Full-time Summoner

Chapter 486: Ingenious

The first round will start early in the morning the next day, and after the competition, the students will be allowed to rest and meditate to recover their mana and physical strength, and then the second battle will start in the afternoon.

There are two five-on-five fights a day.

In fact, playing two games a day may not necessarily be tiring, it mainly depends on how well you fight. If it is a fierce confrontation, it will be difficult to support. Leaving aside whether an injury can recover from an injury, as far as mana is concerned, it is impossible to restore mana from zero to full in one noon without using special treasures from heaven and earth.

However, this is the case in the college competitions, and it often happens.

The main team and powerful opponents exhausted all their magic power, and even the magic tools were broken. If the magic power can't be recovered, the second game will start, and sometimes even the injuries can't be recovered.

But I just want to play, so I have to come off the bench at this time. As far as a powerful country is concerned, you can’t just be those few people who are powerful. If those few people are no longer good enough and have no magic power, then your strength will plummet. This is not acceptable.

The national competition is one of the criteria that can judge whether a country is strong or not, and the academic competition is actually a way for one's country to show the strength of its young generation of mages to the world and to its people.

Therefore, a strong country cannot have only a few that are particularly strong, and the others are very weak. What is needed is to be strong in all aspects.

The contest for ballots is strictly imitating the school contest.

Early the next morning, Zhaohua came to the Douguan. The ballot competition will open four Douguan, each Douguan has five dueling platforms, and five matches can be completed in one go. The results will be announced later, and the next one will start. round draw.

In the afternoon, when all the students come to the Douguan, the supervising teacher will give you the lottery ball before entering the Douguan, and let you go to the designated occasion and judge your teammates based on the ball.

Then there will be ten minutes for you to discuss tactics.

In the first round of the match in the morning, Zhaohua came to the Douguan. He was in the L group match. Nuan Yang and several other teammates had already arrived, waiting for Zhaohua, and the opponents were the same. The five of them arrived early.

"You guys came so early? Didn't you already discuss the tactics yesterday?"

Nuan Yang said: "Let's take a look at the Douguan in advance. This is my first time participating in team battles. I have only played one-on-one before, and I have never tried team battles."

This is also normal, Zhaohua has not actually played team battles very much, although he has cooperated with other people in the wild, but this kind of human-to-human competition has only happened in the four-city joint examination in Congcheng.

Zhaohua's teammates happened to be all boys, while his opponents were two men and three women. Zhaohua already knew the magic department of his teammates and opponents yesterday.

Generally speaking, most of the magic systems are complete.

Of the Dimensional Magic Department, only Zhaohua has a Summoning Department, and none of the others have one. The Elemental Department has all seven. There are two other people from the Shadow Department, one major and one minor, plus Zhaohua's Wind and Summoning, and six other Elemental Magic Departments, a total of nine types.

And the opponent is the same, the elemental magic system has been assembled. The difference is that there is a Psychic Department major and a Plant Department major on the opposite side, and the Earth Department overlaps one.

So the difference between the two sides is that the summoning system, the shadow system, the mind system, and the plant system, these two magic systems will be the key to the outcome.

As for the elemental magic department, everyone is ready, just see the tricks.

Zhaohua is from the Summoning and Wind Elements, so unlike the Destruction Element, he is standing on the flank.

Team battles are extremely particular about formations, and there is an elective course in Sun Yat-Sen University that specifically teaches formation arrangements during five-on-five matches. The outstanding effect of each position of each formation is also different.

For example, the formation that Zhaohua is currently standing in is called Cloud Chui Formation. Four people stand up and down in the front, and one person stands in the middle and rear.

There is more space on the left and right sides, and it is more convenient to use wind and shadow magic to pull and avoid attacks, while the remaining two positions in front are the positions of comprehensive mages.

The mages with both defense and attack capabilities stand in these two positions, which can facilitate the attack and better protect the destruction mage at the back. The last one is naturally the Destruction Mage who majors in Thunder and Fire and has no movement and protection abilities.

Zhaohua stood on the far left flank, and Nuan Yang, who majored in the light department of Huoci, was a comprehensive mage with both destruction and protection abilities. Standing on the right side of Zhaohua, he said excitedly after seeing the formation of troops: "Amazing, you can also form formations!!"

"This is one of the simplest five-man formations. I have taught it in the school, and I don't know how to use large-scale military formations." Zhaohua replied.

These are just small formations. The truly powerful ones are large formations with hundreds or thousands of people. Some formations can even fuse thousands of elementary magics together to possess high-level power.

On the other side, it was obvious that no one knew how to form a formation, and five people stood in a row.

There are three referee teachers in total, and the three are responsible for writing scores and evaluations. When Zhaohua arranged the formation, Zhaohua had already added points.

Each teacher has three points in his hands, which are pre-war preparation, wartime performance, and personal strength. Everyone on the winning team will add one point by default. So in theory, one person can score ten points in one game at most.

After the last eight games, the top ten scores will enter the second round.

Because there is a psychic system on the opposite side, Zhaohua first summoned Lan Xinghu. With Lan Xinghu, the effect of the psychic system mage on the opposite side will be much smaller.

Seeing that everyone was getting ready, the referee shouted: "The first round! Start!"

At the moment the game started, Zhaohua didn't call out the summoned beast immediately, and Sanwei and Xiongda didn't call out. The reason is very simple. At the beginning, everyone will have a wave of magic bombing first.

Let's blow up the formation first. If you summon a huge monster, then you will eat magic properly. Even if it is a defensive type like Jiang Yu's Dimensional Summoned Beast, Rock Beast, it can't stand five destructive spells.

So Zhaohua also started to describe the middle-level wind magic first.

At this time, the fire and thunder systems have great advantages, because the elementary magic of these two magic systems has lethality and can interfere with the release of intermediate magic.

The number of fire elements and thunder elements on both sides is the same. The opposite fire burst and thunder strike are not apart from each other. Both of them are aimed at Zhaohua. After all, everyone is afraid of him. If he can force his magic equipment out first , or stopping his mid-level magic is a good thing.

The most important thing is that the release speed of this intermediate magic is a bit fast! !

When the opponent's one thought star track was completed, Zhaohua's seven star tracks were also completed, and the star map had already started to build the final star track, while the teammates were still working on the second and third star tracks. There was such a speed gap.

Fireball and Thunderbolt rushed towards Zhaohua, but the Blue Star Fox at Zhaohua's feet was supposed to defend against demons, and a water shield appeared in front of him, blocking the Fireball and Thunderbolt.

"Hey! His summoned beast is really disgusting!"

Not only are there fire and thunder elements on the opposite side, but Nuan Yang who was on the side originally wanted to use the fire burst and the opponent's fire burst to solve one, but now there is no need for it.

He aimed at the opponent's plant mage. The opponent was preparing to use mid-level plant magic. Mid-level plant magic was more disgusting than Leihuo in team battles. Those large plants were difficult to deal with.

"Fire burst!"

"Water Royal."

However, the opponent's water mage did not allow Nuan Yang's attack to succeed, and this water mage happened to use the thunder strike just now, which led to the fact that there were still three people on the opponent who were using mid-level magic.

The same is true for our thunder magic. The opponent's fire mage's second element is earth, and he uses ground waves to help his teammates avoid the attack of the thunder mark.

The slight advantage obtained by Lan Xinghu's defensive magic was immediately evened out by such a clever way. The mage who uses the elementary attack magic will resist the opponent's elementary magic, so that the middle-level magic of the teammates will not be interrupted.

Team battles require more tactical and ingenious arrangements than one-on-one. Personal strength will be leveled a lot in team battles.

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