Full-time Summoner

Chapter 468 Blonde Lolita

Zhaohua called out all the summoned beasts, including the little wind silkworm and the evil dragon of destruction.

There are a total of five summoned beasts, this posture, this row of faces, must be full.

Ji Shaoan didn't waste time, directly opened his undead space, and released Gu Suoyu who had abandoned his original appearance.

A commander-level vampire!

But what makes Zhaohua feel a little strange is that when opening the passage of the undead space, there is no command-level breath. Zhaohua is a summoning mage, and he is very sensitive to the breath of demons. Ji Shaoan usually makes an army of undead for battle.

Before Zhaohua could ask his doubts, Gu Suoyu jumped out from the passage of the undead space.

After seeing Gu Suoyu, Zhaohua was stunned. The other five summoned beasts, who had been preparing for battle, suddenly withered away as if facing a formidable enemy.

To put it in a simpler way, why is it a blonde loli vampire.

It was indeed the first time for Zhaohua to see the reborn Gu Suoyu. Originally, the body of the vampire undead was relatively tall, which was also in line with Gu Suoyu's figure before he was alive, but who would have thought that now he has become shorter.

If it is described in words, it is a super little beauty with super beautiful blonde and long wavy hair. Even if you look at it from a long distance, you can understand that when you comb the hair with your fingers, you can clearly feel the silky silky touch. If it is soaked, the golden hair will shine like starlight.

The current Gu Suoyu's beautiful blond hair is tied with a red and blue ribbon. If Zhaohua is not mistaken, it is made of the spider silk of the curse-type soul spider and the ghost fire, and it looks like a doll. She must be wearing a long dress, but the difference is that there is a red jacket that looks like it is made of demon skin.

It looks quite young, yes, young, probably like a primary school student.

Wearing red lipstick, she is pure and charming.

Gu Suoyu didn't say a word, his pale face looked cold, but after all, he looked very cute, and for lovers of a certain aspect, it should be quite the best.

And just imagine, there are some beastly people who just like to conquer women with strong personalities, and this is still a vampire undead, shackled by chains, and using sunlight as a natural prison and torture.

Quite lustful!

"Why is it a little warrior?" Zhaohua asked.

Before Ji Shao could answer silently, the corners of Gu Suoyu's mouth lifted, as if to say that the three-year period had come. The red and blue ribbons that bound her hair were untied, and Gu Suoyu's body began to grow taller. The most obvious thing was that a small mountain rose up in front of her chest, and Zhaohua was stunned when she saw it.

Medical miracle!

The original long skirt turned into a short skirt, the blond hair was scattered, and the spider silk satin turned into a spear. Gu Suoyu's aura immediately soared, and the little warrior became the sub-commander, and Zhaohua keenly felt that this I'm afraid it's not Gu Suoyu's limit, but Ji Shaohan's limited strength limits Gu Suoyu's strength.

"Amazing, can you still hide your strength?"

Such a demon Zhaohua had never seen before. Thunder Bear is different, Thunder Bear can't hide its strength, it's a monster skill, and this monster skill needs to consume a lot of energy, it becomes stronger, unlike Gu Suoyu, who can change whenever he wants.

[This is the characteristic of vampires - change. It can also turn into a bat and dive into the dark. 】Ji Shaoan explained in the small drawing book.

As for the five summoned beasts, in their eyes, humanoid creatures are neither beautiful nor ugly, they all have four legs and one head.

Gu Suoyu's current appearance has changed a lot from before, especially those eyes, which have changed from dark pupils to blue-green gemstones, which are very exotic.

Zhaohua also understands why it wants to change its appearance, it wants to bid farewell to its former self.

Zhaohua looked at the war halberd in Gu Suoyu's hand that was transformed from a red and blue ribbon, it was the spider silk of Ji Shaoan's soul spider. If a dark mage has the ability, he will contract a spider monster in the dark plane, because for black magic, spiders are sacred, and their whole body is full of treasures.

Jian Ningmeng also has a black wood spider, a spider monster, and Ji Shaoan also wants it very much, but just like ordinary taming beasts, there can only be one spider, and Ji Shaoan didn't change it for just one reason.

The Hanhan Soul Spider is more effective and stronger.

"That weapon is for attacking the soul?" Zhaohua could tell at a glance that since it was transformed from the silk of the curse-type soul spider, the actual function should be to attack the soul.

"Creatures injured by it will be cursed." Gu Suoyu said coldly, as a reminder to Zhaohua and the five summoned beasts.

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! !

The evil dragon of destruction had the least patience, and launched the attack first. I don't know if it was jealous. The evil dragon of destruction did not hold back, and rushed towards Gu Suoyu with its huge wings shaking.

The body of the evil dragon is quite huge, and the dragon's claws are already bigger than Gu Suoyu, but the evil dragon knows that he is the weaker side. The evil dragon strikes! The dragon claw waved three cracks.

But in the next second, Gu Suoyu used the ability of a vampire to shuttle through the darkness, dodged the extremely fast blow of the destructive evil dragon, and appeared on the back of the destructive evil dragon.

"The attack is too direct and monotonous, even a fool can see through it."

Gu Suoyu's body is like a leaf floating in the air, dodging the attack of the evil dragon that still has the strength to comment and destroy. Gu Suoyu had her back facing the evil dragon of destruction, but she turned her body in the air.

Instead of using the weapon of the right hand, the left hand makes a fist, turns, and aligns. Throw a punch!

Simple and straightforward, but effective.

There was a loud bang. Originally, one was a destructive evil dragon with a giant body of ten meters, and the other was a 1.7-meter-long blonde girl. The difference in size between the two should be huge, but it happened to be such a cold-faced blonde beauty. The fist actually blasted out the sense of sight of a meteorite impact!

The Destruction Evil Dragon originally flew a little higher, even though it was mentally prepared, it still couldn't bear Gu Suoyu's heavy punch.

The Destroying Evil Dragon felt as if he was being pressed down at the bottom of a mountain.

It's too heavy.

However, the Destroying Evil Dragon also has a backbone, it did not make a scream, but gritted its teeth fiercely.

Gu Suoyu stood on the back of the evil dragon, looked at Sanwei and Xiong Da, and said in a frosty tone: "Since you don't make a move, then I won't be polite."

Gaba Gaba! ! Hiss!

Although they knew they couldn't beat them, they couldn't lose Zhaohua's face. Bite the bullet and rush over.

Lan Xinghu surrendered directly, because it just tried to attack Gu Suoyu with a mental attack, but he just stared at him, breaking the blue star fox's mental attack.

The blue star fox is very strong at the same level, and mental attacks, which are hard to guard against, are terrifying to both monsters and mages. But leapfrog fighting is useless, and the opponent still specializes in spiritual power.

Lan Xinghu: I can't break through the defense, so I surrender, don't hit me.

And Xiao Fengcan immediately used the power of the domain, the only way to deal with Gu Suoyu was the spirit ring.

And Zhaohua watched Gu Suoyu fight four like a god of war, avoiding all the attacks and still have leisure time to comment, thinking: "Would you like to try new magic?"

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