Full-time Summoner

Chapter 326: How Many Years Has It Been?

Zhaohua went straight to the table, sat down and asked, "Are you the emissary of the Dark King?"

Because from the very beginning, Zhaohua felt that he was in the spiritual world. Ever since he felt the other party, the ghost doll had a strange feeling, as if he was about to wake up.

Fortunately, the small chain of the origin catalog exists, suppressing it, Zhaohua does not want to fall into madness again, and then his spiritual world collapses and his cultivation is lost.

When Zhaohua obtained the dark contract, the ghost doll did not respond, that is to say, it would not have much reaction to the dark power itself, but it did react after meeting Mina, and now Mina It looks a bit like when I was controlled by the ghost doll. The main performance is that the pair of eyes are all black.

Mina smiled and said: "The emissary of the Dark King, you can indeed say that, but I prefer to be called a fallen angel. I like this name."

Zhaohua frowned, the title of fallen angel Zhaohua first knew was in the Bible, it was written in this book that there was a powerful angel named Satan who fell from the so-called heaven to darkness and became the strongest demon king matter.

However, Zhaohua felt that this book was more like an ancient Western novel, and could not be taken seriously, or could not be fully taken seriously.

Mina continued: "If you don't solve the mystery quickly, the ancient city of Loulan will be lost."

Zhaohua shook his head instead, and said calmly: "The answer to the mystery has been solved. It's actually very simple. You just need to put the glass ball of the zodiac in the corresponding position in the clock tower, and put the glass ball in the zodiac to solve it." open."

Mina still had that reassuring expression, and even clapped her hands, praising: "It's really beautiful, please go ahead."

Mina even stood up, lifted the hem of her skirt, and made a gesture of invitation. Her tone of voice was definitely used to it.

Zhaohua didn't stand up, looked at Mina and said, "Is this why you have no fear? It's also the reason why the last King Loulan lost."

"Even if we know the answer to the riddle, there is nothing we can do about it, because the key tool for solving the puzzle, the glass ball of the Thirteenth Star Palace, is not in the Tomb of the Thirteen Suns, or even in this country."

Zhaohua has been wondering what correction means. The title of the game is called correction. If you want to correct, at least there are mistakes. The reminder on the stele is even more exaggerated, asking you to correct the sun.

Then there is the road sign stele of the Shisanyang Tomb. There are only twelve areas in this place. The area of ​​the bell tower in the middle is the common place of the twelve, just like Rome in ancient times, all roads lead to Rome, because this is a The center, not the region.

So the word thirteen doesn't make sense at all.

But Zhaohua once heard Lin Mo gossip that the original twelve signs of the zodiac, due to the passage of time, actually produced a new constellation, the thirteenth sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus is sandwiched between Scorpio and Sagittarius, but Zhaohua couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched in these two areas.

This time, Mina opened her mouth on purpose, and said with a surprised expression: "Oh Maikar, you actually know. You are so sharp."

As if sensing something, Mina suddenly smiled and said, "Just now the rock wall of the ancient city of Loulan has been breached by the Sand Giant God Soldiers. I believe that I will win this game soon."

Mina, who seemed to have the winning ticket in her hands, danced and said while dancing: "Kunlong was not called Kunlong originally, but Xingyuanlong, because it was the human beings who lived in this land turned to the stars before the era of mass extinction. A strange beast born from the mountains and seas by making a wish."

"The Wishing Star Dragon is a powerful dragon family formed by the light of the sun and stars falling on the land. It is the first generation of purebred giant dragons. The power in its body will change every different month."

"It's a pity that the extremely powerful Star Wish Dragon in the era of mass extinction did not escape that catastrophe in the end, and was wiped out together with the tribe it was supposed to protect."

"So, in the current era of magic, the first king of Loulan found the corpse of the Star Wish Dragon and the power of the dragon core at the location of the Huangsha Demon Tribe, and wanted to make the Star Wish Dragon into a powerful magic tool, but because the Star Wish Dragon The dragon's dragon soul was inconsistent and failed, and in the end this plan was hidden in a corner."

Zhaohua went on to say: "So the last Loulan King traded with the Dark King, in order for the Dark King to return the Dragon Soul of the Starwish Dragon, which led to the game?"

Mina still smiled, nodded earnestly and playfully and said: "Yes, in order to find an opponent, the Dark King made the Huangsha Demon Tribe as his opponent, which was mutated due to the Star Wish Dragon's demon skills and dragon blood. It's a pity, The last King of Loulan was too stupid, thinking he could win from the King of Darkness, and in the end he paid a heavy price for his greed."

The two actually started chatting, like two friends or classmates exchanging studies.

Zhaohua narrowed his eyes suddenly, looked at Mina and asked, "I want to ask you a question, do you know where the thirteenth Dragon Ball is?"

Mina shook her head and said, "I don't know, and no one knows, and the Dragon Ball may even be buried in the soil."

This game is fair, but also cheating, because when it made this game, it was made according to the regulations when the star wishing dragon was born, and when the star wishing dragon was still alive.

This has led to the lack of materials now, but this lack is due to the characteristics of Star Wish Dragon itself, not the game, nor is it caused by the influence of the Dark King himself. Violation.

Zhaohua stood up, and suddenly started to use magic, the middle-level magic of the summoning system, contract summoning, and this was the second contract summoning of the summoning system.

A hint of intriguing ridicule appeared in Zhaohua's eyes and he said, "Then do you know how many years have passed since the time of the last Loulan King?"

Click! The sound of the pointer came from the direction of the clock tower. Obviously the clock didn't have a pointer, so I don't know why there was the sound of the pointer turning.

When the pointer rang, Mina's expression finally changed from calm to surprised, and she suddenly looked in the direction of the clock tower. Only when a dragon ball is successfully inserted, the invisible pointer will vibrate and there will be a sound.

In other words, besides Zhaohua, there are other people, there are still people in the Tomb of the Thirteen Suns, and he is carrying the Dragon Ball.

A bad feeling suddenly rushed into Mina's heart.

Zhaohua sighed in his heart, if possible, I really hope that there is no sound, so I don't have to bother, and it would be nice to finish the game quietly.

How many years have passed, there will always be pioneers in the dark who are pioneering, I don't know how many thousand years, is it true that no one will look for it.

In fact, the matter of the thirteenth dragon ball has been passed down in secret, and it has been stored in the library of the Jiang family, a magic family specializing in archaeology. The current head of the Jiang family, Jiang Tiansheng, did not take on the heavy responsibility. It took him two years to learn that the ancient city of Loulan had reappeared in the world. In an unknown corner he found the thirteenth dragon ball, the ball of Ophiuchus.

Jiang Tiansheng put in the second one. The balance of victory has tipped.

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