Full-time Summoner

Chapter 414 My father is the protagonist of the last novel

The more Fu Yingjun listened to it, the more frightened he became. Isn't this the plot in the novel! ? The hero has great power, but deliberately conceals it for self-protection! !

Fu Yingjun asked calmly: "I don't know if the leader knows what his natural talent is."

Ying Yan glanced at Fu Yingjun, and said meaningfully: "I don't know either. But do you know the legendary animal trainer Ning Caichen?"

Fu Yingjun and Du Longer opened their eyes wide, and Du Longer said: "Of course I know, it is said that in ancient times, this great master of the summoning system created a way to tame beasts, so that mages other than summoning system mages can also get powerful taming beasts."

Fu Yingjun also nodded, he is a Summoner, and the history of such a character needs to be learned: "It is said that Ning Caichen's cultivation level is not high, and he was in a battle, and all his summoned beasts died, and he himself It was because of the backlash from the death of the summoned beast and the injury, which led to the failure of his cultivation, but in the end he tamed the ghost king, the fox queen, and many demons without the summoning system. Liu Fang used the method of taming the beast Later generations will be revered as the originator of beast taming."

Fu Yingjun memorized the history textbooks upside down, mainly because he thought about becoming an animal trainer not long ago, but after he tried it, he found that some things could not be forced, so he gave up.

Ying Yan just smiled and said: "This is the version known to the world, but the truth is that Ning Caichen has a natural talent that even the emperor of the demon kingdom fears, so he will kill Ning Caichen even if he does not hesitate to launch a war."

"It's impossible, how can there be a natural talent that makes even emperors and monsters afraid!!" Fu Yingjun exclaimed.

Fortunately, because of the appearance of Zhaohua's Thunder Bear, there were heated discussions in the venue, and now Thunder Bear and Sanwei were attacking together, and the sound they made covered Fu Yingjun's exclamation.

Ying Yan said indifferently: "If one day, the mage knows that there is a demon possessed by a monster that can cause irreparable destruction to human mages, what do you think the mage will do?"

This is not a problem at all, because it actually happened, and it happened many times. The most recent one was thirty years ago, a genus named Lila, whose insect net has the ability to control humans, can create a parasite that controls the human brain without being discovered.

In the end, humans did not hesitate to sacrifice dozens of super mages to kill Lila.

What if there is a natural talent that can make demons surrender unconsciously.

What Ying Yan said was not a joke, he is the Ying family of the strongest fire family in the country, and has a stronger fire inheritance than the Dongfang family in Shanghai.

He is the genius of the family, the strongest genius, and the successor of the next generation. He knows much more than some children from second- and third-rate magic families.

Ying Yan looked at the men in the audience. Now the game is almost divided. There are three warlords, two chasing monsters and one behind to provide protection and interference. Mr. Jing Zhuo was suppressed and unable to fight back.

Ying Yan knew that Zhaohua was not only because everyone was a genius, but also because of Zhaohua's father, Zhaolang.

The reason why Ying Yan knew that Ning Caichen was hunted down by the demon empire was because Zhaolang was the same. If he had to describe Zhaolang's life, he could only use the protagonist of the novel to describe it.

Zhao Hao's biological father, Zhao Hao, fought to protect the world and to protect him from harm, so he abandoned him in a small fringe village, hoping that he could have a stable life.

Who knew that Zhaolang was extremely talented, even if he grew up eating a lot of food, and had no money to buy resources, he would rely on hooliganism to enter high school for awakening, and then awakened a natural talent beyond common sense, and even entered the demon area alone Find resources to practice, go against the sky all the way, kill demons and eliminate demons.

Fight against the disciples of the aristocratic family, kill demons, and leapfrog to kill the enemy after a narrow escape. By chance, get resources, save the people, enter the national government, lead the national government all the way through, destroy the national pavilions of various countries, and win the qualification to enter Venice to participate in the finals, but unfortunately was framed by the team at the last moment.

A total of twenty-four teams that could enter the finals of the national competition, broke through the siege surrounded by more than 200 people, deceived the guardian mage of Venice, played tricks on the holy judge, and sneaked into the black forbidden area for several months. Daily breakthrough super level.

