Kakaka, bone undead do not have vocal cords, but they are not incapable of making sounds. Skeletal undead can rely on hitting the upper and lower teeth to make a clicking sound, which represents their laughter.

Standing on the back of the three-tailed jade-scaled scorpion, Zhaohua looked down at the densely packed white jade undead. Zhaohua couldn't help but lament that Ji Shaoan's undead cultivation was really strong, and he really deserved to be at the third level of the middle class. This undead The number of monsters is probably the same as the number of monsters in a small community.

However, Zhaohua reckons that this terrifying black magic talent is related to the Dark Lord's soul.

And this time Ji Shaoan didn't only use the Undead system, Ji Shaoan also activated the power of the Curse system just now, after using the Breath of the Dead, Ji Shaoan also integrated the Haze of Fear, the elementary magic of the Curse system, into the Breath of the Dead at the same time, Let this piece of undead land be cursed.

Except for the creatures that Ji Shaohan allowed, other creatures will be cursed and weakened if they enter. Strengthen yourself and weaken others.

Ji Shao lay in Zhaohua's arms, quietly opened his eyes and took a look, then immediately continued to pretend to be weak. Green tea whore pretends to be dizzy and weak, who can't be. It's just that Ji Shao'an is indeed out of magic power, but he hasn't reached the level where he can't even stand still.

Zhaohua looked at the undead who were strengthened like white jade. These bony undead were the most numerous on the battlefield, and they were also the main combat power. Coupled with the carrion undead that has not been completely rotted from the corpse, and those mutated ghouls, the large group of Yangyan tigers will not be able to break through the resistance of the undead for a while and attack Zhaohua and the others.

The demon skill of the Yangyan Tiger Beast is to spray a fireball that resembles a burst of fire. It is the fireball that just blocked the way. Except for its larger size and red coat color, it is no different from ordinary mountain tigers.

Zhaohua is waiting now, waiting for some of the battle casualties between the Yangyan Tiger Beast and the undead, and then detouring away after reducing the number a little. Now we have to wait first, otherwise it is likely to attract the attention of the warrior-level Great Flame Tiger , then troublesome.

What Zhaohua didn't expect was that instead of waiting for the number of undead and Yangyan tigers to decrease, he waited for information from Lin Mo instead.

"Zhaohua, I'm heading towards the location of the magic tool together with the military mage. Hold on, we'll be here soon." Lin Mo's voice was accompanied by the wind, and it could be heard that Lin Mo was heading here at full speed on the way.

After Zhaohua heard the news about Lin Mo in the sound transmission magic tool, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly asked: "Lin Mo, you said there are military mages around you, how many are there? Are there any high-level mages?"

Lin Mo didn't know why Zhaohua asked such a question, and said, "There is a high-ranking mage named Yihang Dajuntong. We have a small team of military mages here, and the others are all middle-ranking mages."

When Zhaohua heard this, he smiled, and said, "I have a good idea to give the sound transmission magic tool to Yihang Dajuntong."

On the other side, Yihang's army was at the forefront of the team. Fortunately, Lin Mo was a middle-level mage of the earth system, and he could barely keep up with the speed.

"Da Juntong, that Mo Ze judge."

The military mage handed Yi Hang the sound transmission magic tool, which is also used by the military, but he knows how to use it.

Holding the magic tool, Yihang's army said impatiently: "Just don't be killed by the blue-clothed deacon, we are coming to rescue you now."

Because of the blue-clothed deacon, their military's original plan for the Hell Flame Tiger is gone, and it is also a credit to save Zhaohua and the others and capture the blue-clothed deacon.

Zhaohua said: "Deacon in blue has been killed by Judge Moze and me, and we are now surrounded by the Yangyan tiger beast group."

Yihang's army showed a look of surprise. Lin Mo had already told him that there were three mid-level mages, and Mo Ze was one of them. The other two were high-achieving students from Zhongshan University, both of which were mid-level mages. Originally thought that the deacon in blue was going to kill them, but what he didn't expect was that the three middle-level mages killed the high-level mages instead? ! This is a bit wrong.

If he knew that Zhaohua almost killed him alone, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

"Okay, a bastard like Deacon in blue died well. You did a good job, hold on, we'll be there soon." Yihang's army commander showed joy, if it was a young mage who could kill Deacon in blue, he would not Mind leading a rescue team, there are very few such national pillars.

But to his surprise, Zhaohua didn't need him to save him, but instead made a suggestion.

"The Yihang Army Commander, are you interested in annihilating the Yangyan Tiger Beast clan?"

Yihang Dajun frowned, he didn't understand what Zhaohua meant, was he joking? Or are you crazy?

There are tens of thousands of demons in the Yangyan Tiger Beast colony. If you really want to wipe out the entire demon colony, you must at least send another army of the same high-level three-line army as him, otherwise it will not work.

"Don't even think about it, the most difficult thing for the monster group to deal with is not their leader, but the tens of thousands of servant monsters, those monsters can't kill all the demons even if they are high-level mages. The Great Flame Tiger at the level of a warrior, this is the reason why the demon clan is difficult to eliminate."

"Our military strength is limited, there is no way to eliminate so many demons."

Zhaohua's confident voice came from the magic tool: "If we can deal with the slave-level Yangyan tiger, I wonder if Yihang's army will have the confidence to eliminate the commander-level hellfire tiger."

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Responsible for eliminating tens of thousands of slave demons? ? ? ? Just you three? Unless all three of you are high-level mages, it's impossible. Just don't pretend to be an intermediate mage.

But Yihang's army didn't know the reason, and they got a little sense of trust from Zhaohua's confident tone, and asked out of nowhere: "How sure are you?"

"Ten percent." After Zhaohua was silent for a few seconds, he gave the answer in a deep voice.



Click, the sound system magic stone in the sound transmission magic tool is broken, and the sound transmission magic tool can only be maintained by the sound system magic stone.

Zhaohua put the sound transmission magic tool back into the space magic stone. Ji Shaohan didn't pretend to be dizzy, she looked at Zhaohua in surprise, where do you have the confidence to deal with these tens of thousands of Yangyan tigers? ? ?

Moze's eyes bulged out in surprise, he glanced at Zhaohua, and then at the densely packed Yangyan Tiger Beast opposite, the impenetrable, roaring fireball attack, this. . . How to fight this! ! A servant-level monster is also a monster, and it will kill people!

Zhaohua always showed a smile. Now that we have discussed it, let’s wait for the information. They have agreed that Yihang Dajun will lead his elite team from behind. The Hell Flame Tiger must sit at the rear, allowing its servants to consume the mage's mana first.

It is precisely because the commander-level already has wisdom, can draw up tactics, and first consumes the mana of human mages with slave monsters, so it is difficult for military mages to destroy the leader monsters leading the group. It's okay to place an order, but it's really hard to deal with a group.

But this time, the Hell Flame Tiger took the initiative to leave its lair because of destroying the relationship with the evil dragon, and exposed itself to a wild area that did not belong to its own territory. This was undoubtedly the best chance to kill it.

A thundercloud appeared not far away, and Zhaohua knew what was going on when he saw the sudden appearance of the dark cloud. Lightning high-level magic, Yihang Dajuntong is a high-level mage majoring in lightning.

Zhaohua stared at Ji Shao, smiled and said, "It's time to make a big fuss."

Your sister, you dare to surround me, today I will let you, a stupid tiger, know what it feels like to be flanked by people back and forth! !

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