Full-time Summoner

Chapter 516 Entering the Endless Ghost Town

Endless Ghost City was also called the ancient king's mausoleum at the beginning. According to historical records, it should be the resting place of the ancient king, but due to unknown reasons, the ancient king finally abandoned it and became the dead emperor. Naturally, the imperial mausoleum was also abandoned.

However, because the early design was to turn the imperial tomb into a palace of the undead, the Endless Ghost City was built in a land of the undead to the south of the ancient capital.

The land of the undead is actually a loophole in the dark plane due to various reasons. The power of darkness leaked and polluted the land, and finally became a place suitable for the survival of the undead.

Creatures that died in the Land of the Undead, if they died unjustly, or were full of emotions such as unwillingness, had a high chance of becoming undead.

In addition, the ancient king himself turned the corpses of the millions of heroes who fought with him into undead, and stored them in the imperial tomb for protection, so there are a large number of ghost soldiers guarding the imperial tomb.

Lasting for thirty-nine years, it is the first large-scale and well-designed emperor's mausoleum in the history of our country.

Among them, there are two rammed earth city walls, which are separated from the inside and outside, symbolizing the imperial city where the people of the imperial capital lived and the palace city where the ancient king lived.

According to historical records and the exploration of hunter mages, there are also various palaces built in Endless Ghost City, displaying many strange treasures, as well as some dark-attributed treasures of heaven and earth. In the ancient capital, some powerful mages like to come to Endless Ghost City to explore, hunt Demon, dig treasure.

So Zhaohua and the others had to enter the Land of the Dead first.

Zhaohua stood at the front with a black line. He found that his parents and Jiang Tiansheng, the high-level wives of state institutions, were too unreliable! ! !

Zhaolang laughed and explained: "It can't be helped. If your mother makes a move, it is likely to attract the dead king, and most of this land of the dead is full of slaves and warriors. You and Shao Dumb can handle it."

Zhaohua covered his face with his hands and was speechless. Because now the weakest members of the entire team are Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan. Although Jiang Tiansheng and the mysterious gray and white man did not mention their cultivation bases, they all started at high levels.

If they use magic, the high-level aura is likely to attract the commander-level undead, and it will be troublesome to protect Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan at that time.

So if you can't make a move, you won't make a move. Highly cultivated mages are only acting as necessary protection.

Originally, if you came to the field to form a team, your strength would not exceed too much, but obviously these people are not a wild team here to farm wild monsters and resources.

Ka, not long after Zhaohua walked into the Land of the Dead, he seemed to have stepped on something and made a noise. When he looked down, he saw a piece of gray-white skull fragments. Because of the erosion of the years, the bones have become crisp.

However, it was Zhaohua's step on it, and a bone-skeleton hand stretched out from the ground and grabbed Zhaohua's trouser leg.

Ha! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by a strange cry, a white bone skeleton came out from the ground and quickly launched an attack. Zhaohua keenly discovered that there was just a piece missing from the skull of this white bone skeleton, which should be the one he had just crushed. piece.

"Wind track - flash step."

He is a wind mage, he attracts monsters himself, and it is also the duty of a wind mage to attract and gather monsters.

Zhaohua thought of the star trail, avoided the attack of the bone skeleton, moved aside, and then summoned the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion. Seeing that it was just a servant skeleton, Sanwei simply dismissed it, swung his tail like a hammer, and directly smashed the old bone.

However, the difference between Land of the Dead and other monster areas is that it is often easier to attract monsters with a spell, not to mention Sanwei is a warrior-level monster.

Summoned beasts are also creatures, especially warlord summoned beasts. Their breath of life is stronger than that of human mages, so they can naturally attract a large number of monsters.

A large area of ​​land collapsed, and a corpse pit appeared in a place only seven or eight meters away from Zhaohua, and the corpse pit and tomb were the lairs of the undead.

Different from the monster lair, the undead gather together not to reproduce offspring, but to use the undead aura emanating from the bodies of other undead to nourish each other, making the aura of the undead in the entire corpse pit more intense.

The moment the corpse pit collapsed, the aura of the undead surged out, and the dark green aura of the undead spread like poisonous gas, and Zhaohua heard a crackling sound coming from inside.

It is initially estimated that there are forty or fifty undead, which is already the number of a small nest, which means that there is at least one corpse general.

Standing behind Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan, Zhaolang showed a dissatisfied expression, shook his head and said, "Oh, I'm not experienced enough, if you see Nether Grass around you in the Land of the Dead, you should avoid it. Nether grass has a high probability of growing on top of the graves of the corpse pit."



Zhaohua heard it, with black threads all over her head, knowing that you didn't say anything! Deliberately, right? !

No matter how knowledgeable Zhaohua is, it is impossible to know the appearance and effect of all the plants in the world. Only now did he realize that the dark green grass with a little white in it just now is the so-called Nether Grass.

This kind of grass can also be regarded as a natural treasure, but it is only suitable for the first-level necromancer. It can absorb the breath of the undead to speed up cultivation.

It is already dark now, and it can only be seen clearly by the faint moonlight. And the violent rain of the Black Vatican has stopped here in the south.

The body of the bone skeleton in front of him had a little purple spots on it, and all the undead stared at Zhaohua and the three-tailed jade scale scorpion, because they were the closest, and Ji Shaohan was a black magician, so he didn't attract the undead that much.

"Big Bear!"

Zhaohua also summoned Xiong Da. As a summoning mage, Zhaohua must be careful about the injuries of the summoned beasts in the wild. You can't just throw them out and ignore them if you can win the battle. Death is the same, it cannot be summoned for a short time.

The appearance of Xiong Da is to make Sanwei not have to be too reluctant, and retain enough physical strength and monsters to deal with the unexpected situation that may arise next.

Crowds of skeletons stood together like soldiers, but Sanwei and Xiongda guarded Zhaohua behind them like two door gods.

Zhaohua didn't use wind magic, and played games in the wild, so mana must be conserved, and they were going to enter the depths of the endless ghost city. Zhaohua didn't know that his mana was not enough to go there.

gaba! ! !

The thunder bear raised its paw, and a blue thunderbolt immediately descended from the sky. The thunderbolt has a certain degree of purification power, second only to the light element, and it can quite restrain the undead.

Boom! ! A bolt of lightning strikes, and the Thunder Bear blasts directly into the home of the undead. The lightning strikes into the corpse pit, and the arc of lightning explodes, purifying part of the corpse aura along with the corpse pit.

Roar! ! ! Xiong Da deliberately angered the corpse general inside. It was a purple jade skeleton, and these undead bodies were a little purple because of it.

The three tails don't even bother to use the demon power, the three tails are like iron chains, and all the undead are turned into bone scum wherever they swing. Since Xiong Da wants to compete with Ziyu Skeleton, he can clean up these mobs himself.

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