Full-time Summoner

Chapter 427 Chapter 2-11

The tail of the three tails can just wrap around Zhaohua twice, and the three tails can wrap around Zhaohua exactly six times. The width of the six circles can completely wrap an adult male, and then use the mimetic stealth of his own scales to achieve invisibility. Effect.

When the stealth is turned on, no one loves it.

Sanwei, Zhaohua, and Ji Shaohan all of a sudden disappeared.

Boom! ! Zizizi! ! ! !

At the moment when Sanwei disappeared, several fire seeds burst and Lei Yin furious strikes crazily hit, but it exploded a loneliness.

Everyone has no choice at the beginning level, even if you want to be a bad guy with offensive magic, but the middle level is different, there is an awakening room, fire and thunder can be awakened to thunder with a high probability of spending only 100,000 fire system. Even the awakening probability of some black magic, white magic, and dimensional magic has increased.

But a few elementary spells failed, and they didn't hit Sanwei. Although they also have black magic and white magic awakened mages, they just don't have a sound system. After all, sound systems are still too rare.

The rarest white magic is healing and blessing, the rarest black magic is poison and curse, and the dimensional magic is the rarest sound, and it is difficult to awaken even with the guidance of the awakening room.


Jun Fei looked at Zhaohua who had disappeared, and his heart was full of anger. This guy is too difficult to deal with. When did that scorpion go out, and how could he know how to lead the way? Same.

The red-haired man approached and asked, "Brother Fei, what should we do now, the others are dealing with the mountain spiders."

Snapped! Jun Fei slapped his backhand, looked viciously and said: "Hit Nima, everyone retreats. There are a lot of warriors in this lair, and there is nothing worth grabbing in that lair. Hitting it is just a waste of mana."

Not only was the red-haired man not angry, he touched his face and showed an intoxicated smirk. This person is seriously abnormal!

In the middle of the night, eleven soldiers from the army were recuperating in their base. This was originally a demon's lair, but after they eliminated it, they took it as their own and became their camp base.

There were bursts of passionate screams from the entrance of the cave. If you listen carefully, you will find that they are all men's voices.

At the entrance of the cave, there are two hunters and killers watching the wind. Both of them have dual elements of wind and soil, and they can run faster than anyone else.

"Hey, this is so fucking disgusting, it happens every night, and that red-haired man can stand it?" A short-haired hunter-killer showed a disgusted expression.

Looking at the wind is very dangerous, because this is the area of ​​wild monsters, but he is even more disgusted by the things inside, he can't stand it.

Another hunter-killer looked at him and said with a disdainful expression: "You just joined recently. If you were allowed to stay in this kind of place for several months or even years, you'd be able to wear the fucking tree sun."

"It's impossible to catch a few female hunters. There were two hunters in the team in the morning. Although it's ugly, it's not always the same when it's dark."

The other hunter ignored him. It’s normal that he didn’t know he came too early. The team that can be a hunter in the demon area itself has few female hunters, and even a team of hunters and killers like them won’t be killed unless they have to. The most likely thing is that everyone will die at the hands of demons, so it is basically impossible to catch those alive.

They are more about robbing resources, waiting until they are high-level or dreaming of super-level one day, and they can be free.

Not long after, a man came out of the cave, his legs and feet were a little sore: "Damn, I will go back to them next week. I will go take a pee."

The new hunter-killer shuddered, this kind of thing came in turns! ? He couldn't help covering his butt, he already felt a little pain.

Just as the man who went to pee walked into the grass and was about to unbutton his pants, there was a sudden rustling sound.


A little rabbit jumped out of the grass.

"Damn, scare me. I will roast you to eat in a while."

At the moment when he was relaxing, a transparent silk as thin as a hair wrapped around his neck quietly, with a sound of strangulation, the wind silk tightly strangled his throat, making him unable to make a sound.

Zhaohua's voice came from behind: "Tutu is so cute, how can you eat a rabbit. I hope you will be reborn as a beast in your next life."

Zhaohua pulled hard with his right hand, and didn't talk nonsense with you. A human head fell to the ground, and the grass was stained red with blood.

Feng Cansi can't signal Zhaohua's location by himself, but Zhaohua can use the wind perception to detect the position of Fengcansi, and he doesn't need to use the power of perception all the time like he is guarding against monsters in the wild, he only needs to know the approximate location.

Since these people are all murderers and are wanted by the Judgment Council, that would be really great. I can increase my trial points, take revenge, and plead for the people, what could be more satisfying than this.

Zhaohua continued to hide, he was unwilling to break out into a big battle, but he was even more unwilling to let these people go, one of the rules of survival in the wild taught by Father Wolf, if you offend the hunter in the wild and have an irresolvable conflict, then don't Keep alive.

Zhaohua is not the white lotus, he has killed a certain number of the Black Vatican, not to mention Ji Shaodu, the necromancer who is afraid of killing people will be laughed to death by his peers. Zhaohua didn't even think about keeping alive.

After waiting for a long time, the two people watching the wind realized that they had been waiting for a long time. If it was a big problem, it should be resolved.

"I'm afraid it's because your legs are weak and you were caught by a monster. You go and see."


"You are a newcomer, not who you go to."

The short-haired rookie who joined the hunter-killer team reluctantly walked to the grass. Under the environment that was only illuminated by moonlight, the dense forest was completely dark.

It's just that as soon as he entered the darkness, he fell into the darkness forever. Before he died, he didn't know what had cut his head off. It's so strange, there is no magic wave and magic light.

Thirty minutes later, neither of the two people who entered the grass came back, and the remaining watcher shouted loudly: "Who the hell is there? Get out of here!!"

But the answer was the rustle of the wind moving the grass.

But his yelling attracted the attention of the hunters and killers in the cave, and even Jun Fei came out and asked, "You panic! What happened?"

"Old... Boss, just now Ah Er and Xin Zai went to the grass and never came back."

Huh, a fireball blasted the grass, and the fire immediately illuminated the darkness. Two corpses with their heads separated from their bodies lay on the ground, and the bright red blood stained the entire grass.

Several people in Junfei showed surprised expressions, and various pictures quickly flashed through Junfei's mind, and several possibilities came to mind. Judgment, Magic Family, Hunters Alliance, Bounty Hunters, Unknown Demons, only Zhao Hua and Ji Shaoan were not thought of.

One is that they think they are stronger than the students from Zhaohua and the other two schools. How could they come to kill people even if they can’t escape? Second, because Jun Fei and their anti-tracking ability are very strong, they will never leave any traces for them to track. .

"Did you feel the magic wave and magic light?"

The hunter-killer who watched the wind shook his head frantically.

"Go, go back to the cave. This should be some kind of warrior monster that is good at attacking. As long as we are in the cave, it can't sneak attack. Let's wait for dawn."

It's just that what Junfei didn't expect was that the nightmare just started now.

Zhaohua silently recorded 2/11 in her heart.

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