Full-time Summoner

Chapter 345 Gifted Student

When Xiong Da was at the servant level, the lightning could only be released for a short distance, and the main attack method was to attach the lightning to the claw and then throw it out, or directly use the lightning as a kind of enchanting effect to make his own lightning bear claw It is even more powerful, scratching the monster can also transmit lightning to the monster's body to cause secondary damage.

However, after reaching the Warrior level, Thunder Bear's strength has been qualitatively improved, and he can release thunder and lightning. If Zhaohua guessed correctly, this should not be the full power of the Thunder Bear Warrior level, because the Warrior level's demon skills The power of the thunderbolt should be comparable to that of the middle-level thunderbolt of the thunder system.

If it is a demon specialized in demon skills and demon abilities, such as Yan Ji, Bing Ji, and Feng Ling Silkworm, the power of the demon skill can even reach the middle-level third-level magic of the spirit species level, and it is complex and changeable. Can come with special abilities.

However, Thunder Bear is a monster with a stronger body, and the power of thunder and lightning is just an auxiliary. The analogy type is Jiang Yu's Night Rakshasa, or Swift Star Wolf's monster skills that absorb star power. A means of enhancing one's own lethality.

Both Zhaohua and Liang Ri picked up their notebooks to record. For example, Liang Ri recorded [Although Zhu Er's body surface is like gold, it is immune to lightning and bounces away the power of lightning. 】

And Zhaohua is basically the same, he recorded that Xiong Da has been able to release thunder and lightning like a thunder mage, and he is no longer limited to enchanting attacks.

In this way, if you encounter monsters in the future, you can first summon Thunder Bear as a thunder mage, first use lightning strikes from a distance, and then attack in melee, so you must know the power and range of thunder and lightning, and how many times Xiong Da can use it. What is the limit.

A professional summoner has to measure these data by himself. You can’t give it to others, because you are afraid that others will give you false reports. This will kill you and the summoned beast, and you need frequent tests.

Of course, that's what professional summoners do, and unprofessional ones don't count.

The three tails also need to be tested frequently. Because the lifespan increases after advanced, the three tails used to be of the servant-level blood of the dead wood scorpion, and the lifespan was almost the same as that of cats and dogs, around ten years.

After becoming a warrior now, although there are differences among monsters, according to calculations, Sanwei's lifespan should reach a hundred years, so Zhaohua still needs to continue to give resources to cultivate, so that Sanwei can reach the adulthood of strength. The most obvious thing is that Sanwei was invisible for three or four seconds at first, but now he can go for almost one minute.

In fact, there is an aging period after adulthood. The previous period is the stage of strength growth, and the aging period is the decline of strength. Generally, the last third or quarter of the life span will reach the aging period. It's called the power decline period.

Back on the field, Sanwei saw that Thunder Bear's thunderbolt was as painless as scratching an itch, Sanwei gave Thunder Bear a look, his body turned blue, and the blue Gangfeng Slash shot at the golden pig.

Zhu Er was a little flustered, but he still tensed up and decided to take this trick.

When ~~~~ Sanwei and Thunder Bear were surprised, this defensive power is so terrifying, it is difficult to threaten the middle-level magic, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to break the defense without the spirit species.

Liang Ri didn't expect Zhu Er's defense to become so perverted.

Jiang Heping commented on the side: "It should be a special defensive monster, similar to a rock beast. The golden body color is somewhat related to the earth element, but it should belong to the category without demon skills."

Jiang Heping noticed that the golden pig was a little flustered when facing Feng Zhan. At this time, if there was a defensive monster skill, it would subconsciously use it, but it was obviously gone.

Moreover, Jiang Heping felt that Zhu Er didn't have much demon energy in his body, so he judged that Zhu Er was a purely physical monster, and the Violent Wolf belonged to this type.

However, most of the audience focused on the green ghost and pig demon.

