Full-time Summoner

Chapter 283 The World of Dream Dao Tree

Of course, Zhaohua didn't know about these things, because he was now looking for a tree in Sun Yat-Sen University with suspicion. Although Bai Lian said that any tree would do, Zhaohua planned to find a relatively remote location.

In the end, Zhaohua unknowingly came to the back mountain of the school. Originally, the back mountain of the school was blocked because of Zhaohua. Later, Zhaohua came back alive and reopened.

The monsters have also been supplemented once. This is usually a training place for the students of Sun Yat-Sen University. After all, if something happens in this kind of place, you can call for help, it's not the real wilderness.

Roar! ! ! !

When Zhaohua came in, he could still hear the howling of monsters, but just in case, Zhaohua went back to the dormitory and brought Sanwei and Thunder Bear out. With Sanwei and Thunder Bear escorting them, no monsters dared to approach. Hua came to the place where he broke through to the middle level, which was the place where he was besieged by the white magic eagle.

At that time, Xiao Fengcan defeated the White Magic Eagle, and was taken by the Book of Moonlight to the Holy Land of the elves in the Summoning Plane. This place is just right, and it is protected by the Warrior-level Three-tailed Jade Scorpion and the servant-level Thunder Bear. There are monsters with short eyes.

And in case something happens, there is still a destructive evil dragon resting in the space magic stone. Since Zhaohua wiped out those black rice worms, coupled with the nourishment of the dark magic stone, the Destroying Evil Dragon has become better, and can fight at a critical moment.

"Listen up, both of you, I don't know what will happen to me in a while, please help me watch out, don't let the monsters approach me, my life is in your hands." Zhaohua turned to Sanwei and Lei Xiong Said.

Hiss! !

Boom, Gaba.

Lei Xiong even patted his chest and said it was on him.

Zhaohua found a tree with dense leaves to block the sun, cleaned up the dust, sat on the ground, leaned against the tree and closed his eyes.

Seeing Zhaohua close his eyes as if he was asleep, Sanwei and Lei Xiong lay on either side of Zhaohua.

The breeze is coming, the trees are rustling, the sun is shining through the leaves, neither hot nor cold, this temperature, with wind, one person and two animals can just enjoy the quiet afternoon and take a small nap.

After a while, Zhaohua realized that he was not sleepy, how could he sleep like this.

Zhaohua opened his eyes, and said speechlessly, "No, what's going on with Principal Bai Li'an. You're not reading a novel, you can enter a state of epiphany by closing your eyes and meditating."

He felt that he should ask Bai Lian clearly. It is useless to close his eyes. Should he hold the tree tightly?

But when Zhaohua stood up, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Three tails?"

"Big Bear!"

After Zhaohua opened his eyes, he didn't see Sanwei and Xiongda for the first time. If the two of them walked away by themselves, Zhaohua would definitely be able to hear it, and he clearly felt that Sanwei and Xiongda were also sleeping next to him. Afternoon nap, if you want to leave, you should leave traces, not to mention that Zhaohua asked them to protect him, it is even more impossible for the two of them to run away.

"Something's wrong, Sanwei and Thunder Bear are gone..."

Zhaohua immediately understood that this might be the opportunity for Meng Daoshu. This should not be the original world, I should have entered the world created by the dream tree.

Zhaohua glanced around, this is the back mountain of the school, that's right, looking into the distance, it was exactly the same as the scene he knew.

"Exactly the same world?"

Zhaohua didn't panic, since Principal Bai Li'an had already said that this was an opportunity, then he was right, he should calm down and look for the opportunity.

"It's a completely different world here. I'll ask Principal Bailian first, or he in this world can give me some guidance. After all, he let me in."

Playing games, going to another map that is exactly the same is of course the NPC that sent you in to pick up the quest, right?

Just when Zhaohua was thinking of going to find Bai Lian, he suddenly came to Bai Lian's office, where Bai Lian was sitting on the desk and processing documents.

"Can it still be like this?"

Zhaohua came to Bailian's office after thinking about it. It seems that this place is indeed a fictional world.

"Principal, what exactly does Meng Daoshu want to dream about?"

But Bai Lian was still processing the documents as if he didn't hear what Zhaohua said.

Huh, Zhaohua's hand passed through Bai Lian's body, and now he is like a spirit body, he can't change anything, he can only watch.

"I can only watch... That means chance has something to do with watching? Let me think about it, where are my parents?"

When the same scene changed, Zhaohua came to a land of monsters, and a giant monster tens of meters in height rushed towards him. He subconsciously wanted to use magic equipment to resist, but when he found that the magic equipment had no effect, the monster had already passed through his body.

"Oh, yes."

Zhaohua came to his senses and began to look around. He found that this is a fierce place surrounded by dense monsters. There are more than a dozen of the huge monsters just now, and there are many smaller ones. This is a lair. No, it should be a demon tribe.

Because Zhaohua saw a giant beast that could almost touch the sky with its body in the farthest place.

Sovereign level must be a monarch level monster.

Zhaohua saw a group of people dressed like military mages running away, and the monsters were chasing those fleeing military mages. When Zhaohua saw that monarch-level monster, he knew that these military mages might have done something, maybe they stole some natural treasures.

But Zhao Lang and Zhang Ning were not among those people.

"Strange? Why don't you see me?"

Before Zhaohua had time to think about why no one was here, a black sword energy that pierced the sky swept across like a bamboo, beheading all those huge monsters. Shengsheng rescued those military mages who had already entered the dead zone, and swept away all the monsters around them.

Zhaohua heard those military mages shouting in one direction to be saved. It was only at this time that Zhaohua saw his mother, Zhang Ning, dressed in black and holding a black magic sword in his hand, defying all directions and killing all the demons.

Roar! ! ! The giant monarch beast in the distance roared, and Zhang Ning smiled at the corner of his mouth, showing a mocking gesture. Behind him, a black magic wing transformed into a black meteor. That monarch monster.

Zhaohua stared at it until his eyes spit out, oh my god, what the hell is this, one person singled out the monarch? ?

With a wave of Zhang Ning's hand, three black swords appeared beside him, carrying countless dark and murderous intentions. The four divine swords seemed to be the sharpest and unparalleled existence in the world, which could cut everything in the world. The four darkness can level the light, cut down the sun, and return the world to darkness and chaos!

Zhaohua was dumbfounded watching that woman who usually cooks at home, likes to buy bags and beautiful clothes, and is as gentle as water, has turned into a big dark devil.

"I vaguely remember that time, my mother seemed to have a pair of black wings, and she and my father closed the book of moonlight to seal the ghost doll."

In less than ten minutes, Zhaohua saw his mother make a move and combine four swords into one, turning into a giant sword that pierced the clouds, cutting the demon into two halves with one blade, and the dark wings rolled, The corpse was taken away in the darkness.

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