Full-time Summoner

Chapter 416 Tokyo

The sword is on the verge of breaking out.

This young maid lady has actually reached the level of a high-level mage, and she is also a dual-line high-level mage.

Zhaohua has fought against a series of high-ranking blue-clothed trainee deacons, so he can probably feel a little bit of strength. The maid in front of him in black and white maid outfit is much stronger than the blue-clothed trainee deacons, but weaker than Li Weize There are a lot, so Zhaohua judges that she should be a high-level cultivation base of the two departments.

This level of cultivation is already quite high, and many professors in the Qing Campus are only high-level.

The main reason is that there is no money to buy the pulse of the galaxy.

Ji Shao was complaining in his heart, now that maids are making so much money, they can earn hundreds of millions. Of course, the maid in front of her was obviously not someone who served nobles in the traditional sense.

If you use the position in our country as a metaphor, it should be equivalent to the father-in-law of Dongchang. Although he serves the nobles, he is also very powerful, and he also shoulders the task of protecting the master.

"Sayaka, don't be rude. Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, it's the little girl who can't teach well." Jian Ningmeng stepped forward to stop her maid at the right time, and made a proper apology etiquette.

It's just that the four people present are not fools. Oh, no, except for Ji Shaoan, all three people understand that Sayaka, as a maid, would not dare to make her own decisions without Jian Ningmeng's instructions, and the average price of soul species is four to five billion. The price of these species has to be doubled, and the price of a few soul species can indeed afford an extremely powerful summoned beast.

However, Zhaohua would not sell it anyway, because there was also a life-and-death contract between Lanxinghu and Zhaohua, but because Lanxinghu was not an elf, there was no elf magic.

Although he knew it was hypocritical, but Zhaohua would not say, 'What are you pretending to be like, you were the one who instructed me, bah, Bichi. ’, after all, Zhaohua is not a person with this kind of personality, maybe someone would be so straightforward, but that would definitely not be Zhaohua.

Jian Ningmeng handed Zhaohua a business card, with the Japanese Yuyi Group written on the top, and Yuyi Ningmeng, the general manager of the group, written on the bottom.

After Zhaohua saw the name on it, he was slightly surprised and asked: "Yuyi Ningmeng? Japanese Yuyi clan?"

Zhaohua from the Yuyi family has also heard about it. Lin Mo likes to gossip about all kinds of information, but Zhaohua will pay attention to news about some magic families, magic councilors from various countries, and state councilors.

The status of the Yuyi clan in Japan is equivalent to that of the Zhao family, the Mu family, and the Yan family in my country. The family's business is spread all over the world, and it is a large transnational clan. The most famous is the lightweight type of magic armor made of demon hair. It is the favorite brand of magic armor for the two departments of wind and shadow.

"Yes, my natal name is Yuyi Ningmeng, and Jane is my father's surname." Jian Ningmeng is worthy of being the daughter of a big clan, and she is impeccable in terms of etiquette.

"That Jane's family?" Du Longer asked curiously from the side.

It's just that Jian Ningmeng just smiled and didn't say much. Du Long'er was also very tactful and didn't ask any more questions.

Jian Ningmeng nodded slightly and said: "The little girl will take a step first, let's talk slowly."

After Jian Ningmeng finished speaking, she took the maid and left in the direction of her villa. She was not interested in the conversation between the four of them afterwards.

Seeing that Jian Ningmeng had left, Ying Yan said, "I'm just representing Miss Jian Ningmeng to join the Forbidden Curse Alliance. Of course, if Ji Shaohan can beat Jian in the qualifying match, he can also join."

Ying Yan looked at Zhaohua and said, "If Zhaohua can win, he can also replace Fu Yingjun."

Zhaohua's eyes froze, and there was a strange expression in his eyes. Ying Yan's words undoubtedly mean that Fu Yingjun is a member of the Forbidden Curse Alliance, and as long as Zhaohua succeeds in the challenge, he can replace him, and he seems to have great confidence in Zhaohua.

