Full-time Summoner

Chapter 389 Escape from Doctor Mountain

Although the place where Nomura is located is not the center of the Dafu Mountain demon area, it has already penetrated about half of the distance, so even if the three of Zhaohua destroy the evil dragon belt, it is impossible to fly back to the safe area directly.

If you can fly over the monster area by flying, why is it so troublesome to walk.

The sky is the most dangerous, so no one does this.

"It's the giant eagle's lair."

Zhaohua looked at the black line in the distance, slowly enlarging the herd of beasts, and finally saw clearly what kind of monster it was. A large group of huge brown giant eagles flew in front of him, and his face darkened. If he wanted to fly back to the safe zone as quickly as possible, he might encounter the Hell Flame Tiger, so Zhaohua planned to take advantage of the speed difference of the destroying evil dragon to avoid it, and then return to the safe zone.

But Zhaohua still thought too much.

It was a colony of giant eagles. Zhaohua roughly counted them, and there were more than 40 giant eagles gathered. This has reached the number of a nest. The size and name of these giant eagles are the same. It's not big, but its wings are nearly five meters long. Compared with other slave monsters, it can really be regarded as a colossus, and it can bear the word 'giant'.

If there were only slave-level giant eagles, then Zhaohua would not show embarrassment, but what Zhaohua found troublesome were the three blue-gray giant eagles.

This is a lair, the number has reached fifty and there are warrior monsters, and there are still three!

The iron giant eagle, whose body feathers are harder than steel, not only has strong defense, but also flies very fast. The demon skill is to shoot steel-like feather and blade rain. According to legend, the rainstorm pear flower needle seen in the TV series is an anthropomorphic design imitating the demon skill of the giant steel eagle.

Iron giant eagles are only at the level of small warriors, and their strength is not strong, but they can fly, which is the problem. In the air, half of Zhaohua's summoned beasts were disabled, Thunder Bear and Sanwei could not be used. Only Xiaofengcan and Lanxinghu were left, plus Lanxinghu and Xiaofengcan had been exhausted in the battle just now, so I don't know how far they can fight.

Mo Ze also saw the Giant Eagle Beast flying towards him, and the Destroyer Evil Dragon even made a detour to avoid it, hoping it was just such a coincidence, and the target of dealing with it was not himself.

But the result is cruel. The goal of the warrior giant eagle in the giant eagle's lair is to destroy the evil dragon, and they also want to advance to become the leader. Small warriors have limited strength because of their bloodlines, but that doesn't mean they can't advance. They can still advance to become commanders, as long as they reach the advanced stage after adulthood and the resources are in place.

"How to do it, kill?" Mo Ze looked at Zhaohua. Now he is undoubtedly the commander. If you want to kill, you can kill them. How can the three little generals stop the three of them?

Zhaohua shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Landing, air combat is too unfavorable. We don't have magic wings, and the wind element and space have not reached a high level. If we fall from this height, we will be injured if we have magic armor, and our magic armor It has already been used, and it will be troublesome if it falls.”

"Although there are risks in this way, we can only exert our strength by going on land."

Destroying evil dragons alone is not enough. Human beings cannot fly is a racial shortcoming. It is undeniable that air combat is indeed disadvantageous.

"Destroy the evil dragon, descend."

The evil dragon of destruction saw the right timing, and with a whoosh, it descended rapidly and flew down at high speed, flying at low altitude. The three of Zhaohua and the others cleverly flew under the herd of giant eagles.

But this does not solve the problem, because flying at low altitude means being attacked by land monsters. Sure enough, just as the Destruction Evil Dragon lowered a little, three sandstorm attacks came from the ground.

That is the Sandstorm Lion, a relatively powerful monster in the servant class. Its monster skills are similar to those of the Spirit Wolf, and it spews out sandstorms from its mouth.

Roar! ! ! The wings of the evil dragon shook, and the strong wind blew away the Sandstorm Lion's sandstorm attack, and the three Sandstorm Lions were blown away to an unknown distance.

