Full-time Summoner

Chapter 43 Fakes

"He... He and the others are from the Black Vatican, what should I do, I don't want to be captured and refined into such a monster."

"Run, you should be able to run away with the wind track."

"Then what about the other students who are not from the wind department? Do you want to leave them behind?"

"Then what can we do, those people belong to the Black Vatican, and we are just students."

There are exactly one hundred people in a class, most of them are elementary-level and second-level cultivation bases, only a few outstanding ones have elementary-level third-level cultivation bases, but they can only release second-level magic, and only three fire elements with attack ability Personally, there are a little more ice elements, there are twelve, but they would never have thought that instead of encountering monsters in the wild, they would encounter people from the Black Vatican, and it seemed to them that the visitor was not good.

One of the members of the Black Vatican looked at these students and said: "Hey hey hey, my favorite is the kids in high school, the ones with thin skin and tender meat, they can definitely produce good products for refining demons."

Another person from the Black Vatican also echoed: "Especially these students from No. 1 Middle School, who are a little talented and have awakened the magic department. When refining monsters, there may be special changes, and they can develop black beast attributes."

"Why do you all think about refining demons? Look at those little girls, they are very tender. I prefer this kind of small, young and energetic ones."

"You like to eat people, right? Last time that woman was cut off by you, she was so disgusting."

When two girls heard about it, they were so frightened that they fainted on the spot, and a few others fell to the ground in fright. It was unknown whether it was because they had just fallen into the water or something. There was a puddle of water on the ground.

Ji Shao looked at Zhaohua in a strange way, with puzzlement written all over his face.

"Fake." Zhaohua understood Ji Shaohan's expression, Ji Shaohan felt that these people from the Black Vatican were a bit fake.

Zhaohua became suspicious when he saw the black beast jumping out of the water, and then these people from the Black Vatican also came out of the water, Zhaohua was sure that these should be military mages in disguise, and the purpose was naturally to assess the students Response in the face of imminent danger.

Those wearing tattered black clothes are not black beasts, but a kind of slave-level sea-monster called sea-monkey living by the sea. It is the most numerous among the sea-monsters, and it is also the most spineless monster, and its strength is still weak.

The sea monkey will run away when it sees a human mage, and an adult male can kill the sea monkey with a kitchen knife. Although the sea monkey is weak, it moves quickly and stealthily, and it is extremely fast in the sea. It looks like a monkey and is skinny.

In addition, these military mages are a bit too confusing. The lowest level of the Black Vatican is wearing gray robes, and the military uniforms can be seen from inside the robes.

But Zhaohua probably understands that this is a small hint given by the teacher who made the question, and it will be better to do the question if he can observe it.

Lin Mo also noticed it, and asked, "Should I fight or run now? What do you think the test questions are?"

Zhaohua replied: "Escape and fight. Both should be fine. The military mages should be only at the third level of cultivation. The absence of intermediate mages proves that it leaves us with a chance to win. I don't think so." I can only fight, my short legs can't run away."

Ji Shao nodded in agreement, the two of them probably couldn't even run away from the sea monkey monster, so they had to fight.

Zhaohua stood up and said: "The military mage with the team is in the direction of the dense forest, find some students from the wind department to inform the military mage that there are people from the Black Vatican, and the course will be terminated."

Zhaohua's voice was very loud, as if he was speaking to these military mages who played the role of the Black Vatican. Yangmou! He planned to use Feng Lingcan's wind silk to know the information that the two military mages who were in charge of recording were observing in the dense forest, so as to lure some military mages away.

Those military mages who are responsible for the records are of course aware of the fake Black Vatican, so naturally they will not take action, but in fact, if they really encounter someone from the Black Vatican, the military mage must take action to solve it, so the fake military mage must Students cannot be sent to the dense forest to be notified.

None of the military mages expected that Zhaohua actually knew where the recorded military mages were. Since Zhaohua knew the exact location, it meant that he must have known it somehow, and the two military mages could not leave with an excuse.

Of course Zhaohua wouldn't. He hoped to find someone to support him. He wanted to lure a military mage away. These military mages pretending to be the Black Vatican had to send someone to stop them.

"I!! I'm going to find the teacher!!"

"Me, I'm going too!"

"I am stronger than you, so I should go!"

"I'm more proficient in wind tracks, it's best for me to do it."

Zhaohua couldn't help sighing and shaking his head. If he really met the Black Vatican and these people were his teammates, he would rather fight alone, a typical character of greed for life and fear of death, betraying his teammates. When they really encountered the Black Vatican, nine out of ten these people would rebel.

Moreover, many people are secretly regretting that they are not from the wind department, and even want to wait for the people from the wind department to leave, and they will follow. If they stay here, they will die without life.

"Hey, that guy is amazing, he actually knows where Arwen and the others are."

"More than that, he should have guessed that we are pretending. His move is to divert some combat power."

"I'll go, it seems that this kid wants to fight. If you are brave enough, just relying on your ability to find Arwen's location, your observation ability to recognize our identities, and your determination to fight, I think I can give him full marks."

"He is the son of Zhaolang. This little thing is expected, but I want to see more." Standing among the five, the man who looked like the commander-in-chief said.

"Okay then, I'll take care of the wind department, and I'll mark the performance of those students."

"Well, take it easy, don't knock them all down, save some hands, as long as they can escape."


On the other hand, Zhaohua let all the wind mages leave, because the elementary wind mages are used to attract monsters when facing enemies stronger than themselves.

"It's better for the other elements to stay. The opponent won't let us run away. Without the acceleration and persistence of the wind element, we will die faster." Zhaohua's words are for the earth element to hear.

The earth system also has displacement, but the wind system is far behind them, and the sustaining ability and acceleration force cannot be compared.

"Students of the water department should pay attention to protection and defense. They should have fire wizards. Students of the earth department use the second-level magic to slow down the ground wave and interfere with the offensive on the opposite side. Ice and fire department follow Ji Shaohan's undead, and focus on fire targets! Light department My classmates use the second-level light system to flash and throw it at the eyes of those black beasts. They are dark creatures and are afraid of light." Zhaohua arranged all the positions in an instant, so that there is no fear of problems with Ji Shaoan's inability to communicate.

All attacks follow the undead, whoever the undead hits, they hit, no need to turn on the microphone.

But what worries him more is that when these students are facing danger, the probability of breaking the star track is a bit high, and when several wind-type students leave, their wind track magic will be broken when they pinch the first level.

Those military mages who pretended to be the Black Vatican also intentionally released water, and only sent a person to chase after all the students of the wind department had left. It would be difficult for these military mages to deliberately release water like this.

Gulu Gulu! Ji Shaohan took the lead in launching the attack. All the undead in the undead space were fully opened, and all fifteen undead appeared, forming a wall of undead to block the front. Magic, the undead are generated, and five bone skeletons are generated. And that's not all, with the addition of the second-level physical structure of undead magic, three of the bone skeletons were upgraded to rotting corpses.

This time Ji Shaoan really used all her strength, twelve boneless undead and eight rotting corpses, this is all the combat power she can fight in an instant at this stage.

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