Full-time Summoner

Chapter 533 Summoning System

The fourth magic of the summoning system. This is magic that can only be used through a special contract and a powerful summoned beast.

The stars of the summoning system are different from other stars of the magic system. The power of the summoning system comes from summoned beasts. Whether it is wind, earth, thunder, fire, light, ice, water of the elemental system, black magic of the dark plane, white magic of the holy plane or dimensional magic, its power comes from the mage himself.

A strong mage means strong magic, and a weak mage means weak magic.

Only the summoning system is special. The strength and nature of the summoning system has nothing to do with mages, but only with summoned beasts. Although the growth of summoned beasts is inseparable from the summoner, judging from the results, even if the summoner dies in the end, the summoned beasts will still exist and their strength will not be weakened.

Therefore, summoning magic cannot strengthen Xingzi, and naturally there is no fourth or fifth level of strengthening magic like other magic.

Because strengthening the magic itself is because Xingzi is too fragile to withstand more magic energy, so it is necessary to strengthen Xingzi so that Xingzi can withstand more magic energy.

Zhaolang looked at the magic star map that appeared at his son's feet. The star map didn't look like any magic he was familiar with, it wasn't black magic.

But Zhaolang knew what his son was using.

"Oh, the summoning magic in ancient times... that is a forbidden technique that is banned all over the world, even in our country."

The ghost doll does not have the elven inheritance like Xiaofengcan and Tianyan. Of course, the ghost doll can't use the fourth and fifth spells of the summoning system by itself, but Xiaofengcan and Tianyan have used them.

The ghost doll only needs to use the power of darkness to fill the nebula with the power of darkness, and Zhaohua can already complete the link of magic energy by himself.

The ghost doll turned into a pitch-black robe and wrapped it around her body. From a distance, she could see the dark power pouring out of Zhaohua's body continuously.

Like the last time in Congcheng Forest Park, Zhaohua absorbed a lot of dark power from the dark plane through the dark theocracy, and turned into a ghost.

No, if it is said that he is the Dark King if he possesses the theocratic power of darkness, he should be regarded as half a Dark King in his current state, or an incomplete Dark King.

Zhaohua looked at his posture, this time was different from the last time, he was not controlled by the strong negative emotions of the dark plane, his body could move freely, and the emotional state of the ghost doll was also very stable, he did not run wild or cry, Just like a good baby.

Of course, this is not because of his transition from the middle level to the middle level full cultivation, even if it is a high level, he can't control the dark theocracy.

Zhaohua knew that on the surface, he was relying on the divine power of the ghost doll, but in fact, the power of the plane bestowed by him in another world was the key.

Originally, Zhaohua didn't intend to summon the ghost doll, or at least not in the endless ghost city, at least he had to enter the evil abyss, or even enter the imperial tomb to see the ancient king before he planned to use the power of the ghost doll.

Because Zhaohua knew that there was a high probability that he would be attacked or even killed by the ancient king.

He knew it was impossible to defeat the Old King who was the Dark Lord, but if he took one blow, he would accomplish his purpose.

But the power of the other world was beyond Zhaohua's guess, so there is no need for it now, the self in the other world really gave a great gift and a heavy responsibility.

"Some male protagonists in online novels who inherit other people's memories will help the original owner fulfill their wishes, but, the other me, this is too difficult for you."

Zhankong has already passed through the space channel and headed towards the imperial mausoleum. The space channel became unstable after passing through a person. Just as Zhaohua guessed, if Empress Jiuyou entered, the magic mercury channel would collapse.

"Fortunately, it's enough for me to go in once."

Empress Jiuyou showed a ferocious expression, and asked Zhaohua loudly, "What is your purpose!"

Zhaohua smiled after hearing this, looked at Jiuyou calmly and said, "Purpose? To save the ancient capital, save the people. Is there any other purpose?"

"Stop joking! What you have is the power that only the King of Darkness can possess!" the Empress Jiuyou roared angrily.

The Empress of Nine Nethers knew about it, because a few years ago, when Zhao Hua had just turned sixteen, a battle broke out between the Dark Kings in the Dark Plane. There was no winner in that battle, but But it has affected the entire dark plane, and even the magic world has a certain influence. As the undead kings, they certainly know that they can feel it more clearly.

The two kings of the dark plane tried their best to use the divine power to mobilize the dark power of the entire dark plane. How terrifying is the battle.

At the beginning, Asha Ruiya was surprised that the Dark King would appear in the forest park because of this battle. A few years after the battle of the Dark King, the Dark King, who had been rarely seen for hundreds of years, made frequent moves, which surprised her.

It was also because of that battle that Empress Jiuyou understood why the ancient king was hesitant to become the Emperor of the Dead when he was old, hoping to find the elixir of immortality to prolong his life and break through the limit.

Because this plane is incomplete, the ancient king cannot break through the five series of forbidden curses.

When the ancient king was in his prime, after unifying the mainland, he challenged some imperial demons at the forbidden level.

Emperor-level monsters are also divided into high and low. The emperors of those demon empires that raised humans and raised humans in captivity are just ordinary emperors. But there have been many black forbidden places in our country since ancient times.

The mysterious emperors in the restricted area of ​​the Tarim Basin, the heavenly demons under the Shenmu Well, and the legendary monsters in Kunlun Mountains, these legendary emperors and monsters have also challenged the ancient kings.

The result can be imagined.

Although the ancient king did not fail miserably, he even brought back some things from various restricted areas, such as the wooden coffin under the Shenmu well.

The best record was defeating a queen of the undead in the ocean, and that was also because the ancient king himself was also a mage who practiced the undead system, so he had a certain amount of restraint.

But the ancient king knew that if he really wanted to fight desperately, he would not be able to defeat these forbidden emperors.

And there is even an existence like the ancient king who dare not wake up and sleeps under the Bermuda Triangle. Legend has it that the strongest sea dragon that almost destroyed the world in ancient times and brought endless tsunamis to the world, the sea dragon——Levy Tan.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the ancient king gave up becoming the dead emperor, and chose to abandon everything and become a dark creature to rebuild.

He knew that even if he became the emperor of the ages, he might not be the opponent of the masters of these restricted areas.

So even if Empress Jiuyou doesn't know what the dark theocracy represents, she also knows that Zhaohua, who owns a part, is definitely not as simple as saving people.

"Curse!" Empress Jiuyou didn't want to talk nonsense with Zhaohua, her eyes turned scarlet.

This is one of its advantages after becoming an undead. It no longer needs a star to cast magic, and it no longer needs to depict a star palace. And now its curse system is no longer comparable to that in the human domain. It has obtained more powerful curse power, pure curse magic from the dark plane.

Following Jiuyouhou's loud shout, its fingers quickly danced to form a seal, and a rune appeared in the sky outside the palace, and the rune instantly sealed the entire palace.

"Blood Death Curse!"

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