Full-time Summoner

Chapter 518: The Ghost Town Arrives

[There is so little dark energy here. 】Ji Shao was walking silently, and suddenly wrote in the small drawing book.

Zhaohua also discovered this problem. Theoretically, there are more monsters in the land of the dead than in the monster area, but just now Zhaohua and the others just encountered a corpse pit, and there were about 50 undead in the corpse pit .

If calculated according to the density of monsters in the monster area, this is a normal number. But it is quite rare in the land of the dead.

When Bocheng was attacked by a clan of demonic wolves led by the Wing Canglang, the military counted afterwards that there were about 30,000 to 40,000 demonic wolves at that time. That is already most of the monsters around Bo City.

Look at this catastrophe of the ancient capital, hundreds of millions of undead are besieged in all directions, this number is even more than the number of monsters in some black forbidden lands, only the sea demon empire barely has so many.

This shows that the undead itself is very easy to produce.

It's just that undead and sea monsters have obvious weaknesses, so the harm is not as great as that of land monsters and flying monsters.

Jiang Tiansheng heard what Zhaohua said, and replied: "This is because most of the dark power in this land of the dead has been absorbed by the endless ghost city, and it is used to nourish the millions of ghost soldiers in the endless ghost city."

"When the ancient king wanted to build this palace complex, he used the Great Forbidden Curse Formation to draw the dark power of this land of the dead into the endless ghost city."

Before Zhaohua had time to ask for more advice, a strange feeling appeared in his heart, as if he heard a voice calling.

Zhaohua hurried up the hill, and a magnificent huge building appeared in front of Zhaohua.

It was a royal city comparable to the Forbidden City, the current imperial capital, or it could be said that the Forbidden City was an endless ghost city for reference when it was built.

Zhaohua and the others traveled over mountains and mountains, and the Endless Ghost City was in the basin, so Zhaohua could see the inside through the city wall. There are many palaces here, there are probably hundreds of palaces, large and small, and there are There are bell towers, towers, and countless small houses.

Zhaohua was shocked by the greatness of the ancient king, and said with a sigh: "How did this be done thousands of years ago? There should be no large magic tools at that time. It is impossible to rely solely on earth mages."

"Could it be the ancient king himself? I heard that he is also an earth-type forbidden curse mage."

Zhaolang followed Zhaohua, stood beside him and looked at this huge building. It was not the first time he saw it, but it was equally shocking. He explained to his son: "No, the ancient king is an earth-type forbidden curse mage. Wrong, but even an earth-type Forbidden Curse Mage can have the terrifying power to move mountains and fill seas, but it is impossible to complete such a piece of brick and tile at once.”

"Besides, the ancient king has been fighting monsters all year round, so how could he waste his magic energy to build an imperial tomb?"

Zhaohua was puzzled, how did the ancient and modern palaces come together?

"Then this is?"



Zhaolang nodded and said: "At the beginning, the ancient king broke through the domestic blockade and captivity by demons, wiped out the royal families of the other six countries, and unified the country. So in order to realize that he can protect the country after death, and become the strongest dead emperor through the ages, the ancient king Gathered hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war to build this endless ghost city for him, and use it as his base for the Empire of the Undead. At first, the Empire of the Undead was not located in the current evil abyss."

Although Zhaolang didn't go into details, Zhaohua naturally guessed it with his thoughts. At that time, the hundreds of thousands must have been ordinary people, because the number of mages in the country is only about a million. How could there be so many mages in the ancient king era.

These palaces were really built bit by bit by hand, instead of being completed quickly by magic and large magic tools like modern times. That's why it was called one of the miracles by the world. Zhaohua guessed that many people probably died at that time.

Because according to the facts, monsters and humans are forbidden to enter the Endless Ghost City. As long as you dare to enter, the ancient king's millions of ghost soldiers will attack you, but Zhaohua saw that there are a large number of ordinary undead in addition to the ghost soldiers. .

When I was in Dafu Shanye Village, when the space channel was opened, except for the bronze ghost soldiers and Wujin ghost generals, the number of ordinary undead was no less than that of ghost soldiers.

Originally, Zhaohua thought that these ordinary undead were turned into undead by hunter mages who went hunting for treasures and hunting monsters. After many years and months, that's why there are so many ordinary undead.

However, when Zhaohua really saw the endless ghost city, he understood. Impossible, even if thousands of years add up, it is impossible for hundreds of thousands of hunter mages to die.

So it can only be explained that most of the ordinary undead here are ordinary people who died of exhaustion after building the endless ghost city, and died of illness slowly after being infected by the breath of the undead.

"There are so many dead..."

Zhaohua understands that this is a sacrifice needed for a nation. If the situation at that time was followed, the country would need an eternal emperor to guard it, preventing the surrounding demons from continuing to keep humans in captivity.

Zhaohua said: "We can't delay, or the ancient capital will become another endless ghost city."

Naturally, it is impossible for the ancient capital to become a second endless ghost city, even if millions of people die, because the ancient capital is not a land of the dead.

Originally, to walk normally in the land of the undead, you need something called gray garlic, or some items that shield the breath of life, otherwise the breath of life will easily attract the undead.

However, if you use the words of the game, that is, the other land of the dead is a copy, but the copy of this land of the dead is in the endless ghost city.

Some people in Endless Ghost City have roughly calculated that the density of undead here has reached purple, which is second only to the number of demons in the black forbidden land. It's just that unlike other purple forbidden lands, there are no monarch-level monsters here.

Moreover, there are a large number of funeral objects of ancient kings, so many hunters will come here to fight, the danger is great and the reward is also great.

Before Zhang Ning and Zhaolang didn't protect him in the land of the dead, it was more like seeing how strong his son was. But it will not work in Endless Ghost City, there are too many ghost soldiers here.

The moonlighted shadow under Zhang Ning's feet suddenly grew bigger and turned into a dark protective cover, which was used to shield everyone from the biological breath.

"Mom..." Zhaohua looked at his mother, if he could block his breath, he would use it!

Zhang Ning said with a guilty conscience: "Pay attention to the consumption of mana."

Zhaolang said: "Don't rely on us all the time, you have to work hard for yourself."

The mysterious gray and white man is a little speechless, isn't this family a bit too much? . . It's so inappropriate! That is the purple forbidden land! ! ! And millions of people in the ancient capital are waiting to be rescued, can you be a little nervous!

Jiang Tiansheng patted him on the shoulder and said: "If you know what this family has done before, you won't be speechless. Let's go, they are only responsible for helping us enter the evil abyss, and we still have to rely on us for the rest."

"As for the imperial mausoleum, let's not think too much. That is the rule set by the ancient king. He is now the king of darkness, and it is impossible to break it."

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