Full-time Summoner

Chapter 424 Mountain Spider Lair

The water spirit seed is just a small harvest. With Zhaohua's current strength, the spirit seed can't help much. Even Zhaohua gave the spirit seed to the two prodigal elves, Xiaofengcan and Tianyan, as supplements. Let's see if it can help. Brush another special ability out.

The money for one spirit seed is about Zhaohua's monthly expenditure on summoned beast resources. If it weren't for Zhaohua's family having a store, plus the monthly subsidy for ranking in the inner courtyard of the school, and the fact that Loulan New City made a lot of money last time, he might have no money to keep pets. Summoning is really expensive.

Zhaohua has never spent money on his own cultivation.

It is gratifying that Sanwei has grown up, and now there is no need to spend money to speed it up and let it grow.

Now the three-tailed wind cut and the initial one-shot have become three consecutive wind cuts. Earth-type rock skin no longer requires the whole body as in the beginning. Now it can save mana and only turn into rocks to resist the attack. The most common is to use double scorpion pincers as a shield. The three-tailed rock scorpion pincers are already Much more powerful than Zhaohua's magic shield.

Zhaohua felt that the most useful thing was mimicry stealth. Although it only hides the figure, it will be detected by the sound system and some magic tools, but it is still a very powerful demon skill. If Sanwei uses up all the monster powers, he can remain invisible for up to five minutes.

Among the warrior monsters, unless they are good at perception, they are almost invincible.

Zhaohua looked at Sanwei and said, "Sanwei, you can act outside. I tied a wind silk to your body. If you encounter any danger, pull the wind silk. Remember, don't get too far away."

Hiss! ! Sanwei has always been a monster in the mountains and forests. Unlike Xiong Da, a fat house like Xiong Da, Sanwei doesn't like to stay in the space magic stone, and prefers to run and hunt freely in this vast natural mountain forest.

When Sanwei heard it, Zhaohua allowed himself to go surfing, and disappeared into the grass.

Zhaohua was also helpless. The biggest difference between the summoning system and other systems is that the summoned beast will die. This is a big problem. Don't think that the summoning system is good just because ordinary mages can't beat monsters of the same level.

But in fact, there are endless monsters to kill, but if the summoned beast is gone, it will be gone. This is the fundamental reason why summoners don't like to invest resources in dimensional summoning. So Zhaohua has never thought much about releasing the summoned beasts to hunt.

Some summoners with a bigger heart will release the summoned beasts, let them hunt in the wild, and then obtain resources, just like the water spirit species just now, but this will easily lead to the death and injury of the summoned beasts.

Summoned beasts have different spells, unlike the fire element of the thunder system. If the summoned beast is injured, it will replenish itself. If the summoned beast is injured, you still have to spend money to ask the mage of the self-healing department to heal it. If it lacks arms or legs, its combat power will drop. .

"With the strength of the three tails, there shouldn't be any problem in the orange and light blue areas."

Zhaohua doesn't ask Sanwei to bring him any resource gains, as long as nothing happens to him.

As for Xiong Da, this fat bear only hopes to eat and sleep every day, and eat when he wakes up. The evil dragon of destruction wanted to come out, it was also inside Zhaohua's space magic stone, but Zhaohua didn't let it come out.

No one but him knew about Zhaohua getting the Water Spirit Seed, so he made a fortune in silence.

Early the next morning, the four little freckles were finally healed by relying on some wound medicine.

The healing department is very rare. Even in a famous school like Sun Yat-sen University, the national enrollment only finds about ten or twenty students every year. Because the inner courtyard is all middle-level, there is an awakening room to increase the chance of awakening. On the contrary, there are more healing departments. Students, but there are only forty or fifty people.

Who in the hunter team doesn’t want a healing mage, but most of the healing mages won’t go to the wild, and most of the healing mages will open their own healing clinics to make money, or work in magic associations, magic hospitals, etc., fools follow You go wild into the wild.

"We've wasted a day, and now we've deviated from the original route, let's go back to the original route first."

The little old man opened the map, which was made by the Hunter Alliance. At regular intervals, special hunter mages would go to the monster area to make a map and mark the dangerous area.

Of course, there are far fewer danger signs and routes in the blood-red and purple areas near the top of heaven. As for the top of heaven, it is a restricted area for humans, and no one would want to go there.

During the period, they encountered a few servant monsters, and they were solved by the little old man very quickly. Ah Nan is an ice mage, the big man is a thunder type, and the little old man has a fire system. They have a team of six masters. The repair departments are all different, except for the light department, all the magic majors are in the element department.

During the period, I also encountered a warrior-level tiger monster, but they were in a mountain forest with many trees and thick grass, and the little old man was very experienced, so he calculated in advance based on the old and new feces, footprints, and scratches on the trees. Warlord monster.

Much earlier than what Zhaohua's wind perception discovered.

Zhaohua's wind perception has a wide range to fully develop, but that consumes too much mana. Zhaohua now only saves a range of about four to five hundred meters, which happens to be a range where sneak attacking warrior-level monsters can threaten mages distance.

The most feared thing in the wild is a sneak attack, if you are not careful, you will disappear.

"What's wrong?"

The little old man suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, hid in the grass, pushed aside a little grass, pointed to the front and said: "It's a mountain spider, and there are a lot of them. I guess there is a nest of mountain spiders in front."

A lair should be at least 50 or more in number and have a warrior monster.

The big man said: "Nest, that's a good thing!"

Zhaohua originally thought they would avoid them. After all, they would avoid any warrior-level tiger beasts. If you encounter a lair, you will be excited with a hammer. There should be at least one warlord, monster, and fifty slaves in the lair, which is much better than a single one.

Little Freckles explained to Zhaohua: "There are resources collected by monsters in the lair for advancement. We don't need to kill all the mountain spiders, as long as we can grab the resources."

This is what Zhaohua did not expect, because what Zhaohua encountered before, the Yangyan Tiger Beast tribe, the Sand Giant God Warrior tribe, even if all the monsters are killed, other monsters will immediately rush over to compete for resources , you can't kill all the monsters in the whole area.

However, Zhaohua overlooked one point, that is, compared with the tribes led by leaders and the tribes with monarchs, the number of lairs is really too many. There are many nests.

Just like yesterday, there were monsters in six lairs in the river competing for the water spirit species.

If there are too many, the competitors will not be stared at like groups and tribes, and compared to tribes that can wipe out a city, the lair is much weaker. A middle-level hunter team will can be destroyed.

The little old man thought for a while and said, "Let's bypass it."

"Boss, why, the nest, and monsters like mountain spiders are not strong, what if there is something valuable."

The little old man still shook his head and said: "This time we are not here to hunt monsters, send Zhao Hua to the destination first, and it will not be too late for us to come back."

The little old man and the others were only responsible for sending Zhaohua to the approximate area of ​​the ancient tomb, and after that they would see Zhaohua and Ji Shaolan, and this was also to prevent the little old man and his team of hunters from robbing things.

Instead, Zhaohua said: "Anyway, we've met each other, you just go to grab things, and you have to go a long way to avoid a lair."

Thanks to 【H】【Ruozi】【沉钟JoeyFrank】*3 for the monthly pass. Thank you for your support.

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