Full-time Summoner

Chapter 545: Idiot Goes Home

"To save that idiot, you are too in the way. Old King!"

In order to put an end to this unreasonable fate arrangement, Zhaohua took a step forward and embarked on the cruelest road of magic, the road of not serving thousands of sentient beings in the world.

There was a clicking sound, and the entire hallucinatory realm was cracked.

If Zhaohua believed that the ancient king was only here to reason with himself, he would have died long ago. All communication is based on strength. You may not be as strong as others, but at least you must have the power to not be killed and protect yourself.

The darkness poured into the illusion, and the dark tide intended to submerge Zhaohua and corrode him.

The ancient king came with killing intent. The first obstacle on Zhaohua's road was the ancient king. Although he had many restrictions as the king of darkness, his strength was completely sealed in the dark plane.

However, this is the endless ghost city, which is part of his undead palace, and when it comes to control, no one has more control than the old king.

At this moment, the space ban of the ancient king was lifted. Zhang Ning and Zhaolang suddenly looked behind them. Become a mage holding a magic book in his hand, the book of moonlight in his hand emits a dazzling light, and the four halos behind him illuminate Zhaohua's figure like heaven and earth.

Opposite him is the ancient king, and he is fighting the ancient king. This is a fact that everyone knows.

"Mom, take Ji Shaoyin out of here!" Zhaohua showed a serious look and a serious tone for the first time.

Against the ancient king, no sorcerer in this world can say that he is sure. Even if the ancient king is just a phantom, no phantom without any power dares to say that he can win.

There was a sound of rushing, and the book of moonlight in Zhaohua's hand flipped the pages quickly. Now Zhaohua is like a magician in fantasy, and his magic comes from the book.

Pa, Zhaohua pressed one of the pages, and said in a heavy voice: "Summon!"

When summoning the two-character exit, the green halo and black halo behind Zhaohua light up at the same time, and a black whirlwind appeared on the origin directory.

"The wind of death in another world, the power that bestows the grace of death on all things, blows all things away, and returns to death!"

Zhaohua used the wind element and dark power to summon the death wind that does not exist in this world from the origin catalog. It is the black wind that will die immediately as long as it is touched.

Similar to this is Queen Medusa in Egypt. Its eyes are also of this kind, and it can bring the ultimate power of death to the opponent just by looking at it.

As soon as the words fell, the black wind seemed to blow in all directions, colliding with the dark torrent summoned by the ancient king using the endless ghost city, the black wind scattered the torrent, and the torrent submerged the black wind. Two powerful forces of death rushed in all directions in an instant. Even undead, if they touch one of them, they will be immediately decayed into ashes.

Even the air began to rot, the houses and palaces in the Endless Ghost City began to rot, and all the treasures of heaven and earth died, which was countless times more terrifying than the breath of the undead in the Endless Ghost City.

Zhaohua really tried his best this time. It was the first time he used this state, and it was also the first time he knew that there were so many unimaginable things recorded in the origin catalog. To summon the things in the origin catalog, the recipe required Yes, Zhaohua must at least have relative power.

Feeling the collision of Zhaohua and the ancient king of Xuying's power, Gu Suoyu kicked away Jiuyou, who was stunned at the ancient king, and came to Zhang Ning's side to help take away Ji Shaoan and Zhaohua's beast tamers.

This is a completely indiscriminate attack, and this power even Zhang Ning, a super high-ranking mage, feels frightened.

Standing on the dragon's back, Zhaolang shouted to Zhaohua: "Your father, I support you!! Kill it!"

The corners of Zhaohua's mouth turned up, as if he was not alone.

Zhaohua felt that the ancient king was looking at the origin catalog in his hand, but Zhaohua also generously let him see it. It is not easy to see this thing, and I don’t know who made it so powerful.


This time Zhaohua took the initiative to attack, it was death flames, but this time the death flames were not that simple, this time the flames were like the waves of the river. A sea of ​​dead flames is summoned from the Origins catalog.

