"I'm sorry to be human!!!!!!"

Although Zhaohua has been chatting with the giant dragon in front of him, seemingly flustered, in fact, his brain is crazily calculating how to escape.

Faced with this kind of monster that surpassed his own strength, of course he could escape, and Zhaohua could tell from the opponent's eyes that this huge silver-feathered dragon wanted to kill him.

But no matter how much Zhaohua pushed the origin directory, it still didn't respond.

This was within Zhaohua's expectations, because Zhaohua wanted to run away the first time, but the Origin Catalog had to contract the summoned beast before he could leave.

It's like a poor programmer, you don't want to leave until you finish the company's tasks.

Now Zhaohua is this poor programmer. Even if terrorists attack the company, he has to complete the project before leaving get off work.

Not to mention the summoning magic. Dimensional summoning cannot be used in the summoning plane, and the contract space of the contract summoning is in the magical world. I came here in the flesh, and the magic is completely sealed.

A strange color flashed in the silver dragon's eyes. Zhaohua's heart turned cold, he realized that the other party knew that he was trying to escape.

"Psychic system?!"

But at this moment, the cloud layer was suddenly blown away by the strong wind, no, it should have been photographed by the dragon claw, and the sound barrier caused when he was about to kill Zhaohua shook the surrounding remote range, a silver-white long belly Instantly exposed.

For a moment, Zhaohua thought a lot, because the color and shape were very similar to the willow tree.

Zhaohua's layout is too small! That tree was even bigger than Zhaohua thought, probably because of space power or other reasons, that willow tree was at least equal to the size of a continent.

Because that willow tree is obviously the dragon's nest! ! ! ! The dragon in front of him is probably the king and king in the dragon's lair! !

And what surprised Zhaohua the most was that Zhaohua vaguely saw a pair of huge wings. This dragon has no horns, but has wings, and no scales on its body, just like the little dragon in its hand, it has fur on its body creature.

Zhaohua didn't dare to guess how long the long body of this giant dragon was, because this place was obviously not a magical world, that is, Zhaohua didn't know how high the clouds were.

But what Zhaohua clearly understood was that this giant dragon wanted to kill him! ! !

Originally, Zhaohua was a little relieved that the little dragon was on him, so he could be regarded as a hostage, but now he found that he was careless!

This guy is going to kill the two together! !

"Hey!! Wake up quickly!!!"

Zhaohua grabbed the little dragon in front of him like a snake and kept shaking it. Only then did Zhaohua realize that the little dragon also had a pair of wings, and they were long. . . Forehead. . butt position. . . .

Because Zhaohua doesn't understand the physiological structure of a dragon, if it were a human, the wings would be about one-third of the way down, not the back, but a little lower from the waist.

In the face of absolute power, any tricks and ideas would seem trivial and ridiculous. Back then, Fengling had good intentions and expectations for Zhaohua because of the little wind silkworm, so the dragon in front of him was completely murderous and malicious.

And this killing intent is probably because of the little feathered pterosaur in his hand, he came out to chase and kill it! ! !

The only good news is that the giant dragon is above the clouds, far away from the ground, and even its attack will take two or three seconds to reach.

For the first time, Zhaohua understood what is called palm technique that descended from the sky.

Ow? ? ?

Seeing that Xiaolong woke up, Zhaohua immediately activated the dimensional contract and said: "If you don't want to die, sign the summoning contract immediately! I will use dimensional magic to take you away!"

In the cloud layer, countless lightning lights suddenly swayed, and the dragon claws like a sword that lifted the sky slammed down fiercely. In comparison, the super-level light magic sword became a little weak.

Feeling the threat of death, the little dragon froze completely. At this time, the silver-haired little dragon realized that his death was really approaching, but what Zhaohua said was like a shot in the arm, giving it the last hope.

The contract was completed in an instant, and at the critical moment, the origin catalog was finally moved.

Zhaohua is like a programmer who can finally get off work. Even if he is surrounded by terrorists with live ammunition, he can't stop him from getting off work.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

The holy light of the earth turned into a prison in an instant, and this dragon could actually control the endless holy light of the entire holy light mountain range.

But the chains of the origin directory shot out in an instant, piercing the prison of holy light, and breaking the prison of holy light of the dragon.

The giant dragon didn't expect to be able to seal it like this, it was just buying time to attack. At its level, only 0.1 second slower is enough to kill Zhaohua.

Boom! ! ! !

The ground was cracked, and the soil of the entire continent was shaken. Just one palm, all the creatures living on this holy light mountain were awakened and flew up.

If Zhaohua is still here at this time, he will find that all the creatures living in this Holy Light Mountain have a pair of beautiful wings. Only the shape, position and color are different.

Even a turtle, a silver bug, a small fish and a shrimp all have wings.

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! The dragon roared angrily.

"Why are there humans!!"

"And... that book... that magic is contract magic for summoning planes..."


In the small courtyard house in the imperial capital, a ray of moonlight emerged, and the space channel formed by the star trails sent Zhaohua out. But for creatures that have reached the level of giant dragons, mere space teleportation is completely ineffective.

Terrible impact also followed, to chase and kill Zhaohua, this force is enough to kill Zhaohua countless times.

But unfortunately, this is the imperial capital. Although Zhaohua's grandfather couldn't leave the imperial capital, he was invincible in the imperial capital!

boom! ! ! Zhaohao appeared in front of Zhaohua in an instant, and took all the attacks with just one palm and one grasp. But this small courtyard was not so lucky. Affected by the impact, a small courtyard was directly turned into dust and blown away by the wind.

The super-level protective barrier that Zhao Hao asked someone to arrange was like paper, it didn't have any protective effect, and the only effect was probably that the breath didn't spread out.

The originally beautiful garden villa suddenly disappeared, leaving only the three generations of the Zhao family grandson standing on the stone bricks blankly, oh no, Zhaohua fell to the ground, holding the silver feather dragon in his arms. let it hurt.

Zhaohao and Zhaolang were speechless, hesitant to speak, but they didn't know what to say. At this time, the two of them understood why the friends and elders around them were speechless when they saw them, and they didn't understand why they kept getting into trouble.

At the time they didn't think much of it.

Now, now is retribution.

Getting into trouble can be inherited! This is what they did not expect!

"Oh... let's eat first..."

Zhaohao and Zhaolang didn't mention it at all as if they didn't notice it, but the two of them understood at first glance that what Zhaohua had was not the Dragon Clan.

And the power and the breath from the plane just now proved this point.

That is the source of white magic, the breath of the holy plane.

【Youyou Baishu】*2【Jiu Mihou】*2【Guardian】*2【Xuanmeng Old Man】*4【The Other Side of the Cloud】*4【Xiaoyao Xiaofeng】*4【The Sun that Lost the Moon】*4【 20170710152945419]*4[Small Bass]*4 monthly pass! !

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