Full-time Summoner

Chapter 498: Shrouded in Darkness

The characteristics of the undead in the ancient capital, they are not like ordinary monsters, the original undead have no thought, they only have instinct, that is, those things with negative energy.

The undead do not need to eat people to advance and upgrade themselves. Unlike monsters, monsters need the same resources as mages, and mages and monsters compete more for resources.

Not the undead, the dead spirit that the undead needs is actually not even the necromancer needs much, what the mage needs is the spirit and crystallization of the undead produced after the death of the undead, as well as some strange bones and other things.

But the undead are more fond of killing than the monsters in the mountains and forests. They don't need a purpose, they just want to kill people when they see them.

Some mages have studied that this may be due to the hatred of dead things for living things. They hate that they are dead while others are alive. They want to turn the living things into themselves so that they can feel at ease.

In fact, not all undead can be active during the day, some special undead can also walk in the sun, but the special undead that can haunt during the day, but today, all the special undead come out with their families?

The undead greeted the dawn, moved freely, and killed people like hemp? ? ?


The rusty sword slashed down, and then more bone swords fell down, frantically cutting the body of the wind mage and the head of his teammate.

Everyone's expressions are blank, their eyes are empty, even if they die, they can't understand what happened!

The rain has been falling, the sound of dripping drips sounded, and finally the sound of rain was heard, so the world was awakened, but the mage's eyes were red.

The phalanges of the undead step on the ground. For them, it is extremely comfortable to kill living things and drag the living to hell, and become like them. The pleasure is the climax of the undead.

This orgasm makes them eager to kill.

And I don't know why, today's sun is no longer stinging to them, let these undead feel the sun is warm again, let them even dream of enjoying the sun before they were alive for a moment.

They don't want to leave, they don't want to leave, now is the pinnacle of the undead's ghost life, can enjoy the warmth of the sun, and enjoy the climax of killing people, is there anything more exciting for the undead than this?

No! ! !

Even the undead were red-eyed, a dozen undead rushed to a corpse, cut the corpse into pieces, chopped it down, and splashed blood on the undead.



The huge bronze bell on the tower of the inner city rang, and the long and powerful sound resounded throughout the ancient capital. This is the famous ancient bronze bell in the ancient capital—the Bronze Bell of Dawn. As long as it rings, it means dawn.

Many older generations in the ancient capital, in the era when there were no alarm clocks, woke up to the sound of the bell when they worked at sunrise and rested at sunset.

And the mages also listened to the bell and went home to rest, because at this time the undead must start to fade like a tide, and this is the time for the mage to fight back, kill the undead, and take advantage of it.

This bell is the most beautiful sound in the ancient capital.

However, I don't know if it was because of the rain, but the sound of the bell was not as crisp as before, but a bit low, like a death knell.

"Who the fuck can tell me what happened to this!!!"

Having just experienced a great battle, Zhu Meng, a super mage who was recovering from his wounds, rushed to the aisle of the tower, his hands showing blue veins as he grabbed onto the railing. Zhu Meng looked at it with astonishment on his face, looking at the rising sun, which illuminated the sky and the earth, but the ferocious undead army was still slaughtering mages! !

Zhu Meng is not from the ancient capital, he is more like a kind of official position in ancient times called the inspector of the Eight Houses. He walks around the country to see if there are unjust cases, and then go to rehabilitate them.

The last time Zhu Meng dealt with the big snake in Hangzhou, now he came to the ancient capital again.

But even if he is not from the ancient capital, he also knows that wild undead are afraid of the sun, dark clouds and cloudy days can't resist the sun's rays, and the rain is not heavy, which is against common sense!

Moreover, as a super mage, Zhu Meng's eyesight is far superior to that of ordinary people. He can see that in the distant land of the undead, undead emerge continuously, as if enjoying the bath of rain and sunshine. They were running extremely fast, heading towards the ancient capital.

It's dawn, but it's ushered in a darker moment!

The undead have become more and more ferocious.

They got stronger! !

The other mages who were cultivating were full of astonishment, watching the scene of fighting outside the city wall tremblingly, their bodies trembling too much to be able to control themselves.

Mo Fan seemed to see through it. There was only calm on his face, but no one knew how rough the calm was.

"I said, I hate rain."

The city of Bo where he was born was destroyed by tens of thousands of crazy demon wolves on a rainy day. It was also raining at that time, and the monsters were also crazy at that time.

Much like now.

Just when everyone was trembling, they understood what it means to have a house leak and it rains all night.

A loud noise came from the sky in the north. It was the sound of flapping wings, and the dark clouds were scattered by the flapping of wings. It is conceivable what a terrifying force this is.

A skeletal creature with huge bone wings vibrated its wings, and the huge bone wings that covered the sky cast a huge shadow.

Because of this flutter of wings, it no longer hides its figure, and let the powerful mage on the tower of the ancient capital see the bone body that is comparable to the main tower standing on the north city wall! The three heads looked proudly at the small human below, with disdain in their eyes.

"It's the Lord of the Shackles!!!!"

But what really made people despair was not its huge body, nor the loud flapping of its wings, but the black energy rays emanating from its three eagle-like throats.

It was the same destructive light as the Destroying Evil Dragon, but even a thousand Destroying Evil Dragons couldn't compare to others.

It took only three seconds for the light to appear, and the three heads leaned back, shooting out dark light from their mouths with a whoosh, and the three rays of light merged into an invincible black light in the air.

Like a straight ray of light, the black light shot straight towards the north city wall from several thousand meters in the air. Even the rain in the sky had to be avoided, a big hole was shot out, the powerful force that stopped the raindrops from falling.

Click, bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

The strengthened barrier of the northern city wall was broken in an instant, and all the surrounding buildings disappeared, turning into dust for several kilometers, and a bottomless fire mark was drawn on the ground. All mages and undead were vaporized in an instant.

Not even spirits, bones, and magic tools were left behind.

Along with the black destructive light, there is also the dazzling purple light.

Purple Alert! In ancient times, the purple realm that had not been sounded for hundreds of years was sounded. This is the color of despair, which means, without hope, death.

Because once the warning is sounded, it means that if you can run, run, let the city go.

On the other hand, in Yaodu, Zhaohua had just finished all the time of meditating, and it happened that the sky in Yaodu was also bright, and the light shone on his cheeks, but for some reason, the sun was very cold today.

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