The ancient king waved his hand, and the power of darkness turned into a shield to resist Zhaohua's attack. And at this moment, a mental attack struck, it was the Empress Jiuyou.

Although this is just a phantom of the ancient king, it is also the ancient king. Everything the Empress of Nine Serenity did was for the ancient king!

boom! ! Zhaohua was unprepared and hit by a mental attack, even with the protection of Lan Xinghu's water ring, he was not lightly attacked.

But to everyone's surprise, the ancient king did not continue to attack, and the dark power of Endless Ghost City returned to the earth, while Zhaohua showed a confident and successful smile.

Since the time when the ancient king gathered all the power of the endless ghost city and failed to kill Zhaohua, it had no chance.

The space was stopped again, and a magic door that Zhaohua was familiar with appeared, it was the one with grimaces, specially designed for the King of Darkness.

"Oh, oh, it's you, boy, hey, why do you seem to have changed a lot. Oh, I mean, you've become handsome, hahahaha." As soon as that grimace appeared on the stage, it was full of chattering attributes.

Karma. . . . Different from the last time, this time, the door appeared not because of Ji Shaodu, but because of Zhaohua.

Mo Fan and Little Niqian gave the coordinates to the ancient king, and Zhaohua can also, but Zhaohua is for the fallen saint king, and it's not just as simple as the coordinates.

Whether it is the ancient king or the father Zhaolang, he obtained another plane power from Zhaohua, and when he showed his strength, Zhaohua no longer concealed his purpose.


Zhaohua wants to make a deal with the Fallen Saint King, he wants to exchange his dark theocracy for the soul of Ji Shaoan from another world.

It is very simple for the ancient king to stop Zhaohua. If the Fallen Saint King obtained the divine power of two planes, then even the ancient king would not be able to defeat him. The two are originally equal in strength, and they check and balance each other in the dark plane. shot.

But if the fallen saint king really got the ninth dark theocracy, the balance would be broken, and the fallen saint king would even unify the dark plane, and finally darkness would come to the magic world.

In fact, the ancient king is more like a check and balance of the existence of the dark king in the dark plane, and the dark king in it cannot be given the opportunity to unify the entire dark plane.

Moreover, the ancient king knew about the Fallen Saint King, and the Fallen Saint King had even more terrifying hole cards. Originally, a Dark King could only have one dark plane at most, but the Fallen Saint King was an exception. The Ancient King knew that he had a special hole card that could get two He became the unprecedented dual theocracy of darkness.

So the Fallen Saint King has been paying attention, and he has been planting a large number of messengers in the magic world to explore the soul of the ninth Dark King.

The magic door opens, and the holy light shines on the earth. This is why he is called the Fallen King, he has unparalleled divine power, but he is indeed the King of Darkness. Even the ancient king is quite afraid of the existence.

Zhaohua opened one of the pages of the Book of Moonlight, and the power of darkness flew out like a small ball. At this time, the ghost doll was flying beside Zhaohua. Zhaohua asked softly: "Give him this toy, we will take it." Idiot mother, go home, okay?"

The ghost doll said dissatisfied: "You are stupid."

Zhaohua smiled, looked at the figure in the holy light, who was completely different from the ancient king, and said, "Have you received my transaction contract, divine right for soul."

A voice from the holy light said, "Even if this world will be enveloped in darkness and destroyed?"

In the holy light, the short-haired Ji Shaoan's spiritual body floated. Of course the Fallen Saint King agreed to the deal, but he couldn't help asking.

Zhaohua looked at the lonely idiot who had existed in the magic world for countless years, and just wanted to see her again, and said, "Compared to this world...she is more important."

Crash, the little ball transformed by theocracy floated towards the magic gate, and the Book of Moonlight shot out a chain that immobilized Ji Shaohan's soul and dragged it towards him.

Zhaohua opened his hands and gently touched Ji Shaohan, who was still sleeping with short hair, and whispered, "If you were smarter, you wouldn't have to wait so long... let's go, go home."

Suddenly, the holy light of the fallen saint king and the dark power of the ancient king soared at the same time, locking on Zhaohua.

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