"Explosive Flame - Tianyan Funeral - Flame Rain!!!"

"Give me all to die!!"

In the hands of the blue-clothed deacon Judge, a ball of flames condensed, the flames were subdued, like the calm before the storm. Although Zhaohua's wind tornado wiped out many black beasts and cursed beasts, more precisely, they killed themselves.

However, Jia Qi's successful release of the funeral of the sky flame with the power of the spirit seed - the flame rain will also wipe out all these black beasts and cursed beasts. Tianyan's funeral is such a magic that destroys all creatures in front of it.

Like a funeral for the end of the world, the rain of mournful flames in the sky.

The flames in Jia Qi's hands were sent to the sky, and Zhaohua clearly saw that the stars in the huge constellation became bigger visible to the naked eye, and some of the 334 stars turned into huge flames and rushed towards them.

Boom! ! ! ! !

The very first flame rain fireball wrapped the half-collapsed ancestral hall in the village and exploded. Everything inside was instantly melted by the terrible high temperature, and it was more than that. All the things in it were shaken away, and a pitch-black pit appeared. The high temperature of high-level fire magic could melt even stones, let alone people.

Zhaohua's expression was solemn, the flame rain in the sky did not allow him to think anymore, if Zhaohua uses the wind track flash step now, there may be a chance to rush to Judge's position.

Zhaohua has also learned the knowledge of the fire system. The high-level fire magic, the funeral of the flames of the sky—flame rain, has an attack blind spot, which is where the mage is. The fire mage had to die together, otherwise he wouldn't be able to control the fireball to hit him.

But now the question is, what to do with Thunder Bear.

The funeral of the flames of the spirit seed - Yanyu can seriously injure even the leader monster, let alone the warrior monster, and Thunder Bear itself does not have the ability to defend and evade. The large-scale high-level fire magic Sky Flame Funeral can instantly kill Thunder Bear.

Zhaohua gritted his teeth, activated the magic walking equipment, activated the wind track floating shadow formation, and ran back in a flash.

As a summoner, you can't win by sacrificing your own summoned beasts, that's just a third-rate summoner!

"Big Bear! Come here!!"

Zhaohua grabbed Xiong Da's hand, and poured mana into the space magic stone watch in his hand, opened the space channel, and threw Lei Xiong into the space magic stone.

It is useless for Zhaohua to go in. The space magic stone is just a magic stone after all. Not to mention the high-level fire magic, even the mid-level Fierce Fist can destroy it. If the space magic stone is destroyed, not only Thunder Bear , will also suffer.

So after Zhaohua took Lei Xiong back, he had to avoid the dense rain of flames.

call! ! ! A huge flame aimed at Zhaohua's direction. The explosion range of the flame rain is very large, and the speed of the wind track can't be avoided, and there is not only one, there are front, rear, left, and right, and the wind track alone is not enough .

"Wind track flash!"

Boom! ! ! ! ! After the flame rain fireball hit the ground, it exploded, and the high-temperature flames spread, and the flames swept across. The speed of the flames cannot be escaped by the wind track, unless it is the instantaneous movement of the space system.

"Magical shoes!"

Zhaohua's magic shoe activates the effect, the shadow escape activates, and the dodge is activated continuously. After the wind track dodges, Zhaohua enters the darkness, and a black shadow escapes the flames of the explosion with a whoosh.

Zhaohua narrowly escaped.

However, the characteristic of the flame rain at Tianyan funeral is that it has a large number, a wide range, and a long duration.

Zhaohua almost exhausted all his skills, including wind perception and spiritual weapons, but Xiaofengcan's spiritual weapon is not defensive, and Xiaofengcan only has the strength of a warrior, and the spirit weapon cannot resist high-level magic .

The emerald green spiritual weapon was blown apart.

Like magic, spirit tools are manufactured, not magic tools. So Little Wind Silkworm also suffered a backlash, consuming most of its mana, and its control power dropped significantly.

