Full-time Summoner

Chapter 456 Exchange Mission

The whole house is very small, only about 50 square meters, with two bedrooms and one living room. There is almost no decoration in the house, a chair, a table, and a refrigerator. There are only some cans of beer in the refrigerator and a box that I don’t know. How long are the meals.

"Lu Cheng died on the bed at the time, lying down, his head exploded, and after inspection, it was indeed the work of a brain worm."

Zhaohua immediately activated the wind perception and started searching.

When he came, he already knew a lot. On the way here, he had already sorted out what the city monster hunting team did, what he needed to do, and where the problems were.

Cerebral worms are strong and hard to find, but you must know that this is a city, a place for human mages, and monsters entering the city are the same as humans entering the area of ​​monsters. You must be careful, otherwise you will die at any time.

It doesn't matter how much you can run or hide, this is the human world, seal all the entrances and exits, and just catch the turtle in the urn. Moreover, Yaodu has already implemented the Sky Eye network, and the entire city is under surveillance, and the urban demon hunting team has locked the location of the cerebrate.

There was only one middle-level mage that Lu Cheng had contact with before his death, a mage named Xiang Kangbo. Xiang Kangbo was Lu Cheng's successor after retiring from the position of team leader ten years ago, and the current team leader Qi Zhi He only took office a few years ago, and usually worked for five or six years. At that time, he was basically old and couldn't catch demons.

But the cerebrate seemed to sense the danger, and controlled Xiang Kangbo to hide.

The urban monster hunting team wanted to find the cerebrum before Xiang Kangbo died and the mana energy had not been absorbed. Like Lu Cheng, Xiang Kangbo is already an old man. Cerebral worms like this type of mage the most.

Their nebula declines, and they are plagued by occupational diseases themselves. They will not feel strange when encountering a little illness and pain, and will be slowly absorbed until they are finally killed.

What Zhaohua has to do is to use the perception of wind to find the hidden Xiang Kangbo.

There are not many middle-level mages in Zengcheng, and Zhaohua can roughly lock in as long as he senses the fluctuation of the magic energy of the middle-level mages.

There is a reason for Zhaohua to accept this task. Although his perceptual ability is not as powerful as that of the sound department, he can hear far-away sounds to obtain information, but Zhaohua's sense of wind is better for magic energy than the sound department. sensitive.

The power of the domain is unfolding, and now Xiaofengcan has reached the strongest strength that can be achieved at this stage, and it is only a matter of advancing. If the range of the Wind Elf Domain is fully deployed, the range can reach two kilometers, which is quite impressive in a city with a straight line distance of two kilometers.

"I found it." Zhaohua was lucky, and he found it right away.

Because the cerebrum needs to absorb the mage's magic energy continuously, the location of the parasitic mage's brain will have a lot of magic energy. Generally, only mages who majored in spiritual power would do this. So you can rely on this feature to detect who is parasitized.

What makes Zhaohua more gratified is that this brain worm's intelligence has not yet reached a super high level, and it still has more instincts. Otherwise, if it is smarter, it will run away when it is full. After all, it has been discovered.

Team leader Qi Zhi and team leader Xu Meixia showed surprised expressions, didn't they, sir, did they just find it? Close your eyes, meditate a bit and find it?

Could it be the foreknowledge magic? Of course, there is no predictive magic at all, it's just Zhaohua's domain special effects.

Zhaohua led the members of the hunting team. Besides Qi Zhi, there was also a man named Wusun who was also an intermediate-level mage, but he was only an intermediate-level mage, and then there was Xu Meixia.

Because if the brain worm becomes an adult, it will be a warrior-level demon to deal with. In this case, the effect of elementary magic will be very small.

"Here?! Gourmet Hotel."

This is a large hotel, the largest business hotel in Zengcheng, with a height of twenty-eight floors, and Xiang Kangbo, who was parasitized by brain worms, hid in the hotel room.

"Is there a problem here?" Zhaohua asked when he saw several people stop.

Lu Cheng showed a embarrassed expression and said: "Here... the visiting delegation from Vietnam lives here."

When Zhaohua heard this, he immediately felt bad. This so-called visiting group Zhaohua really knew what was going on, and the task list of the trial meeting had free judges to protect the visiting group.

Originally, Zhaohua thought that the exchange mission from Vietnam would settle in Huacheng, because there is a large international airport at the junction of Huacheng and Yuncheng. What Zhaohua didn't expect was how the exchange mission came to Zengcheng.

Zhaohua didn't know the exact location of the exchange mission without accepting the mission.

Although Huacheng is next door to Zengcheng, why are you here for nothing!

Zhaohua asked: "Did the deceased Lu Cheng and Xiang Kangbo know the information about the mission's stay in the hotel?"

Qi Zhi didn't understand why he asked such a question at first, but he soon understood, nodded and said: "Although they are old, they are also middle-level mages, and they were the captains of the city's monster hunting team. So I will tell them, so that we can cooperate with protection when we meet."

Qi Zhi began to panic. If the worst happens, it will be terrible. This will turn into a major diplomatic event between the two countries.

Although our country is much stronger than Vietnam, no country is willing to have exchange missions from other countries die in their own country, which will cause great reputation problems for the country.

Even more seriously, no mages are willing to come to our country.

But the worst happened. Just when Zhaohua and the members of the urban monster hunting team were still thinking about what to do, Zhaohua found that the staff in the hotel began to whisper, and looking at their expressions, there was fear, Panicked and scared.

"Something happened." Zhaohua said in a deep voice.

Bad things have happened, let's just hope it's not the worst.

"I'm the judge of the Tribunal, may I ask if something happened in the hotel?" Zhaohua showed his proof of the Tribunal.

The man who looked like the manager of the lobby obviously panicked when he saw the word "judgment meeting", he hesitated and didn't want to say it.

Fortunately, Qi Zhi is the captain of the city's monster hunting team. He has a lot of people in Zengcheng, and said, "Zhang Zi, tell me quickly! Otherwise, bigger problems will happen, and you will be blamed."

The lobby manager, Zhang Zi, was frightened and recruited: "Captain Qi, the hotel... someone died in the hotel."

Zhaohua's eyes became serious, because the perception of the wind consumes a lot of mana, so Zhaohua didn't turn it on all the time, he immediately turned on the domain after hearing the news of the dead person, Zhaohua found that the brain worm was still there, and did not leave.

Zhaohua asked, "Which floor is the dead man's room on?"

The lobby manager was stunned for a moment and was reluctant to say anything, because if this kind of thing spread, the whole hotel would be ruined, and so would he.

"What are you hiding at this time? It's a brain worm. If it turns into an adult, everyone in the hotel will die." Although Qi Zhi was a bit exaggerated, it was true, the warrior-level monster was enough to kill.

"Eight... Eighth floor. 815."

Zhaohua roughly calculated the height of each floor, and the location of the brain worm is also on the eighth floor!

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