Full-time Summoner

Chapter 36 Bloody

"The creation of the magic shield has been arranged. We will buy Lin Mo's magic shoes in a while, and just give Shen Bo the strange bone. But the magic shield may not be available until the summer vacation." Zhao Hua After contacting Uncle Shen, he spoke to Ji Shaohan.

It takes too long to make custom-made magic tools, especially to find some famous craftsmen with some strength and reputation. The time is arranged in units of years. Hua directly refused.

Ji Shaohan is different from Zhaohua, it may take a long time for them to afford mid-level magic equipment, so why not buy a magic equipment if you have enough money and use it first.

Half a year later, the first semester of the third year of high school will start. No matter which world you are in, the third year of high school is a masterpiece of busyness and pressure, even mages are no exception, because starting this year, all mages will start to get in touch with the real world. Instead of living in false security, they face the darkness and dangers of the world.

At the end of the second semester of the second year of high school, during the summer vacation, the Bo City incident that shocked the whole country happened, and the whole demon city fell into a hot discussion for a while.

There were no ups and downs in the trials of the second year of high school. There is no doubt that Deng Le's second, third, fourth, and fifth team formed an absolute strong team to seal the final with such a momentum that they will fight against Ji Shaohan and Zhaohua on the playground of No. 1 Middle School !

Zhaohua is also doing well, the summoning system has finally stumbled to the second level, the wind spirit silkworm is still the same, there is no need to break out of the cocoon, it should eat and drink, eat residual soul and summoning system mana every day, for use The breakthrough energy has always been at the critical point, how much it dissipates, and how much it eats back.

Ji Shaohan finally got his magical shield equipment. It's called the Ice Scorpion Shield. It can generate an ice-blue ice shield to resist an attack. The ring shakes away the enemies, and the ice ring can also freeze the surrounding creatures, which is equivalent to the third-level ice-type magic covered by ice tendrils, but the weakness is that it can only be resisted once, and it takes a day to use it, which is different from Zhaohua's three times.

[How about it, is it good or not. 】On the first day of school, Ji Shaohan and Zhaohua made an appointment to wait at the breakfast shop, and they just got the Ice Scorpion Shield just the day before.

The ice scorpion shield is made into an ice blue earring. The two large pincers of the ice shell scorpion are fastened together, like a ring clasping the earlobe. The scorpion's tail is curved, and the whole is like a crescent moon earring.

Ji Shaoan raised the hair behind the ears with his hands, revealing the earrings, like a little girl who got new earrings from her boyfriend, and couldn't wait to show them off.

"It's beautiful, it's the most beautiful in the world." Zhaohua said perfunctorily.

In the classroom, there are a total of thirteen classes in No. 1 Middle School. Except for daily meditation, there are no other courses in the third year of senior high school, because the most important thing in the third year of senior high school is the field course. All teaching must be learned and sold now. No, may die.

"I think, as students of No. 1 Middle School, you have already inquired about what the first day of the third year of our school will be." The head teacher of Class No. 1 stood on the stage and said to everyone.

These students all know that, after all, such a big incident happened a few years ago, dozens of students died. At that time, No. 1 Middle School almost broke down, and the principal at that time was not Principal Qiu. Because of that incident, the principal apologized and resigned. The principal takes office.

But in the end, the school still withstood all the pressure and did not cancel this annual event: the field training course.

Go directly to the sub-safety zone, start from the security base of Fengyunling, walk northwest along Fengyunling, walk from the foot of Fengyunling, walk the route on the mountain, and pass through Zhuguang Yunling, an artificial lake in Congcheng Lake, and then go westward until you reach Guolong Mountain and start to return, bypass the original route and go east to Gouyeling, then cross Zhuguang Yunling Lake again, and return to Fengyunling to complete.

Except for Fengyun Ridge, which belonged to the Zerg tribe, the other mountains belonged to the sub-safety zone of humans. The army had already swept it, and there was an army camp not far away, guarded by a military area similar to Lu County, but it was not absolutely safe.

Regardless of the lack of these distances, not to mention the danger, it is a mountain road. Even if the physical strength of the magician is better than that of ordinary people, it is still difficult to bear. Most of the students already wanted to give up and surrender when they went. Of course, more students are unwilling to go.

First of all, the students at the elementary level are directly defined as unqualified, and the field training course has zero points. You can only participate if you can release the first-level and second-level magic, and then there are record points in every place. When you reach a record point, there are six record points, and there are four when you come back. That is to say, you can go to the record point of Guolong Mountain. Then you have sixty points for the field training course, and one hundred points when you come back.

However, the student party all know that the important subjects of the college entrance examination have a full score of 150 points, and the field training course is the same, with a full score of 150 points, and the remaining 50 points are scored by the military mage who secretly follows and protects.

The whole course is to test students' mastery of magic, courage and handling of unknown dangers, and teamwork. After all, climbing mountains and crossing lakes requires cooperation, and one cannot do it alone.

Each class is a team, and the first class will go first, then go to the second class, the third class, and the fourth class, and continue until the thirteenth class.

When dozens of people died that year, the entire class was wiped out, and they were all buried in the belly of the monster.

Because of what happened back then, all the students here understand that the protection of military mages is not omnipotent, death is always around, and some people died due to some accidents a few years ago.

The first class is the key class, no one is the first level, and the last is the second level, such as Zhaohua, who also completed the breakthrough of the second level not long ago, and can perform the return of the dimension.

"Teacher, I quit." A girl stood up and said after listening to the teacher explaining the route and how to get there.

"Teacher, I quit too."

"Teacher, I am the same, too scary."

"Teacher, I'm sorry. I quit."

Hush, 20 people quit in a class of 50 people, half of men and women, nearly half of them quit. This is still the key class.

The teacher sighed and said, "You didn't apologize to me, please sit down, those who don't go, the instructor will come later, call for assembly and stay in the classroom."

Since the group's annihilation a few years ago, more than 40% of the field training courses have dropped out every year, and Congcheng's performance in the four-city joint examination has also declined year after year. The atmosphere is too important, a mage without blood is just a chick in front of those terrifying monsters.

It didn't take long for the instructor to come to the door, and he didn't say anything, he called the assembly directly, and Zhaohua and Lin Mo were the first to get up and walk to the door. demon? Killed a lot.

In the end, 26 students dropped out of Class 1, more than half of them. Class 2 also had 26 students. Unexpectedly, Class 13 had only 18 students quit, which was the least of all classes. . In addition to the number of students in other ordinary classes who directly failed the first level, there were all about thirty people, and only a dozen people dared to make a breakthrough.

This data is public, and the purpose is to stimulate everyone's blood, but it seems to be useless.

Lin Mo said to Zhaohua: "That guy Deng Le is still useful. The cohesion of their class 13 is quite good, but I'm more surprised that class 2, even with Ji Shaoan, so many people quit."

Zhaohua nodded, and quitting so much with thigh straps only shows that Ji Shaoyin's reputation and influence in the class are not very good, and he cannot gain the trust of his classmates. But it's no wonder, after all, Ji Shaoan often hangs out with him, and because of his birth defects, it's difficult to communicate, which led to this result.

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