But in such a short time, the giant eagle herd caught up. Although the Destroyer Dragon has dragon wings, being able to fly and being good at flying are two different things. The destructive evil dragon is not a flying dragon. What is more powerful is its destructive ability and combat power. Flying is indeed not as good as a natural flying monster.

"Spatial rhythm—time lag!" Moze's eyes flashed with silvery white light, and the power of space suddenly came. The silver-white space system star map has been completed early in the morning, waiting for these giant eagle beasts to approach.

A large-scale deceleration zone was completed, and the originally fast giant eagle beasts fell into a state of deceleration, making it difficult to move.

"Silver Blade - Wind Disk - Luo Tian!"

Zhaohua used the wind disk of the silver blade of the spiritual seed, and countless silver-white blades flew out, killing the giant eagle beast held by Moze's space power with one knife, and Luo Tian, ​​who had a large range, In an instant, half of the giant eagle beasts were wiped out.

clang clang! ! ! ! ! ! Seeing that his servant was killed, the steel giant eagle at the advanced stage who took the lead uttered an angry cry, and flew high to avoid Moze's spatial rhythm—the time-delayed deceleration space.

The huge blue-gray wings wrapped around the body, spiraling up to the sky, constantly rotating its body.

"Run, that's its demon skill."

Sure enough, as the body of the blue-gray giant steel eagle rotated, the steel feathers on its body were thrown out by it, and the steel feathers as thick as arms were shot like sharp arrows.

Even the tough dragon scale of the Destroyer Evil Dragon was scratched with a white mark. It is conceivable that if Zhaohua and the others hit him, they would be pierced directly through the body.

"Fierce Fist—Bombing Sky!"

Zhaohua condensed the flames in his hands. In order to resist the sky flame funeral of the blue-clothed deacon Jia Qi, Xiao Fengcan even shattered the spirit weapon. The wind disk has made Xiao Fengcan and his first summoning system not have much magic power, and can only wind track.

Zhaohua's fire fist blasted out, and the rain of arrows shot through Zhaohua's fierce fist. To be honest, Zhaohua's fire element was at a normal level. What is a normal level means that you can't beat the general demon.

However, Zhaohua never thought that there is no spiritual seed or an intermediate-level Fierce Fist that can melt these steel feathers. With a bang, the fierce fist exploded, and the blast wind affected the precision of Iron Arrow Rain.

Even a little bit of wind in archery can change a lot.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep, the steel giant eagle's sword rain was stuck on the ground, none of them hit Zhaohua and the others.

Taking advantage of this time, the explosion of the fierce fist blocked the short-term vision, and the evil dragon landed. Ji Shaoyin took the evil dragon back into the undead space. She felt that Heitan's head was so pitiful!

Roar! ! ! As soon as the feet of Zhaohua and the others hit the ground, five demons jumped at them.

A pale dog beast with six limbs, bluish-white skin, and a head that looks like a dog's head, but with its five sense organs glued together, it looks like a disgusting servant-level monster that is good at sneak attacks.

Almost! The water shield of Lan Xinghu appeared, and Lan Xinghu activated his skills in the contract space, stopping the five pale dogs that were rushing to bite, and let them bite on the shield.

"Three tails! Kill them!"

Three tails appeared from the space magic stone, and the three tails were like deadly spears, piercing through the body of the pale dog beast, instantly killing it. The remaining two were crushed into meat paste by the crackling sound of Moze's space system.

Zhaohua put Ji Shaoan on Sanwei's back and asked Sanwei to act as a mount. Ji Shaoan's magic is life-saving magic, and she still has enough mana. If she is allowed to summon an army of undead, she has the ability to temporarily resist a large number of demons, so Ji Shaoan's mana must be kept for the time being.

Three tails and six scorpion legs ran wildly, while Zhao Hua and Mo Ze used the wind rails to cover behind them. They must run faster than the Yangyan tiger beast group now.

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