Full-time Summoner

Chapter 378 Mysterious Ancient Formation

"Three tails, protect them."

Hiss! ! Three tails neighed three times and then stood forward. It felt like an ancient famous general would not retreat in the face of tens of thousands of enemy troops, and that one man was in charge of the other.

Zhaohua turned his head and walked into the ancient temple. Only the servant-level bronze ghost soldier Zhao Hua felt that there was no need to break out and leave for the time being, but they all kept the necessary magic power and magic equipment, and they would choose to leave when it was about the same time.

These bronze ghost soldiers are just a mechanism to prevent the things here from being stolen.

Zhaohua carefully observed the decorations on the table. Only a few sticks of incense were stuck in the gaps of the table, and the ashes fell on the wooden table. Zhaohua looked at the incense, which was exactly the same as the incense used in the collapsed ancestral hall of Nomura. It should be The same brand of incense.

"It seems that this must be the result of worship by the villagers of Nomura, but why does it look like no one has cleaned it for a long time?"

Zhaohua glanced at the wooden table, it was covered with a thick layer of dust.

"For some reason, the villagers of Nomura only offer incense and worship, and provide vows, but they don't clean up?"

Zhaohua looked at the middle of the wooden table again, there was a rectangular groove there, which proved that this wooden table had indeed once placed a rectangular object here, and it was a full two meters long, because of years of crowded The pressure formed such a groove.

But now the stuff on the groove is gone.

"The statue enshrined in the collapsed village ancestral hall is not a rectangular base, and the statue is a shapeless woman. Although the magic stone with the dark attribute can allow dark creatures to possess it for a short time, it should not have gone too far in that era. It’s only a long time ago, considering the time when this place is covered with dust, the time doesn’t match.”

Zhaohua and the others had already investigated clearly when they were there, and the members of the Judgment Council did the same. They even brought back part of the broken statue and gave it to the Magic Association for research.

It is indeed detected that there is a remnant of the power of darkness on it, and it is speculated that the purpose is to let the dark creatures descend through the ancient method and use it as a temporary body. This kind of possession-like method to summon dark creatures to protect the village is also a very common practice.

Now the statue is broken, it is speculated that the dark creature failed to defeat the mage of the Black Vatican, so it was smashed.

Moreover, after research by the Magic Association, it was found that the statue was made in recent years.

"Could it be that there is a limit to the number of times the statue can be used, and when it is used up, it must continue to be manufactured and replaced. Originally, the base of the statue was rectangular, but later it was changed into another shape, so it was moved out of the ancient temple?"

"But why does this involve the Black Vatican?"

"The Black Vatican massacres the village, what is he planning?"

"The secret is on Wenshuidan? Impossible, how could the Judgment Council leak it? Wenshuidan doesn't have anything of value."

Originally, he came here to find clues, but Zhaohua discovered that there are only a lot of mysteries here, not to mention finding the reason why the Black Vatican massacred the village, and finding Wenshuidan people. To report to the trial meeting, the mystery will increase again.

At first, I thought that I could know the secrets of the village by finding the hidden ancient temple in the village, but later found that the ancient temple was empty, with only a few pillars, a star map formation and some bronze ghost soldiers hidden underground.

Zhaohua also thought about whether he would discover some unknown treasures and make a fortune, that's it. Don't talk about getting rich now, I don't even have a hair, so it's a waste of time.

Hiss hiss~~~~ Sanwei yelled at Zhaohua, meaning that the bronze ghost soldiers had all been wiped out.

Zhaohua turned his head and looked, Mo Ze was using magic lighting equipment to check the crack in the ground, inside was a cellar-like rectangle, the bronze ghost soldiers were standing in a row, a total of fifty servant-level bronze ghost soldiers, all of them It was wiped out by them, and Mo Ze couldn't find anything from it, it was just a big pit.

Ji Shaohan is currently cleaning the battlefield. The bronze fragments of these bronze ghost soldiers contain a lot of undead breath. After extraction, they can improve their cultivation level, and they can also make some weapons and equipment suitable for storing undead in their undead space.

I don't know if these fifty bronze ghost soldiers have absorbed a lot of essence over time, but three servant spirits burst out, and Ji Shaohan happily accepted them.

Neither Moze nor Zhaohua has undead utensils. Undead utensils are not expensive, but they need to cost a lot of money to maintain after they are bought. Just like buying a car, the car is bought, but the subsequent refueling and maintenance are even more expensive than the car.

The same is true for undead utensils. Collection and storage will consume undead mana, which can only be extracted from the soul by necromancers. Therefore, normal people would not buy undead utensils. Every time there is a hunter in the wild hunter team, he will be responsible for collecting spirits.

The one who earns the most today is Ji Shaodu, who is making a lot of money. But it is only enough for one-tenth of the pulse of the galaxy.

When Zhaohua saw Mo Ze looking at him, Zhaohua spread his hands and said, "There is no clue, it's better to say that there are more mysteries..."

Suddenly, with a click, the stone pillar turned again. Zhaohua immediately used the wind silk to entangle Ji Shaoan, and pulled Ji Shaoan who was still collecting the bronze fragments of the bronze ghost soldiers to his side. Like the attack mage, Ji Shaoan did not have any defensive magic and displacement magic for self-protection.

And Moze was also keen, and immediately returned to the ancient temple with flash steps.

A powerful wave of magic stimulated everyone.

Forty-nine and stone pillars began to shine, and the formation was activated again.

Mo Ze asked suspiciously, "There are still bronze ghost soldiers?"

Just when Ji Shaohan was fully expecting a few more waves of these weak and high-explosive bronze ghost soldiers to appear, a spatial crack appeared. The crack was more than two meters high and thirty meters wide, just blocking the way back.

When Mo Ze felt that this was the magic of the space system, he exclaimed: "This is the high-level magic of the space system - teleportation! But... isn't this formation a mid-level star map! How could the power of constellations appear! !!"

Zhaohua looked at those luminous stone pillars, all forty-nine stone pillars were shining brightly, but if you look carefully, you will find that it is not the stone pillars themselves that are shining, but the magic stone inside the stone pillars is shining, and Zhaohua is still shining. I found out that there are seven glowing magic stones in each stone pillar.

Forty-nine stone pillars, each stone pillar contains seven magic stones, three hundred and forty-three! Isn't this the number of high-level magic! !

"There are a total of eight magic stones in the stone pillar, one earth-type and seven space-type. At first, only the earth-type magic stone was used to open the cellar and awaken the bronze ghost soldiers. After all the bronze ghost soldiers were defeated. The real killing move will start!"

What an ingenious array arrangement this is. Originally, few people in Zhaohua thought that the middle-level formation could threaten them. Since the monsters that can be sealed by the middle-level formation, it is impossible for them to surpass the general level, otherwise they cannot be sealed, so Zhaohua After seeing that it was an intermediate star map, he also relaxed his vigilance.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a high-level space system formation, and if the teleportation has enough energy, it is a space transmission formation. The space transmission formation is based on the evolution of high-level space system magic.

Thank you for the monthly pass of [War and Sudden Bureau Beihai] [Tianhe Luanwu] [Xin] [Doctors Don’t Die in Gaitia] [No.

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