Full-time Summoner

Chapter 398 He is not a Summoner but a Berserker

"You...you stop! Let's fight again!" Jiao Xingyu's body was covered by a faint white light, which was the magic of the healing system, and a female mage of the healing system was treating him beside him.

Mages in the healing department can make money by qualifying matches every day. Every time they heal, they have to collect money. Depending on the injury, it can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, especially those who are poisoned, such as fire poison, cold poison, Neurotoxins are particularly troublesome, and they may consume all of their mana, so naturally they will be more expensive.

"Hey, you haven't healed yet, don't move, your bones are broken, it will be troublesome if you move around. I will charge you extra at that time." This slightly fat healing mage Said dissatisfied.

"Go away, I don't need it." Jiao Xingyu's character was revealed.

It's no wonder, being defeated like this, Dao Xin collapsed.

However, this cannot be blamed on Zhaohua.

Although Zhaohua has been practicing for the past few days, Zhaohua's news is still well-informed. With Lin Mo, an intelligence collection expert, Lin Mo will not let go of any news about Zhaohua.

So Lin Mo told Zhaohua that Jiao Xingyu had mortgaged his magic tool and replaced it with a magic tool of concentration to defend against mental attacks.

That's why this scene happened.

Who do you look down on?

The reason why mages need magic equipment is because they are weak, and you have changed the magic equipment, who gave you the confidence. So Zhaohua taught him a vivid lesson.

Zhaohua looked at Jiao Xingyu, Zhaohua didn't hold back his strength, the bone must be broken, but they all ignored one point, if Zhaohua had been close to him and then used magic or elf magic to attack, Jiao Xingyu's life would be in danger. In a sense, Zhaohua is showing mercy.

It's too stupid to think that you have chaos magic and can absorb the wind disk and demon skills, so you give up magic tools.

Zhao Hua said: "According to the rules, if you want to challenge me again, you have to wait for the next half month."

Sun Yat-sen University has regulations in the qualifying competition. You can only challenge the same person twice a month. Once in the first half of the month, you can test the waters. If you improve your practice in the second half of the month, you can challenge again. There are two times in total. We have only just started the first week of qualifying.

"I don't need a ranking spot, I want to challenge you personally!! Immortal!!!" Jiao Xingyu has completely lost his mind now, being humiliated like this, his mind has gone blank now, and he hasn't had a cerebral hemorrhage for half a year to say no say this.

Zhaohua turned his head directly, not wanting to say anything. What good is it for him if you don't say that Zhaohua has no reason to accept your challenge and keep dying? I can break through to a high level by killing you? Or one more summoned beast? No good at all.

Jiao Xingyu roared, "Are you scared?"

Zhaohua turned his back to Jiao Xingyu and said, "Yes, yes, I'm scared, please let me go."

Zhaohua jumped off the stage, ignored Jiao Xingyu, greeted Mai Jiaxi and Liang Ri and said, "You guys also have challenges?"

Zhaohua had read the challenge list. Gao Cen had a qualifying competition, but he was not in this venue so he didn't come. This venue is dedicated to the ranking competition in the inner courtyard of the magic department of the dimension, and Gao Cen is on the black magic side of the shadow department.

Liang Ri shook his head and said, "There will always be people who come to see you fight."

There is something in Liang Ri's words, which means that Liang Ri's goal is also the top 20. Those who want to participate in the vote competition will be randomly matched at that time, and they will almost definitely be on the opposite side at least once.

Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Earth, Light, Ice, the seven natural magic systems, the top 20 of each system, plus the top 20 of the three rare systems of black magic, white magic, and dimensional magic, Exactly two hundred people.

Team battles are mandatory, while single-player battles require self-registration. The mode of the group battle is based on the number of people in the school battle, five against five, exactly forty teams.

That's why Liang Ri and Mai Jiaxi came to watch the battle. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

The one who benefited the most is Mai Jiaxi. Lightning and fire are similar. Lightning has strong destructive power and penetrating power, while fire has a range of damage and continuous burning. These two are medium The two most destructive magic systems among all the magic systems in the first class.

In other words, if Mai Jiaxi was not using magic equipment, she would be beaten up just like Jiao Xingyu.

Mai Jiaxi looked at Zhaohua and asked seriously, "Are you from the Lian family?"

There are some martial arts moves in our country. Although they are only used by ordinary people, Zhaohua's physical strength is a bit similar to the moves when he is close. Moreover, Mai Jiaxi also knew that military mages had to practice, besides practicing meditation every day, physical skills also had to be practiced.

Zhaohua nodded and said, "My dad is a hunter mage. He taught me when I was young that when you fight monsters in the wild, the only thing you can rely on when your mana is exhausted is your weak human body. Even if it increases the hope of surviving a little bit, it also allows me to exercise and learn some of the moves he taught."

"So I have received some training since I was a child. Although it is not as exaggerated as the army, it is still no problem to deal with some mages who only practice meditation every day and stay at home."

In fact, not only Zhaohua has practiced a little bit, but many mages of the wind system can exercise.

It's just because few of the people Zhaohua knows are mages who major in the wind system. Most of the mages in the wind system will find a qualified magic-killing tool. One is to strengthen the lack of lethality of the wind system, and the other is for close combat.

The space system and the shadow system are indeed comparable to the speed of the wind system, but these two systems have many possible systems. For example, in the shadow department, there are seal mages who specialize in using shadow nails, and they are responsible for controlling the field and controlling monsters when fighting monsters. The high-level shadow magic night rule will also be used by them to seal and control demons.

This is especially true for the space system. If you want to play close combat with a space system, you can only get high-level ones. It costs 100 million to reach a high-level one. If you don’t awaken the space system until you reach the high-level, it will be too late.

Therefore, only the wind element has considerable movement speed and agility from beginning to end, which can deal with the enemy in melee, go deep into the monster's position to assassinate the target and retreat completely. Many wind mages actually exercise their bodies. This is the case for Moze, he is a typical melee mage of the wind system.

The time lag and wind track magic of the space system can allow him to enter and exit the group of monsters seven times, and kill high-level warrior monsters.

After the battle in the morning, Zhaohua reminded everyone who wanted to challenge him that defensive magic equipment is still needed. I am not only good at summoning beasts, I am also a powerful wind mage, who can attack with long-range wind disks, or Melee beats you into a pig's head.

Especially the mage who challenged Zhaohua in the afternoon and tomorrow, hurried to the magic store, exchanged the magic equipment he mortgaged, and returned the magic equipment of concentration, at least he could not use the magic shield, armor, or walking equipment None.

Just when Zhaohua returned to the dormitory, and was about to practice the star map of the third-level middle-level magic of the wind system, Li Weize contacted him with bad news.

"Magic researcher Qi Xiangyou died in his home a few days ago, and was only discovered this morning. It is preliminarily inferred that he committed suicide." Li Weize's voice came from the phone.

Zhaohua showed a surprised expression after hearing this, and then fell silent.

The first thing he did after he resumed the trial envoy was to get back the body of the cursed beast. He only recovered his identity yesterday, and those unwarranted charges were also withdrawn. stop.

But unexpectedly, when the judge went to the Magic Association, he found that the corpse of the cursed beast that was used as research material had turned into a puddle of blood. Then, after an investigation, it was found that the researcher in charge, that is, the man with glasses who colluded with Chi Xu had died in his home for a few days, and it stinks.

Zhaohua felt that the matter was not simple, and asked, "Where's Chi Xu?"

"I don't know, I'm missing, I can't find him."

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