Full-time Summoner

Chapter 56 Hatch in Seven Days

"You can use the crystal card that the waiter gave you just now to go to the information machine on the first floor to print more detailed information, training, taming information, and identification certificates."

After waiting for a while, Zhaohua found that the other party had no more text, and asked, "That's it? No more?"

The appraiser glanced at Zhaohua, he looked very young, and he was sitting in a wheelchair. He probably wanted to obtain this novice hunter who was disabled by the monster egg. He had seen this kind of person a lot. The goblin lives.

If monsters are so easy to train and tame, there would be only one person in the whole world. Why do we need mages and animal trainers? It’s not good to rely on raising monsters? But the fact is that 90% of the slave monsters are born with a tame level of only one or two stars, 'extremely hates humans' or 'hates humans', which is a level that is not allowed by the state. Moreover, most of the slave monsters are one-star, they hate humans extremely, and they can't be tamed no matter what, so there is a high probability that it is useless to obtain monster eggs, and spending money to ask for information is just a delusion.

The appraiser said angrily: "The information printed on the first floor has all the information. Our information is very detailed, and it will take a long time to talk about it, but I kindly remind you that the natural taming level of the dead wood scorpion is two stars, and it has a strong influence on humans. Born to hate, top animal trainers can only increase two levels, I suggest you give up and buy a better one."

Some ordinary animal trainers can only tame three-star, 'aggressive monsters', to four-star, 'non-aggressive' level, and increase it by one star. The top ones can be upgraded from two stars to four stars.

The meaning of four stars can be summed up as ambiguous. Some mages will use four-star monsters to fight for them. As long as they trade with monsters and give them food every day, then it is not impossible to fight for mages, but if you want monsters to fight for you, that is not right. possible.

The Magic Association of our country stipulates that only when the level of taming of monsters reaches the level of five stars, "goodwill towards humans", can they be used by mages, and monsters that want to operate in the city must reach six stars, "tame". The sky eagles used by the national military are generally only five-star. Beast tamers can basically only tame monsters to five-star. To reach six-star and the highest level of seven-star, only the middle-level magic of the summoning system, contract summoning possible.

Originally, the profession of beast tamer was created by a certain summoning mage in ancient times. He tamed many monsters without using magic. Later generations summed up a set of methods based on his practice, and only then did the profession of beast tamer appear. I heard that the originator of the mountain is called Ning Caichen, but I don't know if it is true or not.

Zhaohua was a little confused, then remembered, and said: "My magic system is the summoning system."

! ?

The appraiser turned his head and was a little surprised. In fact, it was the waiter's mistake. Originally, he needed to ask the guest if he was a mage of the summoning system, because the summoning system is special and needs to be handled specially. But Zhaohua was too young, so he was directly ruled out, and he had never seen someone so young.

"Are you an intermediate summoning mage?" the appraiser asked in disbelief.

Intermediate magic contract summoning is a very special magic, if the contract is signed, then directly add three stars. One-star becomes four-star, two-star becomes five-star, contract summoning is such a powerful magic.

Moreover, although the country stipulates that mages can only use level 5 tamed monsters to fight, except for summoning mages. Star monster fight.

Summoning magic energy is the best milk for monsters, which is equivalent to hot pot and milk tea for human beings, and it will be addictive.

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "No, I'm an elementary mage."

"The first department is the awakening summoning department, you are pretty good." The appraiser tapped a few more times on the keyboard and said: "I have also added the method of cultivating summoning magic, but let me remind you, Deadwood Scorpion It is not easy to advance to the general level, and even if you advance to the general level, you may not be strong. If you plan to contract a deadwood scorpion with an intermediate magic contract, I suggest you buy a general bloodline as a contract summon Beast, I also wrote some recommended cubs in the information, you can refer to it.”

Monsters with a natural tame level of one or two stars will still be acquired by companies, because of the existence of the summoning system, they can sell these monsters to summoning system mages.

For example, a kind of plant demon called Pseudo-Terror, born with a tame level of one star, but the price of its young seeds is extremely high, upwards of 20 million, and it can be cultivated to an adult without 100 million. This kind of monster is not only a rare plant-type monster with a huge body, but also belongs to the top monster in the warrior class. After maturity, its combat power is at the peak level of a warrior.

It's easy for one to beat ten mid-level full-scale mages.

This kind of monster can't be tamed even by the world's top animal trainer, only summoning mages can use it. Because of the limited audience, demon cubs with a low level of taming are very cheap. Ordinary warlord cubs are only one or two million, which is not as expensive as slave spirits. With a little time, two to thirty million can be raised. Although it is not as powerful as the top-level Pseudo-Terror Demon, it can defeat a mid-level mage one-on-one.

Zhaohua just nodded with a smile, and didn't say anything. The appraiser thought that Zhaohua had no money, but in fact, Zhaohua didn't even plan to contract the Deadwood Scorpion, and he didn't even have a big idea to make it advanced. It depends on its performance.

Back on the first floor, after going to the information with the help of the waiter, Ji Shaonuan pushed Zhaohua around the first floor, and wrote in the drawing book: [It’s so expensive to raise a monster. 】

These materials not only include the dead wood scorpion's attack methods, specific habits, preferences, own characteristics, and how to raise it, but also calculate the training budget for you. It can be said that this information has indeed reduced a lot.

"It's okay, your ice scorpion shield costs more than one million yuan, and you still have to wait for half a year." Zhaohua calculated that it would take seven days to hatch the dead wood scorpion in the morning after seven days. It costs more than 200,000 extra, and it takes close to one million to raise the dead wood scorpion to adulthood within a year, and it can only be so fast with the addition of Zhaohua's summoning magic power. Ordinary cultivation will take two or three years time.

"Fortunately, this dead wood scorpion egg has reached the point of hatching soon, otherwise it wouldn't be so fast."

Zhaohua didn't say anything else, and directly followed the above, first bought 200,000 resources, all of which were used to speed up the hatching, some scorpion servant blood essence, some mountain grass and other plants.

The most expensive reserve magic equipment is available in Zhaolang’s shop, so you don’t need Zhaohua to buy it, otherwise you will have to spend an extra one million to buy a slave monster’s magic storage equipment.

After buying Zhaohua's things, although Zhaohua said that there is no need to rush to go shopping, but Ji Shaohan didn't plan to buy anything and the two went back, mainly because the money was spent on the ice scorpion shield.

After returning to Congcheng, Zhaohua did not go back to the hospital, but went home instead. His back injury has almost healed, and his abdominal injury has also been stitched up. The rest is to wait for the leg injury to recover naturally, and not to stay in the hospital.

It is said that when Zhaohua was in a coma, Zhaolang personally invited a powerful healing mage from the Demon City Magic Association to heal so quickly, otherwise such a fatal injury would have to lie in bed for a year or so.

The main reason for staying in the hospital is that he is afraid of being attacked by the Black Holy See, but Zhaohua thinks, wouldn’t it be safer to have his own father protecting him at home?

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