Full-time Summoner

Chapter 312 This Summoner

Because of the movement just now, the yellow sand monsters have already started to move closer to this side, and the two yellow sand monsters in the distance also gave up throwing stones into the city, but stared at Zhaohua, Xiaofengcan, Lan Star fox two summoned beasts.

A normal sorcerer should step back at this time, but this sorcerer is different, he is a sorcerer of the summoning system, and this sorcerer, he doesn't have much, there are really many summoned beasts.

"Then come on, your first battle! Destroy the evil dragon!"

Following Zhaohua's call, an evil breath emerged from the space watch, and a huge space channel appeared from midair.

With the appearance of the space channel, a terrifying power filled the entire battlefield, even Shanshan Li Guan, who was fighting three times in the distance, was surprised, it was evil.

If he hadn't realized that it was Zhaohua's trick, he would have wondered if there were other monsters who hadn't been discovered by him and walked around.

With a loud bang, a huge black shadow in the space channel fell from a high altitude. If the giant yellow sand monster with a body size of seven or eight meters belongs to a giant monster, then the dark dragon more than ten meters high in front of him is a giant dragon.

Huoooooooooooooo! ! ! !

The desert shook, and in the dark night, the figure of a black evil dragon completely broke the atmosphere of the battlefield. The roar and the power of the dragon made the entire yellow sand demon tribe, tens of thousands of demons startled, and stopped attacking one after another. Even the military mages in the ancient city of Loulan couldn't help looking over at such a fast pace.

The roar echoed on this full moon night, and under the moonlight, the evil dragon of destruction appeared evil-minded.

Since it was impossible to know whether this terrifying dark dragon was an enemy or a friend, all of a sudden, the military mages peeked at each other, wondering whether they should attack or not.

"Rip it up!"

Roar! A red light flashed in the eyes of the evil dragon of destruction. Evil dragon, hunting is its nature, killing is its game, and the special smell of blood is its favorite perfume.

When the evil dragon took a step, even the desert couldn't stop it from sprinting. It pierced through the ground, sprinted, and stretched out its sharp claws. It wanted to tear apart the giant yellow sand monster that was a little shorter than itself.

call out!

The giant yellow sand monster threw a sonic boom rock, but the sonic boom rock at this speed was only the flying speed of itself when it was still at the commanding level, and it was far from enough.

Pa, the evil dragon's right hand claw opened, and it caught the flying rock steadily. The dragon feeling that destroys the evil dragon is very terrifying. The rock in his hand is thrown to the right, almost at the same speed, and collides with the sonic boom rock thrown by the yellow sand monster on the right.

With a bang, two rocks exploded.


Lan Xinghu used the hexagonal water shield to block the rock that was flying from another giant yellow sand monster on the left.

The evil dragon of destruction turned his head and glanced at Lan Xinghu, his expression seemed to say [If you meddle in your own business, I'll kill you. ] Like.

Whoa! !

Lan Xinghu was so frightened that he grabbed Zhaohua's trouser leg, hid behind, and cried.

"Don't worry about it, Xiao Fengcan was holding his breath last time he didn't win."

claw. The Destroying Evil Dragon is like a giant man, its big hands with black dragon scales firmly grasping the long crocodile-like head of the giant yellow sand monster. It actually screwed up the giant yellow sand monster. With a bang, he fell heavily to the ground.

And one hit wasn't enough, the Destroying Evil Dragon's claws didn't let go at all, like pulling noodles, it fell three times in a row.

Roar! ! The giant yellow sand monster's long arms grabbed the dragon's claws of the destroying evil dragon, and tried hard to break free, but the monster power of the destroying evil dragon was not something that the giant yellow sand monster could match at all, and it didn't move at all.

Finally, the destroying evil dragon raised the giant yellow sand monster high, and put the dragon claw of his left hand on the throat of the giant yellow sand. Zhaohua seemed to see the evil destroying dragon smiling.

With a bang, the sharp dragon claws slashed down from the throat. The scene was extremely bloody. The red blood bathed the scales of the evil dragon, making its scales even more ferocious.

Throw it away, it has no habit of whipping corpses, and it has no interest in dead prey.

The evil dragon of destruction looked at the two giant yellow sand monsters on the left and right. It tried to do the same thing, disemboweled the two giant yellow sand monsters, and dyed its pitch-black scales red.

Although the Destruction Evil Dragon did not defeat Xiao Fengcan at the beginning, but in terms of destructive power and lethality, the Destruction Evil Dragon was indeed superior. Every movement of that line is destroying and destroying.

Although Xiao Fengcan still has domains and spiritual weapons that he has not used, but the domains and spiritual weapons are very powerful, and their lethality is indeed not as good as that of the huge body that destroys the evil dragon. And the destructive light that destroys the evil dragon is also not used.

"God Ward, this... which master's summoned beast is this, damn it, it turned out to be a dragon!"

"I'm really screwed. Lao Tzu's contracted summoned beast is a dog, and he is a dragon. Is there such a big gap between people?"

The mages on the ramparts saw the great form of the Destroyer Dragon scurrying across the battlefield, bringing death wherever it went. Sour.

"What's sour about you, as long as it's one of your own."

"That's right, look at how much the magic dragon has shared with us. Didn't you see that the three golden giant beasts blocked by Lord Shanshan have already started howling, are you in a hurry?"

This is the charm of the summoning system. Although the area of ​​damage is not as good as other magic systems, if there is a powerful summoning beast, it can even change the situation of the battle.

Summoned beasts are different from mages in that they are strong and are not afraid of being besieged or being attacked while casting spells. Unlike mages, mid-level mages may die if they are accidentally attacked by a slave monster. Especially the destructive evil dragon, a vicious monster with a strong physique, not to mention being beaten, can bite you back if you are punched through the body.

Shanshan Li Guan laughed and said, "There is actually a dragon summoned beast. It is indeed the son of Brother Lang."

Roar! ! ! The golden behemoth activated its monster skills, and the sandstorm was summoned from a distance. It could be seen that they were anxious. The evil dragon even felt a little bit of danger to them. Those giant yellow sand monsters were all the elites of the tribe, and they were only in their twenties, so they couldn't die.

Seeing the overwhelming sandstorm, Shanshan Li Guan was not surprised at all, and remained as calm as water.

"Then I will treat the person in the same way as the person."

The brown of the earth system flashed in the eyes of Li Guan in Shanshan, and a gorgeous three-dimensional constellation quickly appeared behind him. Three hundred and forty-three stars quickly formed forty-nine star tracks, and the forty-nine star tracks were built into seven frames. Beautiful brown star map.

"Soul rock—the pupil of the rock demon—the veil of the sky."

Following Shanshan Li Guan's words, the seven star maps intersected three-dimensionally and began to be built, turning into a huge constellation pattern, lifelike.

The advanced third-level magic of the earth system, the yarn of the sky.

It was a sandstorm, and the yellow sand rolled up from the ground, together with the three golden behemoths and the sandstorm behind them, they were all buried.

Overwhelm the three commander-level monsters.

Super mage, so terrifying! !

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