Full-time Summoner

Chapter 445 Eight Great Dead Monarchs

Empress Jiuyou's sudden vomiting of blood naturally attracted the attention of other dead kings who were also guarding the imperial tomb.

The ancient capital of the Undead Empire has a total of eight tribes and eight dead kings. In fact, it should be nine. And the last dead king is Gu Suoyu, who commands the humanoid army in the endless ghost city.

Those bronze ghost soldiers, bronze halberd soldiers, bronze archers, gold sword ghosts, black shadow assassins, platinum knights, black gold ghost generals, and glazed witch ghosts are actually the invincible army of the ancient king during his lifetime.

After they die, they still choose to be loyal to the ancient king, and the ancient king casts the supreme undead magic, so that these soldiers who follow him retain the fighting instinct in life, although they can't even have memory and personality like Jiuyouhou and Gu Suoyu. , but the combat awareness is quite terrifying.

This ancient king's hundred battle lions is led by the unparalleled female war god Gu Suoyu, who is also the ninth dead king. Of course, this was once.

The current eight dead kings are the most powerful corpses of the peaks, and their strength has reached the supreme monarch. commander in chief.

Ranked second in strength is Commander Fog Ghost, the mighty Great Monarch, also known as the Ghost Commander by the Ancient Capital Magic Association. His strength is second only to the corpse of the mountain peak.

Because it is a kind of ghost that is even stranger than a ghost. It has no body shape at all, and it exists without form and shadow. It can only be perceived by perception.

The third is the Empress of Nine Serenities, who is also at the level of a great monarch, ranking third in the strength of the eight dead kings, and is the commander of the ghost army. He is best at mental power, and his mental power has reached the highest peak that a mage can reach, the nine realms of the great realm. He majored in healing magic during his lifetime, but he has not activated a self-healing magic since he became an undead.

The fourth is the Red Skull Lord, who also has the strength of a great monarch. His body shape is no different from that of a human being, just like the Nine Nether Empress, he is actually a human being himself, so naturally he does not have a huge body of tens of meters or hundreds of meters like other monarchs, and his appearance is a crimson cold skull. But his legend has been circulating.

The Red Skull Demon Lord was the strongest swordsman who almost assassinated the ancient king in the legend, but the Red Skull Demon Lord failed in the assassination and was captured by the ancient king. In the end, he went around and became the shadow guard of the ancient king, protecting the safety of the ancient king. . And finally became the Lord of the Red Skull, but for thousands of years, no one has seen it holding a sword again.

The fifth is the skeleton dragon, also the great monarch, the commander of the skeleton army. Although the skeleton dragon itself is not strong, its skeleton tribe is the most powerful among the eight undead tribes, and there are more than one monarch. There are also a few ordinary monarchs and minor monarchs who are at the level of Shasha Mingzhu.

The sixth agate corpse king is also a great monarch, and he is in command of the corpse tribe. Undead such as rotting corpses, dead corpses, and zombies belong to the corpse undead.

The seventh ghost king is also the great monarch, and he is in command of the tribe of undead beasts.

The weakest is the White Corpse King, the strength of the Great Monarch. It is not weak because it is weak, but because it is the only dead king who does not have its own tribe of undead, and it is the latest human mage to become a dead king. And it is not the dead king chosen by the ancient king, it is the dead king who replaced Gu Suoyu.

The reason why people keep talking about the eight dead kings is because the historians who recorded the ancient king era said so, there are eight in total.

Because the White Corpse King died in the undead empire and was turned into an undead, and he died after failing to challenge the Red Skull Lord, but after becoming an undead, he retained his memory and fighting instinct, so he still wears an ancient martial robe now, Proficient in ancient martial arts, holding a bone bronze spear, flexible, powerful, and highly intelligent living dead.

The Eight Great Dead Lords usually practice like humans to improve their strength and strive to advance. Although it is almost impossible, if they do not practice their strength, they will retreat.

Think about it, usually dead kings don't run around, so they have to do their own things.

For thousands of years, except for occasionally going out to collect the breath and resources of the undead, they have been guarding the imperial tomb almost all the time, waiting for the return of the ancient king.

The Red Skull Demon Lord looked at Empress Jiuyou, and here he was the only one who knew Empress Jiuyou before he was alive. Speaking of which, he failed to assassinate the ancient king and was seriously injured by the ancient king's counterattack. Saved by magic.

It was not without reason that the Red Skull mainly assassinated the ancient king. The country was not completely unified back then, not because the people didn't want to, but because they couldn't.

Demons run rampant, and the entire continent is divided into seven circles by demon tribes and demon empires, and seven circles are raised by demons like pigs, separated for thousands of years. It is difficult for the people to protect themselves, let alone unite and unify.

It wasn't until the ancient king broke through the forbidden spell that all this changed.

You must know that in ancient times, people did not know that the Pistil of the Earth could make a super mage become a false forbidden curse mage. In ancient times, a forbidden curse was a forbidden curse, and there was no distinction between authenticity and falsehood.

Think about it, our country is a super ancient country with one of the best strengths in the world. On the surface, there are only five people who are truly cursed.

It is conceivable how difficult it was for a forbidden spell to emerge in ancient times. And the ancient king is not only the real forbidden curse, but also a super powerful forbidden curse mage who can kill the emperor.

According to the records in ancient books, the ancient king led his battle lions and spent a full ten years dismantling six demon empires, killing six emperor-level demons, and eliminating countless demon tribes, large and small. , The number of monarchs who were killed is even more innumerable.

And the country where the Red Skull Lord is located is not the country of the ancient king. Although unification is a good thing, it is not for the royal family of that country. Although it will be safer, people have selfishness, that is, in this situation Next, the former Red Skull Demon Lord ran to assassinate, with the strength of super-level full cultivation, he wanted to assassinate the ancient king of forbidden curse.

In the end, the Red Skull Demon Lord naturally failed. If it was a false forbidden curse, he would definitely succeed, but not the ancient king. In the end, of course, the demon empire that was blocked was wiped out, and the country became what it is now, and the Red Skull Demon Lord was convinced, and became the shadow guard of the ancient king, until now he has become the Red Skull Demon Lord.

Empress Jiuyou used its powerful power to forcibly suppress the curse of the ghost baby, but the more she suppressed, the more terrified she became. What kind of power is this? Even the great monarch can't resist it for a while.

The Red Skull Lord saw the black curse imprint on the palm of Jiuyou's back, and said coldly: "Is that a curse? Have you met a fake forbidden curse curse mage?"

The Queen of Nine Serenity did not answer, because Gu Suoyu did it without telling the other dead kings. If other dead kings knew about it, they would definitely stop it, because that would violate the original intention of the ancient king, even though it was only among the eight dead kings. One, but if there is no power, then the power to guard the imperial mausoleum will be less.

It is also for this reason that they regard the White Corpse King as the eighth dead king.

The old king said to them, 'Wait for me to come back'. So the mission of their life is to wait for the return of the emperor.

But they don't know that after thousands of years of waiting after Jiuyou, their original intentions have been shaken, and they have fallen into a magic barrier a little bit.

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