Full-time Summoner

Chapter 442 Horrible Poison Magic

But there are very few mages who practice the poison system, because they may die first while practicing.

The lack of awakening has led to fewer cultivation methods and less inheritance, not to mention some shortcuts. It was justifiable when black magic was banned in the past. But it has been hundreds of years, and now many magic cultivation methods have been reintegrated by the Magic Association, refined, classified, and screened out the most suitable, best, and safest cultivation methods, and then taught to humans, increasing the number of human mages strength.

However, the teaching of the poison system has so far remained at the elementary and intermediate levels, and the high-level cultivation method of the poison system is still full of dangers, so the Magic Association still recommends that mages who practice the poison system only practice to the intermediate level.

If you must cultivate to a high level, or even later, then you should be careful, and you should not be responsible.

In fact, the clue can be seen from the magic of the poison system.

The first-level prefix is ​​called Poison Quenching, the first-level magic poison quenching of the poison system—Poison Fang, which is the only attack magic of the poison system at the first level. injury and poisoning.

The primary level-2 magic of the poison system, poison quenching—breathing, was the primary level-2 magic used to spit out poison after Jiuyou at the beginning. Not only could it spit out poison, but it could also absorb poison into the body. The absorbed poison can be used to heal wounds and speed up cultivation. But if the poison is beyond the tolerance of the mage, something will happen.

Poison Elementary Level 3 Magic Poison Quenching - Refining, turning poison into deadly poison or neurotoxin or other types of poison, one causes physical damage, and the other causes mental damage. Let the nature of the poison change.

Poison mages are very similar to necromancers. Even if poison mages reach super-level strength, they still often use elementary and middle-level magic. Poison mages are mages who use several types of magic together, just like Nine Nether Queens. , the first-level breathing combined with the high-level poisoning plus poison explosion, and the middle-level poison point after the poison explosion-general infection to continue to spread the poison, the four kinds of magic work together.

The mid-level magic poison point of the poison system is more inclined to cultivate and make poison.

The middle-level first-level magic poison hole-self-explosive poison is a trap magic, which allows the poison to penetrate into the ground in advance to form a poison hole. As long as a creature enters the poison hole, the trap will be triggered, and a terrible poison will explode to kill the target.

Intermediate level two magic poison point - generalized infection, is to allow the poison to be biologically transmitted, as long as the poisoned individual touches other targets, it will be able to infect the poison silently. As long as enough time is given to the poison mage to poison the creatures in the demon lair, the poisonous system is more terrifying than the fire system's area of ​​lethality.

The middle-level third-level magic poison cave—parasitic poison is generally used to cultivate poisonous insects, so that the poison can parasitize the living organisms, and it can even reach the level of controlling demons.

But Gu Suoyu is not blindly beaten, it has no body now, and its strength is indeed not as good as that of the Nine Nether Empress who cultivated spiritual power before his death, but Gu Suoyu's fighting instinct is countless times stronger than the Nine Nether Empress.

Gu Suoyu is only a spirit body now, and the torn arm will soon grow back. Just to grow back, the consumption of mental power is also very large. After all, the spirit body represents spiritual power and soul, and a part of the soul is forcibly torn off. The pain is unimaginable.

But Gu Suoyu didn't even frown.

Just when the arm was poisoned and the arm grew back, Gu Suoyu rushed towards Jiuyou, pushed out his hands, pushed the sky with one palm, and massaged and bombarded. Although there is only a spirit body left, Gu Suoyu regained his fighting instinct after recovering his memory.

The two palms pushed the sky in an instant, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult for Empress Jiuyou to dodge. Gu Suoyu used mental power to replace the physical body. It's not as fast as this palm.

Facing Gu Suoyu's palms together, Jiuyouhou's eyes flashed white light, spiritual power surged, and a white vortex appeared in front of Jiuyouhou. The vortex was not big, only a dozen centimeters, but it was The mental vortex created by the powerful control of Nine Nether Empress can absorb attacks. The principle is similar to the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram, which can relieve force.

There was a loud bang, and finally Gu Suoyu's palms were held up by the vortex of Empress Jiuyou's spiritual power. Even with all his strength, he couldn't shake Empress Jiuyou's terrifying spiritual power, only a crackling sound could be heard.

Although Empress Jiuyou blocked the palm, she still took a few steps back. Even if Empress Jiuyou used her mental strength to imitate the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram to relieve her force, she could not completely counteract Gu Suoyu's full-strength palm.

Although Gu Suoyu is powerful, has the strength of sub-command, and has combat experience in his lifetime, but it is still not the opponent of Jiuyouhou's avatar. At that time, Gu Suoyu, who had no body, had no weapons or magical aids. Even if she was the unparalleled God of War who slaughtered millions of demons back then, she couldn't beat the current Nine Nether Queen.

Because of her talent and innate talent, Empress Jiuyou can still use demon energy instead of mana energy even if she turns into a ghost after death, and can use magic even if she abandons Xingzi.

Fortunately, this is just a clone, because the Nine Nether Empress of the main body can even use ultra-level spiritual system magic, and the Nine Nether Empress in her lifetime majored in the healing system, and secondarily trained in the spiritual system. Poison and Curse are just minors.

It may not sound like it, but the Empress Jiuyou was a kind and cowardly priestess who cared about the world in her lifetime. Healing magic is what she is best at.

It may also be due to the relationship between life experience and natural talent, but after death, Empress Jiuyou turned into the lord of the demon tribe, killed countless people for thousands of years, and sucked the vitality of countless people to improve her cultivation and maintain her life .

How many people were saved in life, and they were brought back after death.

Someone once said: One day, if you have tasted all the suffering in the world, if your hostility becomes more and more serious, I can understand you. If you are more and more gentle, I will feel sorry for you.

But Gu Suoyu got worse as he fought, his hands were infected with poison again, and the green poison slowly began to erode the spirit body.

This is the horror of poison mages. When you fight with poison mages and hit them, you find that you have been poisoned without touching him.

It was obviously Gu Suoyu who had been suppressing Nine Nether Empress all along, but Gu Suoyu was poisoned for some reason. It was quite prepared, but it still couldn't resist this weird poison magic.

While dodging the attack, Jiu Youhou said, "This poison is designed to corrode the soul. Once the poison spreads all over the body, even the return of the king will not be able to save you."

But after Gu Suoyu still attacked Jiuyou with all his strength regardless, the battle between the two became more and more intense.

On the other side, because of the fierce battle between the two female ghosts, both hairs could not separate their energy to pay attention to other things. The Nine Nether Empress is just a clone, and it cannot be distracted by Gu Suoyu's fierce attack, or this is Gu Suoyu need.

Because Gu Suoyu knows that you can always trust those two people.

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