As for the words "Forbidden Curse Alliance", Zhaohua had also heard some words from his father Zhaolang.

This is a non-governmental organization with a bit of history. Zhaohua has also heard about what the Forbidden Curse Society is, and why there is such a world organization as the Forbidden Curse Society to restrict the actions of the Forbidden Curse Masters.

On the bright side, the curse will be to better protect the world, and concentrate the most advanced power to protect the world. But in fact, the Forbidden Curse Society is the same as the Magic Association, showing that justice is lingering, and there are undercurrents surging inside.

The core of the earth. This resource, which allows a super mage to break through and become a curse mage, has always been firmly controlled by the country. As long as the core of the earth is discovered, the country will immediately dispatch it to control the core of the earth in the treasury. Will cross the border to snatch the core of the earth from a small country.

You need to sign a contract to enter the Forbidden Curse Club, even if you are a Forbidden Curse Mage, it is useless, because the contract itself is an extremely powerful Forbidden Curse magic. As for the content of the Forbidden Curse Contract, Zhao Lang does not know.

To break through the forbidden curse, one must join the Forbidden Curse Society, and if one joins the Forbidden Curse Society, there will be no personal freedom.

Otherwise, why is the extremely powerful Forbidden Curse Mage hidden so deep, and he is willing to hide in the Forbidden Curse Society even though he is extremely powerful, neither coming out to show off his might, nor helping his descendants compete for resources.

‘Forbidden magic is too dangerous and will cause irreparable costs. ’, ‘It will attract emperors and monsters, so you should stay in the Forbidden Curse Club obediently. ’, if the Forbidden Curse Mage could be made obedient just by talking, the Black Vatican would have recuperated long ago.

The shortcut to break through the forbidden spell is controlled by the forbidden spell society. Some super mages who are struggling and unable to break through the forbidden spell have no choice but to join the forbidden spell society.

The Alliance of Forbidden Curses initially consisted of a few teenagers who were unwilling to be bound by the name of their family, the genius of a certain magical family, the son of someone, and the rules of the Forbidden Curse Society in the future. An organization composed of mages.

Zhaolang also reminded Dao Zhaohua that even he didn't know when the Forbidden Curse Alliance existed, but what is certain is that it existed before Zhaolang joined the academy team.

After so many years, who knows whether those gifted teenagers will finally realize their lofty goals and ideals. Breaking through the forbidden spell without joining the forbidden spell is undoubtedly as difficult as going up to the blue sky. Seeing that Pang Lai has been super-ordered by the four elements for decades, and he has not yet broken through the forbidden spell, he can understand how difficult it is.

But one thing to know is that these mages who joined the Forbidden Spells Alliance are super geniuses who are one in a million. In terms of chances, they must be much greater than ordinary mages.

Moreover, the military chiefs guarding the four directions of our country, southeast, northwest, are all invincible mages who do not rely on the core of the earth to become forbidden spells.

By the way, Zhaolang was also invited back then, but because of his natural talent, he didn't join.

The current Zhaohua is not even eligible to join.

After Zhaohua and Ying Yan chatted for a few words, they went back to the dormitory to meditate.

At night, in the dead of night, Zhaohua went to sleep after meditating as usual to maintain a mental state.

Suddenly, the space in the dormitory was distorted. Zhaohua didn't use magic, but the contract space opened by itself. The icy cold air gushed out from the contract space, and the gray-white Blue Star Fox came out from the space.

After glancing at Zhaohua, he passed through the glass as if he was moving in an instant, and left on the air.

After Lan Xinghu left, Zhaohua's eyelids trembled, but it was different from last time, this time Zhaohua opened his eyes.

Gloomy, Zhaohua's eyes are not normal now, but have become the dark pupils of when he turned into ghosts and gods. Zhaohua looked towards the direction Lan Xinghu was leaving. Although he felt that it was impossible to cross such a distance, that direction was the direction of Tokyo, Japan.

Because the original work did not write about forbidden curses, some settings about forbidden curses are original.

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