According to Jiang Heping, the green ghost pig monster became extinct in the era of mass extinction. According to legend, this pig monster came from the summoning plane, so it is not surprising that there are such creatures in the summoning plane, but I have never heard of anyone's dimensional summoning. The beast belongs to the green ghost pig demon, and the specific demon skills and types of the green ghost pig demon are unknown, and there is no record.

Even Liang Ri was observing the green ghost pig demon seriously, but from the very beginning, the green ghost pig demon stood behind the golden pig, motionless, as if asleep.

"It should be the time to prepare to make a move." Deng Le and the others stood in the auditorium, eating melon seeds, chatting and discussing.

call! The green ghost and pig demon made a move.

Its figure was as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it left only a cyan afterimage, which passed the golden pig, like a cyan ghost, and its figure could not be seen clearly at all.

Sanwei saw that the target of the green ghost pig demon was himself, and also showed interest, hissed twice, signaling Lei Xiong to go play with the golden pig by himself, and not to disturb this 1v1 demon battle!

Gaba~~~~ Thunder Bear yelled a few times and then rushed towards the golden pig with all four limbs, and the second pig also came head-on and collided with each other.

Seeing the green ghost and pig demon rushing towards him, Sanwei instantly changed his attributes to an earth attribute defense mode, with a pair of huge rock scorpion claw shields lying in front of him.

With a loud bang, the fangs of the green ghost and pig demon slammed into the scorpion pincer shield. The loud noise shook the venue, and the floor where the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion stood on its six scorpion legs couldn't bear the horror. The huge force made six scratches and was knocked back more than one meter.

As everyone expected, the green ghost pig demon is so small, it is very likely to be a speed-type monster, but unexpectedly, it is so fierce that it directly hits it with its fangs.

It's too fierce!

Hiss! ! ! ! Three tails switched attributes again, became dark attributes, and disappeared using mimic stealth.

hiss! The sharp tail needle of the three tails pierced the green ghost pig demon's body hiddenly, if it was pierced by the needle tail of the three tails, then the outcome would be known.

call out! Boom, Sanwei's tail needle pierced through and stuck in the floor.

The green ghost pig demon actually has the ability to perceive. Invisibility is just invisible to the naked eye. If it is facing a monster with a sense of dragon like the destroying evil dragon, it will be ineffective.

The green ghost and pig demon obviously had a similar perception ability and avoided the attack.

The battle has been going on, like Lei Xiongda and Golden Zhuzhuer, these two huge monsters, you slap me, I slap you, the fights of these two beasts are relatively boring, they don't hurt, they even bleed nothing.

On the contrary, the fight between the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion and the green ghost pig demon was fierce. The three attributes and three monster skills of the three tails switched alternately, both offensive and defensive. The green ghost pig demon had a strong figure and strong perception ability. .

However, both Liang Ri and Zhaohua could see that the green ghost pig demon didn't use his full strength, as if he couldn't use his strength and didn't know how to use it. There were several times when Liang Ri felt that the green ghost pig demon wanted to use demon skills. It's just useless.

Jiang Heping waved his hand, separated the two fiercely fighting monsters with the water blooming screen, and said, "It's useless to continue fighting. Liang Ri, the green ghost and pig monster still has more potential to be discovered. You'll have to figure it out yourself."

The green ghost pig demon is very strong, and was dodged several times by the three-tailed needle's sudden attack. The three-tailed so many attack methods were resolved, but he was still pressed and beaten by the three-tailed pig demon. The green ghost pig demon avoided more and attacked less.

The actual damage to the green ghost and pig monster was not much. It can be seen that the green ghost and pig monster is indeed a very strong monster. If you discover the monster skills, you can definitely defeat Sanwei.

"Also, the golden pig should have other abilities, and I'm not sure what kind of monster this is. It's up to you."

Liang Ri nodded and said, "Yes, Professor."

As for Zhaohua, Jiang Heping didn't say anything, and Zhaohua didn't ask.

This is why Jiang Heping didn't choose Zhaohua as his student in the first place. This kind of genius cannot be taught by himself. He has his own ideas and secrets.

I am not qualified to point him out.

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