Full-time Summoner

Chapter 49 The Order of the Black Vatican

"The nature of the wind has changed..." Zhaohua could clearly feel that it wasn't that the wind produced by the wind tornado was resisted by the Fengshen's feather coat made of wind silk wrapped around his body, but that the wind that was approaching was changed. From strong and sharp to gentle and quiet.

It stands to reason that this is impossible, no matter how good Zhaohua studies, he still can't understand how it works at this moment.

"I don't have time to think, I have to run quickly."

The Fengshen Yuyi made of wind silk is not invincible. Every time the wind tornado gets closer, Zhaohua feels that this change is weaker. One of the skills, now the Wind Spirit Silkworm obviously forcibly used all its strength, spitting out a lot of wind silkworm silk at once.


The whole worm of Fengling silkworm collapsed, lying powerlessly in Zhaohua's coat pocket, looking depressed. It seems that forcibly using it consumes a lot of wind spirit silkworm.

Not to mention the remnants of soul on Zhaohua's body, he doesn't even have food or anything, and he can't replenish energy, so he can only use the magic energy of the summoning system.

Huh, Zhaohua saw the direction, jumped with both feet, firmly grasped a raised rock with both hands, and got rid of the attraction of the wind tornado. The weakness of the wind tornado is that its moving speed is very fast. slow.

The wind disk tornado is a monster-gathering skill, it sucks everything around to the center, as long as you can get rid of this strong suction, it will be difficult for the wind disk to hit the target.

Zhaohua is now under more pressure to climb rocks with bare hands, because Fengling Silkworm has consumed all his magic energy and entered a state of fatigue, so he can no longer use wind silk to help him. Now Zhaohua is really climbing rocks with bare hands, as long as he makes a mistake , then he will face the danger of falling to his death.

The time that Fengling Silkworm can stay here is to consume Zhaohua's summoning magic energy, and the use of skills is to consume its own magic energy. The wind spirit silkworm is very weak, and it is still in the embryonic stage, so the consumption of keeping it in reality is very small.

"Huh? How did he escape the attraction range of the wind coil tornado?! Impossible! How could he run away as a junior mage!" The priest in black was blocked by the dust and gravel rolled up by the wind coil. For a moment, he saw Zhaohua's figure.

You don't see it until you climb to a certain height and completely surpass the wind and tornado. By this time Zhaohua had been running for a while.

"Hmph, it's good to have a good father, since there are such life-saving magic tools." The priest in black obviously attributed Zhaohua's ability to get rid of the wind and tornado to his middle-level mage father.

The black-clothed priest feels like shooting herself in the foot with a stone, because after the magic is released, she will not hurt herself like in the game. If she walks into the wind tornado, she will also be injured, so she can only take a detour .

After choosing an unaffected path, the black-clothed priest activated the third-level wind track, several flickering, desperately catching up, although the black-clothed priest was faster, but because Zhaohua walked for a while, plus her It's a detour, and I can't catch up in a while.

Zhaohua is now also thankful that he has been trained by Zhaolang, and he also has the habit of exercising, otherwise, even if his physical fitness will improve after awakening, it will be difficult to do rock climbing with bare hands, and it must be at such a thrilling moment.

Liu Xianyan Cave is an ordinary cave in Fengyun Ridge. The difference is that there is a legend about this cave. According to the legend, an extremely powerful mage was born from the city. He was known as Liu Xian. The place where Liu Xianshou died was this Liu Xianyan Cave.

There used to be many legends that said that the great immortal's ancient inheritance and powerful treasures were left here, and many hunters flocked to them, but in the end it was found that this was just a very ordinary cave with nothing in it, only some common monsters in Fengyun Ridge built their nests here .

In fact, Zhaohua had no choice but to gamble. He hoped that there were some monsters and ghosts here, and he could even defeat the big monsters of middle-level wind mages. Before the monsters attacked him first, he would die too.

Climbing, Zhaohua finally arrived at Liuxian Cave before the priest in black after many hardships. Looking around, the stone walls around the cave are very wet, the ground is a bit muddy, and there are still water droplets falling from the rocks above the head. The cave is very dark.

There was no time for him to think, he could only run forward now, Zhaohua already felt the danger behind him.

Before Zhaohua ran a few steps, the voice of the priest in black came from behind: "Liu Xianyan Cave? Hahahahaha, do you believe in those legends?"

call! ! A gust of strong wind blew behind Zhaohua, and a rock the size of a human head locked onto the running Zhaohua along the wind track. Boom! The rock hit Zhaohua's back, and he was sent flying as if hit by a car.

Cough, a mouthful of blood spurted out from Zhaohua's mouth, and he slid forward more than ten meters. Because the ground was wet and slippery, he didn't get scratched too much, but his back was already a bit bloody and painful.

"Ahem, the internal organs have shifted a bit." Zhaohua stood up with difficulty, and continued to walk forward with his seriously injured body.

Weng, the radiance behind him, the priest in black is still a light mage, and accidents are easy to happen in this kind of dark cave, so she lit up the whole cave, just in case. Now there is really no possibility of escape.

Whoosh! Two more rocks flew along the wind track, this time the wind track was aimed at Zhaohua's feet, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard in the cave.

Zhaohua leaned against the rock wall, breathing heavily, and looked down at his legs. The calf bone was completely broken and folded in a strange direction. A few were broken, and the lungs were compressed. It was difficult to breathe, and the pain in the brain began to weaken under the condition of lack of oxygen.

This is bad news. If it continues like this, I will either die from bleeding and shock, or die from brain hypoxia.

Fenglingcan sensed that Zhaohua's life was hanging by a thread, crawled out of his pocket, and kept rubbing Zhaohua's fingers.

"It's not dead, but it's good."

Zhaohua looked at the black-clothed priest who was radiating light all over him, and said with a relieved smile, "I don't have such a big enmity with you, right? Is it necessary to take such a big risk to kill me?"

Zhaohua's voice was already very low, but in this dark cave, the voice could still be heard, and because of the light magic, Zhaohua could already see the face of the priest in black.

The priest in black didn't continue to cover up, he took off the hood on his head, and faced a person who already had a tenth of his life left, it was unnecessary.

"In fact, I still want to thank you. It's not because of you, and I won't be chosen by the Holy See to get the opportunity to become an advanced middle-level mage."

Wen Yu, the light magician of the city's monster hunting team, originally wanted to murder Ji Shaoan to get the position of team leader, but Zhaohua didn't expect that in a year, she would reach the middle level and be able to cast middle-level magic.

After Wen Yu advanced to the middle level, she completely abandoned her light element and devoted herself to cultivating the second element of wind. It took her a year to greatly increase her cultivation, and she also changed from a gray-clothed cultist to a black-clothed cultivator. Priest.

Although she had conflicts with Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan, it was not enough for her to risk her life to come to Fengyun Ridge and ambush more than a hundred people. The hatred between them is not so deep, there must be something hidden in it.

"Although I don't think you can live and tell you why you have to die, but unfortunately, I don't know why the Holy See must kill you if it orders you to die." Wen Yu walked up to Zhaohua and looked down.

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