Full-time Summoner

Chapter 269 Thunder Bear vs. Fire Rooster

Zhaohua showed a devilish smile, his eyes flashed red, and said, "I made this, and only I can make it for you. Do you understand?"

In Lei Xiong's view, the current Zhaohua is like a demon with gold and silver treasures in his hands, is that human? That is the whisper of the devil! !

Lei Xiong struggled desperately, his saliva dripping down. Could it be that this is what humans call the law of true fragrance? ! Damn, it's so powerful!

Lei Xiong glanced at the Black Forest cake in Zhaohua's hand, looked at Zhaohua viciously, and yelled. Meaning let it finish eating first.

But this time the initiative was in Zhaohua's hands and he did not give in. He shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I told you yesterday that you didn't take it seriously. Today, as punishment, if you don't complete the task, you won't have anything to eat."

Gaba Gaba! !

"No. Moreover, the longer this cake is kept, the less delicious it will be. It is best to eat it while it is fresh."

Whispers of demons! This made Baby Thunder Bear feel miserable. Its rationality tells it not to be fooled, that person is a devil, it is the devil's lure, and there is no way to turn back after eating it! But apart from reason, the whole body is telling it to eat quickly, it's so delicious.

In the zoo, Zhaohua and Lei Xiong came to the zoo. There is no doubt that no creature can escape the law of true fragrance.

Except for the locked cages, the zoo is not closed, and the animal trainers are allowed to enter at night, because some of the tamers are nocturnal creatures, but this time no one chooses night monsters.

Zhaohua pointed to a chicken-like monster in the cage and said, "If you win it, the whole cake will be yours."

gaba? ? Not running? ? ?

Zhaohua thought about it, and pure training was not enough for Thunder Bear to develop in an all-round way, so Zhaohua thought of letting Thunder Bear fight with the monster cubs that were also of Thunder attribute.

The fire-electric rooster, this is a servant-level monster. The fire is that its body color is fiery red, but it does not have the power of fire, and the electricity is that the fire-electric rooster can shoot thunder and lightning from the purple comb, even if it is a young one. The fire and lightning rooster, the lightning shot out is also close to the power of a first-level thunder seal.

The attack of monsters is stronger than that of mages, and mages need to practice and help with spirit seeds to surpass monsters.

Gaba Gaba~~

"You don't have to worry about this, as long as you go in, it will naturally fight you, and it will fight you with all your strength, so just don't embarrass me when the time comes."

The rooster's habit is to wake up and crow in the morning. Now at night, people are still sleeping, and their combat power is weakened, and they cannot win by force.

Click, the lock of the cage was unlocked, Lei Xiong walked into the cage, the cage was big enough for two juvenile monsters to fight. It's just that the fire-electric rooster is still sleeping, and has no fighting spirit at all.

It's just that Lei Xiong didn't notice it. Just when Lei Xiong entered the cage, the body of the fire-electric rooster shook.

Lei Xiong is a bit of a thief. He saw that the fire-electric rooster was sleeping, walked over quietly, and made a noise. The right bear paw grew four sharp claws, and there were lightning beating on the claws. This is a sneak attack!

Zhaohua didn't stop. If Zhaohua had only this means, he wouldn't let Lei Xiong go in in the middle of the night.

boom! ! A bolt of lightning flashed past, and when Lei Xiong thought he was going to succeed and relaxed his vigilance, Cockscomb shot out a bolt of lightning as thick as a python, knocking Lei Xiong into the edge of the cage.

The thunder bear's fur is indeed non-conductive, but it was still a pleasure to be electrocuted, the hair flew up, and was knocked into the air.

Lei Xiong looked at the Huodian rooster that had stood up, with a puzzled expression on his face, what's going on, this rooster knows how to play tricks? Will it show the enemy weak? impossible.

Of course, the Fire Rooster doesn't know these things, but the Wraith Valley Lock Rain does.

The fire-electric rooster's eyes were scarlet, it had been controlled by Gu Suoyu. Zhaohua released Gu Suoyu and asked her to control the fire-electric rooster cub to fight Thunder Bear.

