Full-time Summoner

Chapter 38 The Teacher's Caution

After hearing what Zhaohua said, everyone didn't continue to say anything. After all, what he said made sense. Although wind mages can get extremely high bonuses in the wind track and display extreme speed, it will be even faster if they go with the wind. easy.

"However, what if I run out of mana and encounter a monster?" One of the wind-type girls said worriedly.

Although others didn't say it, the wind and earth students all think so. They are the only two displacement magics among the novice mages, and they can sell their teammates when they are in danger.

You don't need to be the fastest, you just need to be faster than the last person standing.

Zhaohua continued to explain: "We don't need to climb directly to the recording point, and rest when the magic energy is almost consumed, waiting for the recovery of the magic energy."

"Even if we encounter monsters, the number does not exceed two, with our class's two fire elements, three ice elements, plus the defense of water elements and my green silkworm, it is not a big problem to defeat them, even if we can't win, It is still possible to hold back, more than two monsters appearing at the same time, it is unlikely in the sub-safe zone."

Everyone is thinking, and it is indeed as Zhaohua said, the ice system delays the attack of monsters, and the silk of the green silkworm should be able to stop a monster, and the bombardment of two fire systems plus the joint protection of all water systems should also Can kill a monster.

If three monsters appear at the same time, it is estimated that the military mage will take action.

Some people looked at Wu Zhe, the captain. He is also a mage of the earth system. If he agrees, then everyone can't say anything.

"I think Zhao Hua is not completely right, but you can also refer to it. We can be more steady. The students in the wind department can use their magic power in turn. When they are half used, they will be replaced, and then we will find a place to rest." Wu Zhe said. Said to all the students.

Lin Mo walked up to Zhaohua and whispered in Zhaohua's ear: "This man is so disgusting, it's not entirely true, and he still refers to it, just copy the homework and just say it."

Zhaohua didn't say anything, it's just the beginning, if the field training course is so simple, he wouldn't believe it.

The range of the second-level wind track is still quite large, with a width of two meters, which is exactly the width of two people side by side, so the team climbs up together with two people.

The result was indeed as Zhaohua said, although the wind was not very strong, but the downwind reduced a lot of weight, at least the backpacks they were carrying felt lighter by more than half, making them feel like they were running stairs. accept.

"It's so easy. We just opened up the distance in one breath. It would be great if the other classes still go on the way back when we return." A boy said proudly.

"Yes, I don't think it is necessary to keep half of the mana, and rest after consuming the mana."

After hearing this, Wu Zhe thought about it and thought it made sense. If he could set the record for the fastest completion, then he, the leader of the team, would definitely be famous in the city, and he would be able to get a good job after graduation. Some big families even said Not sure.

"Well, I also think we shouldn't be so conservative, let's speed up!" Wu Zhe said.

As a result, after climbing for an hour, the six wind mages in the class had used up all their mana, but Wu Zhe didn't rest, but planned to continue to go to the end in one breath. In the end, without the blessing of wind and earth, After 30 minutes of climbing, everyone was exhausted.

Without the support of the wind element, the difficulty has increased by more than a little.

"Team Wu, how long will it take to reach the first record point?" A girl asked with sweat profusely.

"We've climbed about a third of the way now." Wu Zhe thought for a while and said.

"Ah, it's only one third. Oh, how long will it take to climb, I'm exhausted."

Suddenly the team began to complain, Wu Zhe was a little flustered for a while, not knowing what to do, subconsciously looked at Zhaohua who was on the periphery of the team, but Zhaohua didn't say anything while drinking water.

Wu Zhe said to those complaining classmates: "Let's take a rest and climb again, we should be able to get there tonight."

"Ah, I still have to climb, I can't climb anymore."

"That's right, our wind element has no magic power."

"Team Wu, more than half of the people in the earth element don't have mana, so it may not be able to survive if this continues."

"Yes, yes, it's too dangerous to fall."

"I heard that quite a few hunters fell from Fengyun Ridge and fell to their deaths."

"Ah, that's too dangerous."

Suddenly the scene got a little out of control, and some students even planned to quit, which made Wu Zhe a little overwhelmed, and looked at Zhaohua again, but this time Zhaohua noticed Wu Zhe's eyes asking for help.

Zhaohua raised his voice and said: "It's almost eleven o'clock now. We have exhausted a lot of energy. Everyone rests in place and starts to cook. There are instant food in the backpack. Add water to this small pot to heat the food."

Only then did everyone discover that there was a dark pot in the backpack. Just put speed food in it and add water to the pot to generate heat. Zhaohua taught them how to use it. This is a must-have survival prop for hunters in the wild. It is easy to get tired if you only eat compressed food such as biscuits.

"Then how long am I going to rest?"

Zhaohua replied: "Tomorrow."

"Huh!? Tomorrow, won't it be too long? Our physical strength recovers quickly." Some students questioned.

Zhaohua shook his head and said: "The most important thing for a mage in the field is mana. If mana is not enough, wandering in the wild is equivalent to death. Although the mana of the combat department is still there, if the physical strength is not enough without the protection of the wind and earth system, it will Second. Without the help of medicine, it will take half a day for a junior mage to recover naturally, and we can’t climb at night, it’s too dangerous, so we can only set out at dawn tomorrow, and rest after consuming all the magic energy After half a day, we can reach the recording point tomorrow night.”

Although there are some people who think that they can rely on physical strength to climb a certain distance first, and then rest, relying on physical strength is fine, but they are rejected by Zhaohua. The reason is that if there is magic power but no physical strength, the star trails will be easily broken, resulting in the failure of magic activation.

To spend a whole day in the wilderness without a mobile phone, without the Internet, without any entertainment, it can be said that it will kill them.

"Huh? Are you in the first class? Why are you sitting here?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the side road, wearing the school uniform of No. 1 Middle School.

"You are from class three, have you caught up already!! Why are you so fast!"

The students in class three replied: "It's nothing, it's just that I'm faster, let's not talk, I'll take a step first."

The people in Class 1 looked at the figure of the class 3 leaving in surprise and said: "No way, there are so many Class 3 students faster than us!"

"Why don't we catch up? If our key class loses to the ordinary class, where will we save face?"

Wu Zhe looked at Zhaohua, he had no idea.

"That person should be from the wind department. He handed over the luggage to the other students and went to the recording point by himself first, so that they can be the fastest in class three. It should be the idea." Zhaohua thought for a while and said.

"Then we should also find someone to go to the record point first, oh, we have run out of mana in the wind element." One of the girls said in a somewhat reproachful tone, and looked at Zhaohua twice.

"But isn't he afraid by himself?" A classmate asked.

"Those on the Internet who say that the field training course is scary are used to scare students in all likelihood. How could it be dangerous? Except for the accident that happened a few years ago, I haven't tried it in the city for so many years. Some people just If you are scared, don’t be afraid.”

It was only when they heard so many classmates that they suddenly realized that they had cleared up the monsters early in the morning to protect their safety, but deliberately spread rumors to create an atmosphere.

They all feel a little pity. If they do the same, they should be able to achieve faster with the cultivation base of a group of wind mages.

But they didn't know that behind the three students who had just left, a mage in military uniform drew a big cross on the grade board and wrote, "The theory is dead, and the assessment is zero." '

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