Full-time Summoner

Chapter 477 The Essence of the Dark Plane

"Is that black ball a magic tool?"

It happened very quickly, not to mention the students present, even some high-level associate professors didn't see what was going on, only the super-level Luo Deyou and Principal Bai Lian saw clearly what was going on.

"Principal, is that a creature from the dark plane?" Luo Deyou asked softly beside Principal Bai Li'an.

Luo Deyou just didn't awaken the dark magic, so Luo Deyou didn't know much about the dark plane.

Bai Lian nodded and said, "Well, judging from the aura, it is indeed a creature of the dark plane, but it is not the main body."

"Then shall we terminate?"

Bai Lian felt it for a while, and made sure that Zhaohua and Fu Yingjun inside were safe, and there was no problem with their vital signs. After thinking for a few seconds, he shook his head and replied: "Although the nature of dark creatures is not that good, but The summoning department didn't say that the power of dark creatures cannot be used. Doesn't Zhaohua himself have two warrior-level tamers?"

In the past, black magic was strictly prohibited, the reason being that the nature of black magic power is not a good thing.

Black magic comes from the dark plane, which is explained to students in the course of the school, but what is not mentioned in the course of the school is what is the nature of the power of the dark plane.

The reason why black magic was criticized at the beginning is because the essence of black magic is negative energy, that is, the negative emotions of humans and mages.

The best example is the Dark Beast. To refine a Dark Beast, a living person is needed, and not even a living person can be used as a material for a Dark Beast. The material must contain a lot of negative emotions before it dies to be successfully refined.

For example, emotions such as hatred, anger, and despair are negative emotions. The stronger the negative emotions, the stronger the refined black beast, and even become a warrior-level cursed beast. Therefore, when the Black Vatican refines the dark beast, They will torture the living body and cause their negative emotions to come out.

This is also the reason why undead are irritable, difficult to control, and like to kill. The energy of dark creatures and undead is dark power, which is negative energy in nature, so it is naturally difficult to control.

Later, after the magic reform, after many years of research, the black magic finally changed some cultivation methods, no longer need to absorb negative energy, but changed to the magic energy of the magician to exchange negative energy with the creatures of the dark plane, so that Black magic is embraced by the world.

In fact, white magic is the same, white magic is not the magic of this world, but the plane where white magic comes from may not even know the name of the people who practice white magic, especially in our country, our country used to ban it for a long time The white magic was not opened until the magic reform.

However, the plane from which white magic comes from has a deep collection in the country, and you need to go to a western country that majors in white magic to learn about it, such as the Parthenon in Greece, the Freedom Academy in the United States, the Alpine Academy, etc. There are only introductions from the universities.

The essence of white magic is wish power, which is positive energy such as hope, kindness, and holiness. To strengthen white magic requires wish power.

However, wish power is not a bad thing, so mages who practice white magic do not need to make deals, and there are resources themselves that have this holy power.

Dimensional magic is spiritual power and soul power, and elemental magic is the power of heaven and earth in this plane itself. In fact, each magic system has essential differences.

It has been many years since the magic reform, so naturally there is no discrimination against black magic anymore, just maintain a cautious attitude.

As the principal of the school, Bai Lian is even less likely to discriminate against black magic. It is no big deal to use the power of dark creatures. Almost the top 50 people in the black magic department have signed contracts with creatures from the dark plane.

Bai Lian only ensures the safety of the students. As long as the students' lives are not in danger, as the principal of the school, he will not interfere with the mage's path of practice.

In the black ball, Zhaohua looked at Fu Yingjun vigilantly. This time he was indeed fooled. Fu Yingjun hid his thoughts so deeply that he even thought that he would use the wind element to suppress him from using magic.

It can even be said that the swift sickle weasel probably deliberately lost to the little wind silkworm, and then strengthened the giant mouse to distract Zhaohua so that the little wind silkworm could come to escort him.

There is no doubt that this black ball seal is limited, and I am afraid that the scope is not large.

Fu Yingjun saw Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan being wrapped in the black ball, and immediately stopped hiding his true nature, and laughed crazily: "You are finally fooled!! If you come into this black ball, I win!! "

Zhaohua quickly calmed down. With so many cards in his hole, why is he afraid of you as a creature of the dark plane?

"It's too early for you to be happy. It's hard to say who will win." Zhaohua said in a flat tone.

But soon, Zhaohua discovered the problem, he was unable to use the power of the wind element, more precisely, he could not use the magic of the spirit.


Xiao Fengcan seemed to have noticed it too, and flew to Zhaohua's side, but Xiao Fengcan couldn't get magic energy from Nebula. Not only can Xiaofengcan send mana to Zhaohua, but Zhaohua can also fill Xiaofengcan's demon energy with the magic energy of the summoning system. This is the effect of the fourth magic of the summoning system.

But in the black ball, their summoning contract was invalid!

Seemingly having noticed the difference between Zhaohua and Xiao Fengcan, Fu Yingjun proudly explained: "Hahahaha, its dimensional contract is mine now, here, I can get your dimensional contract and bind it to me !"

"That elemental demon will be my property from now on!!"

Fu Yingjun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, but Zhaohua frowned, and said a little strangely: "But the contract is still with me."

The connection between Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan was broken, but the dimensional contract was still imprinted in the nebula. Zhaohua could see the imprint of the dimensional contract with Xiaofengcan be shining through the internal vision. This guy must be dreaming.

"The dimensional contract is signed with the plane, and it is impossible to cancel it." Zhaohua also gave him a science popularization about the nature of the dimensional contract. The signing of the dimensional contract was signed with the summoning plane, not with Xiaofeng. Silkworm signed a contract, is it because you say no, it will be gone.

Unless you're a curse mage.

Fu Yingjun also noticed the strangeness, and shouted: "Hey!! What's going on!! This is different from what was agreed!"

Zhaohua looked up at the sky, the space above his head was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything. But there is no doubt that this black ball is transformed by a dark creature.

But Zhaohua can't use elven magic now, that is to say, he is now a middle-level mage with no power to restrain chickens.

He had also considered that if one day he couldn't use elf magic, his weakness would be exposed. He has no other magic system, and he is weaker than all summoning system mages.

Fortunately, Zhaohua has a solution, and he also has the ability to tame animals.

Suddenly, cold voices came from all directions: "Hey hey hey, I'm a creature from the dark plane, you should know our rules."

"Trading, if you want anything, you must first pay something equivalent to make a transaction."

Fu Yingjun frowned. This guy didn't say this at the beginning, he just said that he has a way to bind the dimensional contract of the summoning mage to his soul, and then get the dimensional summoned beast.

"What do you want? Mana or resources, I can give you both."

The cold voice said disdainfully: "Hey, there are rules in our plane, which is equivalent. If you want its dimensional contract and dimensional summoned beast, you will naturally give your dimensional contract and dimensional summoned beast."

Fu Yingjun was startled, and looked at the huge mouse beside him.

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