Shaodu just couldn't speak, she could still laugh when she was happy, and cry when she was sad, her disability didn't affect her emotions.

Ji Shao is dumb, and now she doesn't even know how to communicate with Zhaohua in this situation. Suddenly she saw Lan Xinghu next to her. She knew that Lan Xinghu was Zhaohua's contracted summoned beast, so she wrote down what she wanted to say in the drawing book Come on, let Lan Xinghu relay.


Zhaohua said in a weak voice: "Well, don't worry, I can't die. Ta Siqi is a healing mage, I won't die."

In fact, the most important thing is that Zhaohua saved his life because of the seemingly cheating life and death contract.

In the beginning, Fengling told Zhaohua that they would live together and die together to kill people, but after actually using it, they realized that the so-called living together and dying together was very ambiguous.

It is estimated that Feng Ling also had an element of testing in it at the beginning, to see if Zhaohua would be the kind of person who wanted to take advantage and refused to pay.

In fact, this so-called co-existence and co-death is probably the scariest of all magics. He gave Zhaohua the vitality like a demon. In Zhaohua's body, the green cross star track and the red cross star track are like the gate of heaven, firmly locking Zhaohua's life, preventing death from taking him away.

To live and die together is actually to let both parties share their vitality. In the words of the game, Zhaohua now has three blood bars, and his vitality is more tenacious than some demons.

The body is so scorched, one of the hands is burned off, the eyes are almost blind, and the body can't move, but it's not dead. This is already a monster among monsters.

Just when Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan breathed a sigh of relief, the coldness of despair did not stop, but spread.


In a study room, the squint-eyed man named Elder, who controlled all mages, was lying on a chair, and he couldn't help but sighed and said to himself: "Hey, he is indeed the son of the Qilin son Zhaolang, the grandson of the God of War Zhaohao, the prophecy man."

Although he said it like a joke, the admiration in his tone was undisguised.

Card, the man called the elder opened the drawer at hand, and inside was a group photo, it was a group photo of him and another man. There are two signatures on the back, one is his own name, Tian Qingsong, and the other is the name of the man in the photo, Jiang Shaojun.

If any senior executives of the Magic Association saw these two names, they would be surprised, because they used to be pillars of the country and experts in archaeology. The difference is that Tianqingsong is the history of the world, exploring the past of the world, specializing in the origin of demons and magic. Jiang Shaojun, on the other hand, mainly explores the history of his own country, more precisely, he is an expert in studying totem beasts.

It was only later that the two died because of a certain exploration and research. What no one knows is that Tian Qingsong did not die, and Jiang Shaojun was killed by Tian Qingsong, not because of exploration.

In the last exploration, Tian Qingsong's research clues happened to coincide with Jiang Shaojun's clues to explore the truth about the disappearance of the totem, so the two decided to explore together.

The end result is that Jiang Shaojun knows the truth about the disappearance of the totem, and Tian Qingsong knows the origin of his family and the truth about the Yama people's prophecy.

No one knows the history and origin of the Yama people, and no one knows what kind of magic is the "astronomy" that the Yama people are proficient in recorded in ancient books. Originally, such a group of unknown and extinct ancient Indian aborigines should not be recorded in detail, just because they predicted the end of the world.

And coincidentally, the end of the world predicted by the Yama people happened to be the day when Zhaohua was sixteen years old.

Because of Tian Qingsong's identity and profession, he knows a lot of history, and also knows some things deliberately concealed by the state.

He knew the reason why Zhao Hao, a man known as the country's strongest war god, carved the word "trash" on Mount Hua several decades ago, holding the country's most important weapon, the intestines.

He also knew that shortly after engraving the word "waste", there was a war called Shenglin in Yaodu Congcheng, a place called the Tropic of Cancer, where there was no darkness, and the holy city. All seven archangels of the holy city fell in that battle, resulting in a vacancy in the position of the angels of the holy city in the later time. Angels were re-elected, and the archangels such as Lemuel, Raphael, and Uriel were reborn and returned later, and this country was powerful at the time. The number of forbidden curse mages in Feng's Kingdom of Shenzhou plummeted, and the national power declined, almost ruining the country's fortune.

The God of War Zhao Hao even fought until his sword collapsed, and was finally sealed in the Forbidden City, unable to take half a step.

The more Tian Qingsong knew, the more despair he felt. The Yama people's prophecy was not wrong, it was just delayed.

"Zhaohao, Zhaolang, Zhaohua, I hope that the third generation will be broken, and only the third generation Zhaohua will be left."

Ka, Tian Qingsong put away the group photo, closed the drawer, stood up, walked to the balcony and looked in the direction of Zhaohua.

"Sa Long, you just learned some prophecies from the mouth of the holy son Wentai, thinking that if you create a few catastrophes and make the world fear and despair, you can become the god of death and see your husband again."

"Unfortunately, mortals are mortals after all, how can mortals become gods."

"It's just like the Parthenon Temple. Even if Yizhisha has the best means, she is not a goddess after all without a soul. Despair is the food of the god of death, and it is the power to wake up the god of death. You, Sa Long, cannot become the god of death without the soul of the god of death. .”

Tian Qingsong said to himself with a sneer, he felt sorry for Sa Long, the purpose of her hiding her soul was to prevent Yi Zhisha from becoming a goddess, because Sa Long knew best that without a soul, there was no way to become a goddess. But he wanted to become the god of death and go to the dark plane to meet Wentai. Fans of the authorities.

Tian Qingsong opened his eyes as if he could see Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan.

"It's almost, almost, the king of darkness will come to the world, the prophecy of annihilation will be fulfilled, and darkness will cover the world!"

Despair is not once. What is despair is that there is no end in sight. You think that a crisis has been resolved, but crises follow one after another. The real despair is that you can never see hope.

In the plain, Tianyan's dignified voice came to Zhaohua.

"Super class..."

A book friend asked, it is a bit exaggerated to kill seven archangels all at once. Let me tell you something. First of all, at the end of the original work, the holy city saw that the little monkey represented the Chinese military and was unwilling to go to war with the country, that is, China has a hidden background. Then there are the angels who appeared on the stage, and they made it clear that they only ascended to the throne after doing some great things. For example, kill the ancient king, kill the demon Mo Fan. That is to say, the previous position is vacant. It would be ridiculous to say that the previous seven angels died of old age, and there was no candidate before they died. So I added my own thoughts. This is a point of thought in the original work. The previous seven archangels must have fallen, which caused other magical organizations to start to have different intentions, otherwise there would be no future.

After all, the author is writing a book, not copying a book, so he needs to add a little bit of his own ideas, otherwise it will become a copy and paste.

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