Full-time Summoner

Chapter 403: The Sword Points to Number One


Seeing that her phosphorus stone magic had failed, Zhang Mengmeng was immediately taken aback. Monsters that can be invisible are quite scary and rare, not to mention completely invisible, some half-hidden monsters in the sea are quite scary, almost all of them are above the general level, and even the commander level can be found everywhere.

It is not necessary to launch all the phosphorites of the middle-level Yanzhang phosphorites in the soil system at once, and Zhang Mengmeng still has most of them.

Because Yanzhang Phosphate is a controllable magic that can be released by adjusting the angle, Zhang Mengmeng said that Wind Rail cannot avoid the shooting of Phosphorite. If there are no major mistakes in the direction of the wind track, Zhaohua will be able to force out at least one magic tool.

But now Sanwei and Zhaohua have disappeared, where are they aiming at?

"Wow, isn't this a bit too powerful? A beast tamer with double demon skills!!"

"Oh my god, you can only tame beasts with dual demon skills, so you're not qualified to be Senior Zhaohua's summoned beast? Then how strong is his summoned beast!"

There are some school girls who have been fascinated by Zhaohua, after all, who doesn't like handsome and powerful seniors, right?

There are also some mages who are sincerely learning to watch the game and have already concentrated their energy on looking for Zhaohua's figure, especially the two boys wearing hats in the inconspicuous corner off the court, that is called a concentrated attention.

They even regarded Zhaohua as an imaginary enemy, because the two of them were Chen Xuehai and Ke Zhenxi who challenged Zhaohua tomorrow morning and afternoon.

Chen Xuehai is a sorcerer who majored in the space department and then majored in the thunder department, while Ke Zhenxi is a rare music master who majored in the sound department and majored in the shadow department. Because the challenge was launched on Saturday and Sunday, and the battle time was announced on Monday, so before the announcement, they didn't know who Zhaohua was challenged by, and how many people were challenged.

To challenge Zhaohua, at least they must be ranked in the top 100, and the top 50 cannot challenge, so only forty-nine people are confident to challenge Zhaohua, four in the first week is already a lot.

It also shows the particularity of the fifty-first position.

It's just that the two of them are probably regretting their guts now, isn't this summoned beast a little too perverted, and what the hell is that mace that can fight against the general monster! !

"How, can you find it?" Chen Xuehai asked Ke Zhenxi who was next to him. According to the ranking, Ke Zhenxi was higher.

Ke Zhenxi rubbed his eyes and said: "He is very smart. He uses the wind track floating shadow array to interfere with the fluctuation of magic energy. The entire duel stage is full of chaotic magic energy fluctuations. And he can also use the wind track to accelerate the scorpion demon. move to dodge."

"Coupled with the sound produced by the wind track rolling up the sand and gravel on the ground, it is impossible to distinguish even the footprints and footsteps."

Ke Zhenxi gritted his teeth a bit and said, "It's a bit despicable."

Chen Xuehai spread his hands, and gave up a little and said: "I am the last among the four, and it's not that I look down on myself. I guess I can't even beat Jiao Xingyu. I will probably just go through the motions tomorrow."

"You are the strongest among the four of us. At most, I can force his summoned beast to come out. You can do your best."

Ke Zhenxi sighed in his heart, Zhaohua's strength might already be able to enter the top twenty. This fifty-one is just to test the difference in strength between himself and others.

call! On the duel stage, the figure of Sanwei appeared, and the position where Sanwei appeared was just behind the blue-eyed white tiger. This was the magical effect of invisibility, sneak attack.

Sanwei used the third demon skill, attaching a thick layer of rock to his huge scorpion pincers, like two huge hammers, and hit the back of the blue-eyed white tiger hard with one hammer.

"Little Tiger!! Damn it!!"

Zhang Mengmeng's phosphorus stones immediately aimed at Zhaohua and Sanwei, and the bullet-like phosphorus stones flew towards them, each shot possessing terrifying penetrating power.

But isn't Sanwei using the earth system just to deal with your phosphorite machine gun?