"Hahahahaha, hide! Let's see how much you, a little mouse, can hide!"

And flame rain. . . . The gap in high-level is too big, Zhaohua really admired himself for killing so many high-level mages with the power of Tianyan, although because they were controlled by the Psychic system, their magic power and release speed were weak. However, high-level magic is really abnormal.

Zhaohua was affected by the explosion's spiritual-seed shock wave, and most of the scale armor of the wind scale armor was shattered, and his body suffered some burns.

Zhaohua looked wearily at the five flame rains in the sky, which were a little bigger than before. This was the last flame rain, which condensed the power of the remaining flames, so it was very big, and it was used for finishing.

"Hahaha! Die!"

The red reflection of the flames reflected on Zhaohua's face, turning Zhaohua's face into a bright red. Because of this, even Jia Qi, a high-level mage, didn't notice that not only Zhaohua's face turned red, but even his exposed skin became red, and even a trace of flame burst out.

"Hmph, for the sake of giving you a lot of good things, I will teach you a trick with my elf magic."

Tianyan's elf magic.

Zhaohua looked at the oncoming huge flame rain, his eyes did not have the slightest despair, on the contrary, from the nervous and flustered eyes at the beginning, they became confident. He turned out to be faking it, he could even pretend his eyes, the Oscar winner didn't run away.

When Zhaohua knew that the blue-clothed deacon was a high-ranking mage majoring in fire, Zhaohua thought of the Tianyan Funeral Flame Rain, which is a large-scale destructive magic that will not only destroy the enemy, but also smash the ground to pieces .

Zhaohua didn't have time to dig the soil bit by bit and then break the barrier, that would be too slow. But if there is a high-level power to help, it will be different.

Although this is what he said, Zhaohua is not completely sure that he will survive, probably only 99% sure.

"Elf magic - blood fire."

Boom! ! Hurrah! ! !

"Hahahaha, it's so wonderful, this is high-level power, ah, it's too much!! It's so beautiful. It really is art, and destruction is art!"

Judge looked at the devastation on the ground, and watched the whole village start to burn because of his Tianyan funeral. The wooden houses started to burn with crackling, and there were huge potholes on the ground. His magic blew up the ground. Tens of centimeters away, revealing the protective barrier of the ancient underground temple.

Because of Tianyan's funeral, this enchantment has been broken, and it only needs to be repaired again to break it.

He's a little crazy, and the high-level magic is so beautiful.

Jia Qi walked towards the place where Zhaohua was killed in the bombing, and sighed: "Oh, I forgot to ask, where is the entrance. Alas, my old problem has happened again."

"It's the same if you go to hell and ask Hades."

Zhaohua's voice came from the flames, and a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the flames, it was Thunder Bear, but it was so different, because now the bear had turned red.

"Xiong Da! Crazy Thunder mode! Break through this village for me!!!"

Thunder Bear jumped up from the flames, and the whole body was flickering with terrifying red thunder, and the bear's big eyes flashed with thunder and lightning, angry, the bear was furious. Someone dared to hurt Zhaohua, it wanted to blast the creatures that hurt its master to nothing.

Unexpectedly, this made Jia Qi completely unaware of why Zhaohua didn't die! ! Even with magic equipment, such a terrifying explosive shield magic equipment can't stop it at all, and he didn't find any fluctuations from the magic equipment.

Xiong Da's bear claws condensed all the blood thunder, the blood-red thunder and lightning condensed, and the blood bear's demon skill of mad thunder - mad thunder shakes down! Condensed blood thunder fell from the sky and a thunderstorm broke out.

"Magic...Magic Equipment!!"

Judge used a shield and a magic armor, but how could the ordinary shield and armor be able to resist Xiong Da's desperate thunder strike.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Ka Ka Ka! ! The red thunder was like an invincible thunderstorm, even the ground was pierced by this terrifying power, becoming the last straw that broke the camel's back. The whole ground collapsed with a crash.

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