Full-time Summoner

Chapter 495 Siege of the Undead

Ka, before Zhaohua asked what happened, Lin Mo hurriedly said, "Something has happened!!"

"The ancient capital is besieged by the undead!!!"

Um! ?

How could the undead besiege the city inexplicably? That's impossible. After all, nature has its own laws. Although there are several undead places outside the ancient capital, undead can be produced continuously.

But the undead did not gather for no reason, and ran to the ancient capital together to attack the ancient capital.

Although there will be some wandering and lost undead crossing the sub-safety zone from the land of the dead every day, and attacking the border of the ancient capital, but for the huge number of undead, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Every night in the ancient capital, there will be people to defend against the invasion of the undead, and killing these undead may get undead crystals, or some undead spirits, which are the best training items for necromancers.

The ancient capital is known as the holy land of domestic necromancers, and the concentration of necromancers is for this reason. Nature is balanced, where there is danger, there is opportunity.

After thinking about it, Zhaohua asked in a deep voice: "Did something happen?"

Zhaohua heard the sound of Lin Mo's tapping on the keyboard. He should be retrieving some information. This information needs to be retrieved, which means that there are a lot of information and many things have happened.

"Not long ago, the Judgment of the Ancient Capital issued a notice to close the airport of the ancient capital, you know. The reason is that the ancient capital was attacked by a dead king, so just to be on the safe side, the Judgment of the Ancient Capital blocked the airport to prevent others from entering the ancient capital."

Lin Mo clicked the mouse, and continued: "The dead king is not very strong, and the ancient capital is also the holy land of necromancers in our country. Although the strength is not as good as the three capitals of the demon capital, the demon capital, and the imperial capital, it is not weak. , there is no big problem facing the dead king."

"Knock back the dead king before the sun rises."

"However, just tonight, 30 kilometers away from the inner city of the ancient capital, not far from the sub-safety zone, Shayuan appeared..."

Lin Mo's voice was full of fear, but Zhaohua's pupils shrank when he heard it, and his eyes froze. Was it really getting closer every time?

The ancient capital is very large, divided into the inner city and the outer city. The inner city is the area protected by a protective barrier. It was originally the boundary of the ancient capital. With the development of human magic, there are more and more cities, so it slowly developed. The outer city was expanded, and the human living environment was expanded.

But the outer city is not protected by an enchantment, relying on the national military, the Magic Association, the Judgment, the Hunter Alliance, the guardians of the outer city mages from major magic families, and some defensive walls and other facilities, guarding the city every day. Let the genie in.

If it is 30 kilometers away from the inner city, it is already very close to the human living area.

Lin Mo continued: "Shayuan appeared around eleven o'clock in the evening, but the information came out after two o'clock."

Lin Mo didn't need to explain, Zhaohua naturally knew what would happen if Shayuan opened the hole at a distance of 30 kilometers.

Shayuan contains endless negative energy. For human mages, Shayuan is hell, but for undead, Shayuan is heaven.

The appearance of Shayuan means that there is endless undead aura, corpse aura, death aura, and majestic energy. The undead can have a full meal, and even take the opportunity to advance.

Human beings have a saying that they are full and full. The same is true for the undead. They are full and need to vent the side effects caused by negative energy. They will look for creatures everywhere. They need to vent the cruelty in their hearts and need blood.

So if Shayuan really appeared so close to the ancient capital, it would be obvious what would happen.

Such things happened several times in the ancient capital in history. Shayuan appeared close to the ancient capital, which led to the appearance of undead cholera, and returned all the outer cities where human beings expanded, and all the people who could not escape from the outer cities died. Or become undead.

The death toll was much higher than that of Bo City. Until dawn, the evil abyss was closed, and the undead returned to the earth and were buried in the underworld forever.

The long life of the undead is also related to the long sleep they have, and the undead only act at night.

The undead are just a different kind of monster. Even if there is memory and retains a part of the soul, the soul will decay, and the core of the undead will also decay. No creature can survive.

Zhaohua asked, "What's going on in the ancient capital now?"

Zhaohua is also from this country, and he is a mage, so he will naturally care about the situation in the ancient capital.

Lin Mo said: "I don't know, the ancient capital is besieged by the undead. The power of Shayuan and the aura emitted by a large number of undead have interfered with the magic energy signal. It is difficult to spread the news."

"Now some professional intelligence hunters go to places close to the ancient capital, and then pass on the situation inside through sound system mages or magic tools."

"The news I received here is that Shayuan appeared, and a large number of undead surrounded the entire ancient capital for several floors. And there are many corpse generals and corpse leaders haunting."

"The ghost tyrant who attacked the ancient capital some time ago also appeared on the north wall of the ancient capital."

The network communication of the city under siege by the dead is basically abolished, and the situation cannot be transmitted in real time.

Lin Mo tapped the keyboard quickly, and he retrieved the combat power of the ancient capital's mages from the hunter intelligence website, such as how many super-levels, how many high-level people, etc., all of which are stated on the official website of the ancient capital, in order to give Reassuring the public, Lin Mo made a rough estimate and said, "But even if Shayuan appears, with the military power and mage strength of the ancient capital, it will not be a problem to resist tens of millions of undead."

"At most, we can move closer to the inner city while fighting, and relying on the protection of the barrier to survive until dawn is not a problem."

Zhaohua stood up, walked to the balcony and looked at the bright moon in the sky. It is naturally impossible for Ji Shaohan to spend the night here, they have not developed to this point yet.

Zhaohua looked at Mingyue and exhaled, "I have a bad feeling."

Lin Mo's voice came from the mobile phone, "What's wrong?"

"I once entered the Dream Dao Tree in the school, and there is a mirror world in it. Without me in that world, I would have died a long time ago. But I still remember some things that happened in that world."

"It was once said that the ancient capital was destroyed by the undead."

Lin Mo was at a loss for words for a while, and didn't know what to say. What Zhaohua meant was foreknowledge? But that's ridiculous.

Zhaohua continued: "But the time is not right. At that time, I remember that the time when the ancient capital was wiped out by the undead was during the finals of the school competition, not now. Now it is more than a full year."

Suddenly, Lin Mo's computer received the latest news from the ancient capital, and Lin Mo said excitedly: "The latest news, the latest news, is led by Han Ji, the president of the Ancient Capital Magic Association, and Zhu Meng, a councilor in charge of national hidden danger strategy, plus a dozen super-level mages. , and finally teamed up to kill the ghost tyrant!"

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Huh, it's okay, it's okay, the ancient capital has been preserved. Your tree is unreliable, and even the time is wrong."

After Zhaohua heard the news, he looked in the direction of the ancient capital, and said softly as if talking to himself: "But today...it's not bright."

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