Full-time Summoner

Chapter 464 His background has always been good

Zhaohua looked at the commander-level demon in front of him, sighed and said, "If you don't take action, it will find out."

When Zhaohua was fighting the cerebrates, he had already contacted the members of the Judgment Council to ask for support.

If it is really a mutated brain worm, it will definitely not be so easy to deal with.

However, what Zhaohua did not expect was that the deputy judge of the Zengcheng Judgment would come out in person. It is estimated that when Zhaohua said that he encountered two adult brainworms of war generals and demons, the Judgment thought it necessary to send a high-level mage to form, so let the nearest The vice presiding judge came out.

Zhaohua looked at the deputy judge who was wearing a white short skirt, a white T-shirt, and a pair of red high-heeled shoes. For some reason, she had strong anger on her face.

A white coat was draped over her shoulders, and her short hair proved her ability.

Qin Ruoyan, Zengcheng's deputy judge, is a powerful mage with three high-ranking departments, majoring in water. Don't look at her young and capable appearance, with short hair and a heroic appearance, but in fact, Qin Ruoyan will be forty years old next year.

She had long hair and cut it short to make herself look younger.

And today, she was having dinner and a date with her blind date ten years younger than herself at the Zengcheng Hotel. Who would have thought, who would have thought, that such a thing would happen to her! !

She is almost forty! ! ! This time is her most likely blind date, Qin Ruoyan didn't plan to make a move at all, so as not to scare her blind date.

The reason why Qin Ruoyan is still single is mainly because she is too strong. The high-ranking deputy judge of the three series is almost like a god in the eyes of others. She suppressed and destroyed the demons on more than 20 floors with one hand. There is no difference between the gods and the gods.

When she was still in school, she didn't fall in love because of her hard work, and then she worked hard to kill monsters, which caused her to miss her best years. By the time she came to her senses, she was almost forty.

At the age of being called the old aunt, this high-ranking high-level water mage is a little bit overwhelmed!

When Zhaohua was fighting, he saw Qin Ruoyan preparing high-level water-type magic. Of course, a high-level mage couldn’t read the constellations at once, let alone advanced level-two water-type magic, so Zhaohua deliberately ran to the other side to let the brain worm remember Facing Qin Ruoyan, no magic light was found.

"Are you okay?" Qin Ruoyan said with a frosty voice.

Zhaohua also has good eyesight. As a confessed male god, Zhaohua obviously should say at this time: "I'm fine, thank you Miss Sister for saving my life."

Oh hoo.

At this moment, Qin Ruoyan even thought of the names of the two children, the boy's name is Chu Mu, and the girl's name is Qingzi. This handsome guy has such a sweet mouth!

"Hey, I'm Qin Ruoyan, deputy presiding judge of Zengcheng, and the healing mage from the trial will come over in a while." Qin Ruoyan still looked the same, but her eyes had already dodged a little.

Naturally, this is just Qin Ruoyan's own dream. Because after being treated by a healing mage, Zhaohua left. After all, the brain worm was caught and the mission was completed. As for the affairs of Vietnam and the southern military region of our country, it was not something he could handle.

Early the next morning, before Zhaohua woke up, Li Weize called Zhaohua to the trial meeting.

As soon as Zhaohua arrived, Li Weize said to Zhaohua: "Vietnam accuses our country of killing their mission personnel."

Zhaohua is not surprised either. When something happens between countries, no matter who is right or who is wrong, the first thing to do is to set aside responsibility and let the other party take the blame.

Zhaohua was not surprised at all, and asked flatly: "It's impossible for them to just condemn and then ask for nothing."

Li Weize looked at Zhaohua with a surprised expression, and Zhaohua guessed something.

Li Weize nodded and said, "Well, they demanded the termination of all cooperation and contracts with our country. Including the agreement with the Southern Military Region more than 60 years ago."

"However, there is news from our informants abroad that this time it is likely that they directed and performed it themselves, but it is estimated that several people in their exchange missions do not know that they are just victims."

Zhaohua also guessed a little bit, but he didn't expect to be so ruthless. At first, Zhaohua thought he was just here to communicate. After all, the Southern Military Region would not care about such a little resource.

Zhaohua asked suspiciously, "Is there something inside?"

After being puzzled for a while, Li Weize said: "We are not sure, but the researchers of the Magic Association found out about the mutated brain worm. The mutation of those brain worms may be due to the 'Bai Xue' that happened in Huacheng more than two years ago. events' related to those parasites."

Zhaohua was startled, this means it has something to do with the Black Vatican! ?

"However, this is just a guess. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Vietnam. After all, Vietnam is now close to the United States to seek the protection of the Holy Inquisition. There is no need to be close to the Black Vatican."

There are only five countries in the world that have real curse mages. Apart from ourselves, there is only the most powerful United States of America (the United States), the former Big Brother, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK), who guards the forbidden area of ​​​​the Arctic. Russian Federation (Russia) and French Fifth Republic (France).

Only these five countries have Forbidden Curse Masters. The other countries are fake Forbidden Curse, and some countries have fake Forbidden Curse, but they have achieved the real Forbidden Curse's strength through other methods.

For example, the Japanese Onmyoji, the Egyptian Shroud, and the Goddess of the Parthenon. Although these are not real Forbidden Magicians, they have obtained the power of the Forbidden Curse because of all kinds of strange things.

"So, what are you asking me to do?"

Early in the morning, it was impossible to just tell Zhaohua these words and call him over.

Li Weize looked at Zhaohua with a meaningful smile and said: "They said they want to hand you over, saying that you secretly assassinated the killer, and then let the monster come out to direct and act on your own. You are the murderer, and you have to be handed over to their country and let them do it. Review."

Zhaohua knew they would be shameless, but he didn't expect such shamelessness to be blamed on him.

"Then I'm going to run away now?" Zhaohua asked with a smile.

"Don't be joking, okay, if we can hand over the judges, where will we save face. The two of them [hehe] will be gone when Chief Tian Qingbai returns."

Li Weize also felt that they were really out of their minds, our judges were also handed over by you? Hand it over as soon as you say it, how many people can I hand it over to. When you have the ability to cross the South China Sea, you are not afraid of the South China Sea Demon Kingdom speaking again.

Li Weize said: "However, Director Tian Qingbai asked me to tell you not to speak ill of your parents."

Li Weize is a little speechless, people in Vietnam are really brain-dead, can you check other people's family background before asking for someone, the trial will really give you someone, you can't hold it.

His mother rushed over to ask for someone, the Forbidden Curse mage in your family who just broke through the fake Forbidden Curse is really unstoppable.

Back then Zhang Ning had killed the fake Forbidden Curse mage, but it wasn't a real Forbidden Curse, did he really think he could fly?

Ever since Zhao Hua's cultivation base was abolished, he also knew that his parents were not simple. Although he only heard a few words, the treasures of heaven and earth used to heal himself were not available to mid-level mages. Even ordinary super mages can't get it.

His background has always been fine.

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