In one person, now in Venice. Crush the 20 players from Britain and the United States in the finals of the school competition with one finger. Strongly kill the national teammate who framed him and the team leader professor who instigated him behind the scenes.

It was also at that time that Zhaolang showed the true power of his innate talent, severely injured several super-level holy mages of the Holy Inquisition with invincible magic, repelled the fake forbidden curse hunter king, and left the field invincibly.

It was also at that time that Zhaolang's natural talent even the emperor of the demon country felt the danger. The demon kingdom of the Alps, the demon kingdom of Vesuvius in Naples, the monster kingdom of Venice under the sea, three demon kingdoms and three emperors in history, overwhelming the sky and the earth, countless demons in the sea, land and air just to chase down a human mage.

Slay countless monsters, kill the monarch, and confront the three emperors. A few years after everyone thought that Zhaolang was dead, Zhaolang appeared in front of everyone with a three-line super-level cultivation base, entered the magic family that framed his teammate at the beginning, and turned a long-established magic family into a magic family. After breaking through history and obtaining the resources of that magical family, he broke through the four-line super-order.

Then, furious for the confidante, she broke through the Italian defense line alone and entered the assassin's palace to rescue Zhang Ning.

Suppressing the three forbidden curses with one hand, the magic light illuminates the seven continents. Since then, the famous Italian Hall of Assassins has disappeared, and even the Parthenon, which supports the Hall of Assassins, has kept a low profile.

Ying Yan heaved a sigh of relief when he finished reading this thick stack of materials about Zhaolang. Those who didn't know it thought he had read a fantasy novel, the kind of village trash that was upgraded against the sky.

In the end, why Zhaolang's cultivation was only left at the middle level, the information was not written, but it was speculated that it was related to the dark plane. As for Zhaolang's horrific innate talent, even Ying Jia dared to write only four words [that is hope].

The Ying family was also very dangerous at that time, because there were children of the Ying family among the team members in the national battle. Although they were not the main culprits in framing Zhaolang, they also played a role in making troubles. Fortunately, it was witty in the end, and I took the initiative to apologize.

More than thirty years have passed, even if Zhaolang only has middle-level cultivation left now, the Ying family still treats him with courtesy, even the Zhao family gives him the national VIP treatment, and the Mu family only dared to treat him in recent years. Zhaolang also has a share of the credit for extending his power to Yaodu.

Moreover, since the battle of the state government, the Ying family has never participated in the battle of the state government, and even became low-key. Even the Dongfang family, only a super mage who has never cast a forbidden spell, dares to be number one. How low-key is this.

When Ying Yan thought about it, Zhaohua and Jing Zhuo-jun in the audience had already decided the winner. Lei Xiong's lightning and Sanwei's wind chop, the double long-range attack on Jing Zhuo-jun was too much. The suspense was even more lost when the monsters approached. If Zhaohua hadn't told the two monsters not to hit their opponents hard, it would have been over long ago.

Plants can trap Sanwei, but they can't trap Sanwei and Xiongda two monsters!

Ying Yan looked at Zhaohua, he suspected that Zhaohua's natural talent had other reasons, because his father used this trick at the beginning. In the beginning, he only showed the natural talent of 'can increase the power of magic a little bit', making his fire element more powerful than the thunder element. Therefore, defeating Deng Gang from the Lightning Department had almost the same effect as Zhaohua's battle in Congcheng.

Ying Yan patted Fu Yingjun's shoulder, and said meaningfully: "I hope you can make him show his true strength."

The implication is that you lose, you must lose, don't lose too ugly. '

[My dad is the protagonist of the last novel] This is the title of my first novel. Unfortunately it was closed in the end.

Originally, the style of the full-time summoner's book was a story like that of father wolf, changing fate against the sky, and upgrading with passion. It's just that after thinking about it, I feel that this is too general, and there are too many novels like this.

So it became like this, and the story of father wolf's blood upgrade is interspersed throughout the book. There will be a story about Father Wolf, so stay tuned. (☆▽☆)

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