Full-time Summoner

Chapter 360 Joining the Trial Council

So as long as the initiative is on the mage's side, there won't be any problems. Trading with creatures from the dark plane is actually very similar to dimensional summoned beasts, especially the undead system. At a high level, you can even summon darkness from the dark plane. Creatures, forming the army of the undead.

And the Judgment Council is to deal with those stupid mages, the kind of stupid mages who even handed over the initiative. Dark creatures are not like summoned beasts, which have a summoning contract and are fixed. The biggest difference in the dark contract is uncertainty, there is no fixed, you can make any agreement you like.

If a leader-level dark creature is allowed to escape from the dark plane, there will be a big problem.

"You...Because of your own particularity, no matter what kind of dark creatures or unfair agreements you encounter, you have the possibility to escape." Tian Qingbai said, looking seriously into Zhaohua's eyes.

This is where Tianqingbai took a fancy to Zhaohua, and even said that Zhaohua's dark power was already prohibited, but due to various reasons, in the end Zhaohua was not ordered to be arrested by the Tribunal, but instead Recruit him to help him hide.

But for some reason, Tian Qingbai kept silent about Zhaohua's ghost doll's power, thinking it was Zhaohua's contracted summoned beast.

Although the decision is in Zhaohua's hands, in fact he has no choice. Only the Judgment Council can provide the way to obtain information from the dark plane.

Tian Qingbai took out a new letter and handed it to Zhaohua, saying: "Li Weize is the deputy presiding judge of Zhucheng, the demon capital, and your father had a little friendship with him back then. This is a letter of recommendation."

Li Weize was the deputy presiding judge who wanted to prevent Zhang Ning from killing the illegitimate son of the Grand Judge of the Holy Inquisition Court, Dulanke, on Flying Eagle when Zhang Ning extorted votes from Tianqingbai Academy.

After Zhaohua put away the letter, he asked half-jokingly before leaving: "Master Tian, ​​do you know the Fallen Saint King of the Dark Plane?"


Even Tian Qingbai didn't know about the Fallen Saint King. After all, mages don't know too much about the dark plane, and Tian Qingbai doesn't have a black magic department, but Tian Qingbai pointed out a bright way to Zhaohua.

Egypt. This country majors in the Undead Department, and the most famous one is the Undead Department. This country is one of the few powerful countries that major in Dark Magic. If Zhaohua wants to know the news of the Dark Plane, the best way It is to follow the national team to Egypt, and then to understand.

Eighty percent of the undead utensils in China are imported from Egypt, and undead utensils that can collect commander-level spirits are very rare. Only Egypt and the United States have the ability to develop such utensils, and their exports are severely restricted.

Don’t even think about monarch-level spirits and remnants. It is estimated that their countries do not have such vessels. The only way to collect spirits of this level can only be collected by super-level necromancers.

Undead utensils that can be collected at the monarch level already belong to the same level as mythical magic equipment, and it is even more impossible to mass-produce them.

Now Ji Shaohan's research topic at the academy is to conquer the manufacture of commander-level undead vessels.

Zhaohua took the letter of recommendation and came to the location of the trial meeting in Zhucheng, and Yaodu Tower is also in Zhucheng, so it is not far away. But only Tianqingbai and some high-level officials of the Judgment will be on the Yaodu Tower, and the other judges are distributed in various places in Eleven City.

"Xiaohua!! This way, this way!!"

The trial meeting in Zhucheng is like an office building. Before Zhao Hua even entered, he saw Li Weize waving to him.

Zhaohua had met Li Weize, and it was Li Weize who was the auctioneer when he bought the spirit seed Foehn and the mysterious lock obtained in the Endless Ghost City. It's a pity that the bronze lock of the endless ghost city was hung on Gu Suoyu's body, and now it's gone.

Zhaohua smiled when he saw Li Weize and said, "Brother Weize."

When Li Weize heard that Zhaohua didn't call him uncle but elder brother, his mood immediately improved a few notches. He is only in his early thirties, and he is so well maintained, he doesn't look like an uncle! ! ! Today's children are uncle's at every turn, and I really want to give him a fist.

Li Weize happily patted Zhaohua on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Come on, come to my office and talk about it."

Don't look at Li Weize who cried and told Zhang Ning not to kill him, he is the person in charge of handling all kinds of things in Zhucheng's trial office building. Although there is a higher-ranking presiding judge in Zhucheng, the presiding judge often does not talk to people, and does not deal with small matters such as personnel affairs, so most of the matters are decided by Li Weize.

"Hey, hey, have you seen that handsome guy? He seems to have a good relationship with Judge Li."

"What do you think, the presiding judge yelled so loudly. Why don't you hurry up and find out the origin of that handsome guy. He actually has such a relationship with the presiding judge Li. He can't please or turn against him."

Zhaohua didn't expect that before he joined the job, he would be labeled as "going through the back door", "relevant", and "the second generation of officials".

Li Weize's status naturally has his own office, and Li Weize's office is bigger, more spacious and luxurious than Bai Lian's principal's office, and there is a beautiful lady like a secretary who is in charge of registration and reminders. .

Zhaohua took out Tianqingbai's recommendation letter, Li Weize only knew about it, and heard that Zhaohua was going to join the Judgment Committee because of the Loulan New City matter, but after reading the letter, he didn't expect to be hired by Anbu.

Li Weize showed a worried look and said: "Xiao Hua, Anbu is not that simple. Although it is also part of the Tribunal, Anbu is mainly in charge of the chief judge, and..."

"very dangerous."

Although Li Weize is not in charge of the affairs of the Anbu, as the deputy presiding judge, he naturally knows something. He doesn't need to know the specific tasks of the Anbu judges, he only needs to know the death rate.

This is the only department in the Tribunal with a very high death rate, and the other one is in charge of the Black Vatican.

Zhaohua just came to report today, but this also reflects the rigor of the state department, and he made two trips to report.

Zhaohua nodded and said, "Thank you Brother Wei Ze for your reminder, no problem, I am very good at dealing with dark creatures."

Li Weize was just reminding in good faith that he himself has no right to object. This is a letter of recommendation from President Tian Qingbai, which is actually a letter of appointment, and even the presiding judge cannot object. It's just that the recommendation letter is used because the judges of the trial committee have to go through the deputy presiding judge before they are hired, which can be regarded as notification.

Zhaohua is essentially no different from a judge, except that he does different things. What he deals with is not an evil mage, but an evil creature from the dark plane.

"By the way, Brother Wei Ze, I have something to ask you for help." Zhao Hua said suddenly.

Li Weize looked puzzled, do you still need my help?

Zhaohua smiled and took out a piece of paper.


In a mountain village in the demon city, this place does not belong to the safety zone or the sub-safety zone, but a complete demon area, but there is a village in such a place, with hundreds of families living in it.

"This is it?" A man in a black robe asked looking at the gate of the village.

"Well, this should be the village that Deacon Hujin mentioned." Another man in a black robe replied.

"Hey hey, that's all right! Come out, my lovely children!!"

Suddenly, black beasts flew out of the shadows one by one, and there were also some huge cursed beasts. These disgusting monsters with the smell of corpses crossed the fence of the village, and the bone blade in their hands was like a god of death. Like a sickle, to reap life.

Thank you for the monthly pass of [You Said] [Hao] [20190625085004296] [Falling Leaves] *2 [Spring Rain Xiaoxiao] [Resentment] *2 [It’s Yumi Oh] [Daily Reading].

Thank you [Spring Rain Xiaoxiao] for your reward.

In August, it is great to continue to have all the book friends. |(*′mouth`)

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