Full-time Summoner

Chapter 435 Gu Suoyu and Jiuyou

That female vampire's bloodline is really good. Ji Shao worked hard, consuming a lot of spirits and tempering with Netherfire for a long time to complete the refining of that vampire, and to wear away her vampire bloodline. Change bloodline to undead.

Because vampires are not undead, they are dark creatures, and the biggest difference between the two is the difference between living and dead. A vampire has a soul, a body, and a mind. Apart from using the same dark power, it has nothing to do with the undead.

That's why Ji Shaohan spent a lot of time changing it back then, allowing this vampire to retain the powerful power of the vampire clan, but turning it into an undead.

Ji Shaohan even wiped out her face. Now this vampire has no facial features. Except for her still blonde hair, protruding front and back, willow waist and long legs, her face has no eyes, ears, mouth and nose, just like a white paper Same, very scary.

Ji Shaoan didn't endow it with consciousness, and now this vampire only has the power to be the supreme warrior, but it doesn't know how to use monster skills, because all monster skills belonging to vampires require spiritual power, so naturally they are gone.

The physical strength of the blond vampire undead was terrifying. It knocked the cursed beast to the ground with one punch. The entire cursed beast was embedded in the wall, and it couldn't be picked off.

There is a fist mark on the chest, the cursed beast's chest has been crushed, and purple-black blood is flowing. Although it is not dead, it will not live long.

All this happened very quickly, from the moment Zhaohua used the Fierce Fist, Ji Shao silently rushed towards the ancient coffin, and then Wenshuidan released the cursed beast hidden in the shadow, and the cursed beast killed him at an extremely fast speed Ji Shaohan, and then Ji Shaohan opened the undead space with a thought of the star trail, and the blond vampire undead flew out, and then flew the cursed beast.

This series of actions took place in almost a second. As soon as Zhaohua's fierce fist hit Wenshuidan, the cursed beast was sent flying, but Ji Shaoan ignored it and went straight to the point.

The moment Ji Shaohan just stretched out his hand to touch the ancient coffin, a white female hand stretched out from the ancient coffin and grabbed Ji Shaohan's hand that wanted to touch the ancient coffin.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The moment Ji Shaohan was caught by this hand, the alarm bell rang in Ji Shaohan's heart, danger! ! ! Extremely dangerous!

In just one-thousandth of a millisecond, a ferocious round and stupid soul spider appeared behind Ji Shaohan, but it didn't have that kind of stupid feeling now, but showed a fierce look, and the spider spear stabbed at the white hand fiercely.

Not only that, a blue ghostly fire appeared from Ji Shaohan's body, covering his whole body. It was the ghostly fire of Ji Shaohan's undead spirit-seed, and the flame automatically protected Ji Shaohan, and burned towards that hand.

When they felt the danger, these two spiritual species showed the instinct to protect the Lord.

Originally, the spirit-seed is just a kind of power, even the power of the spirit-seed in the dark plane should not be like this, but it is obvious that Ji Shaoan's two spirit-seeds are very special, as if they are conscious.

Although Zhaohua didn't feel the danger as clearly as Ji Shaoan, but the moment the hand came out, Zhaohua's hairs stood on end, and a feeling of panic appeared. He immediately used the wind elf domain, and the wind silk wrapped around Ji Shaoan's waist limb.

The two sorcerer-level mages played all their cards, so one can imagine what happened.

There was a loud bang! ! ! ! !

Several powerful forces clashed, the entire underground space was blown through, the grass on the ground was directly lifted up, and faint blue flames rose up.

With a pop, Zhaohua pulled Ji Shaohan out of the bombed pit and flames, followed by the blond vampire undead, using his body to block the possible attack, but there was no attack.

Zhaohua grabbed Ji Shaohan's right hand, his right hand was corroded by the power of darkness, and his arm was surrounded by black air. In addition to the corrosion of the dark force, there was also green poison, which began to move up the arm along the blood vessels.

But fortunately, Ji Shaoan's soul spider was resisting the weird poison, and the Netherfire turned into a fire ring around Ji Shaoan's arm, otherwise the power of darkness would continue to corrode upwards.

Ji Shaohan showed a painful expression, and quickly communicated in sign language with his still moving left hand.

Ji Shaoan knows sign language, and Zhao Hua does too, but the two of them usually don't know how to use sign language unless they have to, let alone fighting. It can also achieve the effect of leaving a message.

Ji Shao said in sign language: [I'm fine, the spirit-seed can be suppressed, but the right hand can't move for the time being, without the power of the spirit-seed, my magic will be weaker. 】

Zhaohua grabbed Ji Shaohan's little hand, and those dark powers and poisons would be contagious even if they were touched. I'm afraid this is a powerful poison magic, mixed with dark power.

But Zhaohua is not a reckless person, he also guessed this, the domain of wind is activated, the powerful disintegration ability is not to mention poisonous, as long as it is not much stronger than Xiaofengcan, it will be disintegrated.

But this time the decomposition speed is quite slow, Zhaohua only relieved a little, and it took dozens of seconds to decompose, originally Zhaohua wanted to use the domain to suppress or detoxify.

Zhaohua showed an irritable look, and asked, "Can killing that poison cure it?"

Ji Shao was startled, and hastily expressed in sign language: 【That's at the commanding level! ! Don't mess around! 】

Ka, Zhaohua and the two hadn't discussed it well yet, the blue flames were completely absorbed by the black death energy, and a woman in a white dress approached slowly.

If Zhaohua didn't know that this guy wasn't human, he would definitely think it was a mage who practiced poison at first glance. It looks similar to a human being, and it even looks like a slim woman. It doesn't emit a weird smell, but has a fragrance. Zhaohua's eyes met this ghost, and the woman smiled jokingly. , the pupils in his eyes flashed a strange light, and he looked at Zhaohua with interest, and Zhaohua wanted to kill her a little bit.

But it should be fine if you can't fight, but you don't need to run away. Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan even hid their tricks, but the other party should know it too.

The woman didn't look at Zhaohua much, but looked at Ji Shaoan seriously. Its eyes seemed to have the ability to read the mind and see through the soul, but after looking at it twice, it said: "What the hell are you?".

Originally pure black with charming and evil eyes like a cat demon, showing vigilance, doubts and even strong killing intent!

This is just a small clone of its own spiritual power, and it needs to absorb all of Chi Xu's magic energy and vitality by means of means to recover a little bit of strength, barely reaching the commanding strength.

Ji Shaohan was careless. He originally thought that there would be no danger at all with a trump card. Isn’t it just to deal with warrior-level dark creatures? This time she wanted to take it with her.

It's just that he didn't expect that the opponent is so powerful, even if he is at the commanding level, he is still this kind of spirit body, and it is too difficult to deal with this trick.

The woman in court attire looked at the shadow of the blond vampire undead and said, "Why, do you still want to hide? It's been a thousand years since I've seen you, why don't you come out and meet me, Gu Suoyu."

The reason why Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan are so calm is very simple, they also have a commander-level ghost.

Gu Suoyu appeared from the shadow, she is no longer a spirit body, she has hands and feet, she looks no different from an ordinary girl.


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