With a bang, Sanwei's pair of scorpion claws stood upright in front of him like a brown rock sky gate. Chuck, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, sound can be heard endlessly.

The rock layer of Three Tails was cracked and shattered, and the ground was covered with broken stones and magma-like liquid.

It's a pity that the earth element is still not a magic element that is good at attacking power. Even if the power of the spirit seed is strengthened, it still can't explode like the thunder element and fire element.

After all the phosphorites were shot, Three Tails flicked the scorpion pincers, and all the rock formations of the scorpion pincers were knocked off. The hot magma scalded a little, but it was harmless.

Zhao Hua didn't order Three Tails to attack, and he didn't intend to use magic either. Because according to Zhaohua's judgment, the outcome has already been decided. Zhang Mengmeng without the blue-eyed white tiger is useless no matter how many magic tools he has, it's just a passive defense.

The strongest rock phosphate rock in the soil system has also been tested just now, and Zhang Mengmeng has nothing to do if he can't break through the defense of the three-tailed rock scorpion pincer shield.

"I surrender." Zhang Mengmeng raised her hand like a deflated ball to signal her surrender.

She really had no other choice, and the blue-eyed white tiger fell unconscious, and the wound was still bleeding, so it had to be treated as soon as possible.

The healing mage immediately used healing magic to heal the blue-eyed white tiger.

Because Zhaohua is often away, his qualifying matches were scheduled on Saturday and Sunday. Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday. It was also his last two qualifying sessions of the week.

Just as Chen Xuehai himself thought, he was indeed not Zhaohua's opponent. Although his space system and thunder system were well matched, his space system without a high level was actually not too strong.

Chen Xuehai's space system is weaker than Feng Han's. The middle-level space magic space rhythm-compression can't even break the protection of the windbreaker. blocked by the thrust of the wind.

In addition to the protection of Zhaohua and Lan Xinghu, Chen Xuehai's lightning element was also abolished, Zhaohua stood still, he couldn't break Zhaohua's defense, and surrendered wisely.

It is obvious that Zhaohua's strength far surpasses that of the 51st, at least the top 20 perverts with natural talents have the strength to fight Zhaohua.

But Ke Zhenxi's battle is a bit more exciting. His strength is actually comparable to Feng Han's, especially the combination of the sound system and the shadow system, which makes it quite difficult to defend.

But he happened to meet Zhaohua who possessed the perception of wind, and the shadowless and intangible sound system was seen clearly in front of Zhaohua like a big girl stripped naked.

Leaving aside the advantage of being invisible and invisible, the sound system is not as powerful as imagined. The attack power is not as good as the fire, the speed is not as good as the thunder, and the range is not as good as the wind. The sound system is still more suitable for support and sneak attacks.

Of course, if you can reach the strength of Tianqingbai, it's another matter.

Ke Zhenxi was also convinced, and he was convinced of the loss. After surrendering, he said, "You shouldn't be fifty-one with your strength. Aren't you cheating?"

Zhaohua smiled and said, "You are the ones who want to challenge me. If no one challenges me in the first week, I plan to submit the challenge form today."

Ke Zhenxi was stunned. It turned out that others gave you the opportunity to challenge yourself in the first week. If someone challenges you, accept it. If no one challenges him, he will challenge others in the second week.

"Then it seems that I am out of touch. May I ask, which number are you going to challenge?" Ke Zhenxi was also quite curious about which number Zhaohua would challenge.

Zhaohua did not hide anything, and replied very simply: "The twenty-first place."

! ! ! ! ! Ke Zhenxi and some smart students in the audience immediately understood what Zhaohua meant.

However, some students who were not very smart were a little puzzled and said: "He can at least be in the top 20, and challenging the 21st is a bit of a bully."

The classmates around him immediately gave him a blank look and said: "You are stupid, he challenged the 21st place to test the gap between himself and the top 20, and his goal is not the top 20 at all. He is simply measuring himself and his opponent His strength, he is going to challenge for the first place in the last ranking month!!"

The sword points to the first place!

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