According to normal strength, Lei Xiong is stronger than Fire Rooster, but if it is controlled by Gu Suoyu, the opposite is true. Moreover, being controlled by Gu Suoyu will not be afraid of accidents, and can better force Thunder Bear's potential.

"It's hard being a beast tamer."

Zhaohua sat on the ground, picked up a fork and ate the cake. As for leaving it to Lei Xiong, it doesn't exist, because today Zhaohua wants to teach Lei Xiong a lesson, to make him have a desire to win and lose and to survive, and he never thought of letting him win.

Gu Suoyu saw that Lei Xiong didn't take the initiative to attack, so he controlled the Fire Rooster to step forward.

The fire rooster not only has lightning attacks, its chicken paws are also sharp weapons that can cut through Thunder Bear's skin, and chicken pecks can peck Thunder Bear out of a bloody hole.

Moreover, the fire-electric rooster is a speed-type monster, which is very restrained by Thunder Bear.

Lei Xiong saw the fire-electric rooster rushing towards him, turned his head and ran away on all fours. Lei Xiong, who was focused in front of him, didn't realize that Zhaohua was already eating its spoils, otherwise he would definitely go crazy, and agreed to win for himself, why? you ate.

The speed of the thunder bear with four limbs is comparable to that of the fire rooster, but the fire rooster flaps its wings violently. Although it cannot fly, it can make it jump faster and farther.

The claws of the fire-electric rooster controlled by Gu Suoyu shone coldly in the moonlight, aiming at Lei Xiong's back to grab.

But Lei Xiong's eyes revealed a smug gleam.


Roar! Lei Xiong turned around suddenly, gave up running on all fours, and instead stood on two legs. The purple lightning power of the bear's paws was released, and with a snap, it collided with the fire-electric rooster in mid-air, paws and paws.

But when it comes to strength and destructive power, Thunder Bear, who is the top among servants, is naturally superior. The power of lightning spreads all over the Fire Rooster's body, electrifying it until its feathers stand up, and even slaps the Fire Rooster in mid-air. fly.

Zhaohua put down the spoon, Lei Xiong can stand on his feet so quickly? And this opportunity to counterattack was too good to find. He actually spotted the fire-electric rooster jumping and couldn't dodge the moment in mid-air, so as to make up for his weakness that he couldn't hit.

Lei Xiong, who had knocked the fire rooster away, ran towards the place where the fire rooster fell.

The Fire Rooster is not omnipotent, it also has weaknesses. Its lightning power does not rely on the accumulation of thunder fat, but the reserve organ of the thunder system in its body, on the cockscomb. As a result, its skin and flesh are not as anti-electricity as the thunder bear, and now its whole body is twitching, and it can't even stand firmly.

Even if Gu Suoyu is manipulating, if the body is out of control, there is no way to forcibly control it.

Roar! ! When the electric paralysis was released, Lei Xiong had already arrived, grabbing the wings of the fire-electric rooster with both claws, otherwise it would run away.

The thunder bear is still in its infancy, the lightning bear claws just now have consumed a lot of electricity, and it needs to rest before it can come again, but the thunder bear does not intend to use the power of lightning again, but opens its mouth, aiming its fangs at the chicken The position of the neck, intending to bite off the throat of the fire rooster.

Zizizi! ! ! The rooster's comb exploded with the power of lightning again, but this time the lightning was much weaker than at the beginning. The thunder bear did not let go of the bear's claws to avoid the attack, but chose to use its natural advantages of rough skin and thick flesh eat.


puff! Blood flowed like a fountain, Lei Xiong was indeed a representative of astonishing combat power, if he was caught by it, even if Gu Suoyu was in control, there was nothing he could do about it, the gap between the two individuals was still a bit big.

Zhaohua took a look at the Black Forest cake that he had already eaten more than half of, and he regretted it a little.

"I knew I should choose a stronger one. Forget it, let's make one."

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